Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sweet Hours at Home

A Sewing Lesson by the Fire

Evening at home is a lovely time, even in the most humble home.  The housewife might be mending by the fire, smiling at the children while they play.  Father is reading the paper, and sharing a bit of news that may interest his little brood.

The family has had their supper, and finished their nightly chores.  They enjoy some time in the warm room, forgetting the days troubles.

The world is shut out. The day is done.  These are sweet hours on the home front.

Soon it is time for family prayers. . .  The Bible is read.  Prayers are said.  Then each one is tucked into a warm bed.

Another precious day has become a beautiful memory.

Mrs. White

From the Archives -

Essential Bedtime Routine for the Family - Mother's Rest.

Everyone Helps - Family Economy.

Calling the Children for Supper - Mother's Dinner Bell.


Katrina Thennis said...

I think winter is setting in here and this was such a cozy description for a day like today. We are in the process of praying about a decision as to if we should move to a new home or not. If we find out we should, one of the things our new home MUST have is a fireplace. Thank you for your beautiful and well-grounded posts!