Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Morning in Vermont

We had a lot of snow over the last few days. It is so pretty outside on this Thanksgiving morning in rural New England. It is still dark outside.  My turkey is in the oven. I had to get one of my grown sons up to help me with it.  It is too heavy for me to lift.  (gentle smiles)

This is my 4th year making the turkey myself.  Before that my Mother made it each year while she lived here with us for 9 years (along with Dad, in an in-law apartment in our home).  In the early years before that, my mother-in-law made the turkey.  Now it is my turn.

We are not having a lot of company today, but most of my children and grandchildren will be here.  The rest will call in their visit.

I want to share with you Thanksgivings past, here on the blog.  It will give me a reminder of how we celebrate the day and how things have changed over the years since my children are all grown now.

(2009) My 1st Thanksgiving here on the blog was a rough one, as some of the children were not well.  Here it is:

"A Catered Thanksgiving"   My parents made the dinner and sent it up to my family. 

(2010) The 2nd Thanksgiving shared here on the blog was a tough one financially:

"Preparing for Thanksgiving in Tough Times"

(2011) The 3rd Thanksgiving here finds us waiting for a part to repair our wood pellet stove. But all the children were to come home this year:

"A Cold House on a Winter Day"

(2012) The 4th Thanksgiving shared here I was looking forward to all the children coming home.

"A Full and Busy House"  (Even though I don't mention it in this post, I had just become a grandmother!  Two grandchildren had been born a month apart. They were both just tiny babies!  Those two are now 4 years old and such a joy!)

(2013)  I cannot find a specific post for the 5th Thanksgiving. I know I was very busy taking care of a grandbaby.  The closest thing I can find, based on the dates, was just a regular post to encourage in difficult times:

"Keeping House While Staying Sane"

(2014) The 6th Thanksgiving on the blog I shared many things about the early Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving:

"Preparing for a New England Thanksgiving"  (I don't mention it in the post, but this was our first Thanksgiving since my parents, who had lived with us for 9 years,  moved south.)

(2015) On the 7th Thanksgiving here, I was preparing to be away for a few months, so I posted something quick:

"A Break from Blogging"

(2016) This is the 8th Thanksgiving I've been blogging here.  I now have eight grandchildren and feel very blessed.

 Dinner will be for 12.   There will be leftovers to send home with some of the grown children.

We will have the usual feast. Here is the menu:

Mashed Potatoes
Peas and Corn
Dinner Rolls

Pumpkin Pies
Apple Pies
Lemon Meringue Pie

Tea or Coffee
Apple Juice (for grandbabies)

(We usually have apple cider, but this year I forgot to buy some. - Gentle smiles)

I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving with your families!

Mrs. White

Mrs. White's special book for Homemakers - "Mother's Book of Home Economics."


  1. Dear Mrs White,

    I'm very thankful for you, that you take the time to write such an encouraging blog, and books. Thankyou so much it is much appreciated and is a daily treat for me to take some time to read.

    May you and your family have a very blessed thanksgiving, and a wonderful time together.

    Blessings to you all
    shelley p
    from over the pond

  2. Hello my dear Mrs. White,
    I realize you will be too busy to read this today, but I hope you enjoy your entire Thanksgiving weekend. What a pleasure to have your family (even just part) home for the holiday.

    I am spending the day at home with my husband and four children. The oldest lives on his own but will join us.

    Because of unexpected gifts, we'll be feasting today. We have reason for giving thanks, too. Just this week, someone gave us a refrigerator and someone else gave us a car. Yes, they're used, but we are so thankful!

    Ironically, I rarely buy cider but did buy it this year!

    God bless you richly my friend!
    Keep warm and send me some snow!

    Mrs. Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  3. You have been blogging for a long time! Long enough to have eight grandchildren. What a wonderful blessing! I think it is special to have snow on the ground for Thanksgiving. Seems to fit so much more into the song "over the river and through the woods . . . " Hope you all had a happy one! Blessings, Deborah
    ps I received your book and am looking forward to reading it.


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