Thursday, September 15, 2016

An Afternoon Walk at the Estate

A river bordering the land at Mrs. White's Vermont Estate

The weather has cooled tremendously here in the mountains of Vermont.  The heat has been unbearable for me, so my walks on the grounds of our estate have been a rare treat this season.

This afternoon, I put on my "house coat" and started for the outdoors.  I love to wear a house coat rather than a sweater when I am at home.  It gives me a sense of peace and happiness. It is comforting to my children and grandchildren because they know that when I wear this, I am not going to leave the property for errands or appointments. It is a like a sign to say Mother is HOME.

There is a light breeze, and the sunshine in the bright areas give a gentle sense of warmth. The shady areas are also lovely to walk through.  I walked slowly around the property to see if there was any damage, or overgrowth of weeds.  One of my boys has been mowing our 2 acres and everything looks very nice.

My strawberry garden has been completely ignored for most of the summer. I haven't even looked at it in months.  I think it produced less than 5 strawberries for me, at the beginning of the season.  That is the reward I get for my neglect. (gentle smiles)

We have some trials and worries (as do we all) that we are trying to peacefully walk through.  I have to remember that I only have to face today. I can do it gracefully, with trust that my Heavenly Father will guide me through it.  I have a picture on my kitchen wall with a prayer that says, "Lord, help me to realize that nothing can happen today You and I can't handle."  It is encouraging!

I was so happy when I finished my walk and went back to the front porch. It was nice to get back inside and take a little break before it is time to start dinner.

No matter what is going on, there is a sense of security, a bit of serenity, to keep house and to be here as a wife and mother.  It strengthens our faith to just calmly walk along through life, doing our best to encourage and cheer the family.

The other day, I heard the sweetest message on a CD of Mrs. Lloys Rice. I believe she was around 80 years old at the time. She was the wife of evangelist Dr. John R. Rice and the mother of six wonderful daughters.  She said something about how she has depended on men her entire life.  She said she has depended on them to provide for her. She described her husband as very loving and kind to her.  She made an old fashioned, traditional marriage sound so precious.  She said she loved to just be at home and keep the home.  The message is called, "Patterns for Living," from "Sword of the Lord" ministry. She was speaking at a women's conference or a ladies tea of some sort.   (I believe Mrs. Rice passed into heaven in the late 1980's.)  Oh, how wonderful it is to reflect and to be encouraged from the saints of previous generations who greatly encourage us to continue on the old paths!

Mrs. White

From the Archives - 

A Blessing to Be - The Mother who Isn't Busy.

"There is No Ambition" - Simplicity of Old Fashioned Homemaking.

A Happy Marriage - Serving Mister.

 - To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -

Now Available from The Legacy of Home Press:

"Gracious House Keeping: Advice, Encouragement, and Cleaning Help for the Christian Housewife."

Complete with Encouragement and Work Charts to cheer you along in your homemaking.

115 pages, paperback.






  1. Our weather has also cooled off and a few leaves have begun to turn. Autumn is on the verge of bursting forth up here on the Montana prairie. The change in weather has also brought some much needed rain.
    I pray your trials are quickly resolved.


  2. Good morning Mrs. White,
    Your posts are always so sweet and calming, thank you ❤️

  3. So glad you had a lovely walk. It has cooled down here too and I for one, am grateful!! Praying for strength and endurance for you. Thank you for the reminder our Lord tells us to live THIS day. I agree, we all have trials and worries.
    Also, would you share a picture of " housecoat". Not necessarily yours, but just an example?
    Thank you!

  4. I love your reassuring words. Even the church tries to make us feel condemned if we are "just housewives"! The world says we should pursue a career. The "church" tells us we should spend our time volunteering there and having a "ministry." But my heart whispers to me that I belong right here inside my home, ministering to my husband, my extended family, and my fellow Believers in my home church. When I leave my home to grocery shop or run necessary errands I consider each encounter with strangers as a divine appointment--an opportunity to be a blessing to others, like a drink of fresh water, in this lost and harsh world. I look forward to each post. I pray that you will be blessed and quickly overcome your difficulties and challenges.

  5. cooler and rainy here in West Texas....

  6. What a peaceful post! Reading your blog, just makes me happy!

    I like what Linda said in the comments! In a previous church, it was pushed to be so involved outside the home, it made me feel like serving my family was selfish!

    In the church I am now, the Pastor puts a lot of time to be with his family. It isn't a busy church either. It is the right balance, that we can serve at home just like we are commanded to do. Strong families make strong churches!!!

  7. What a nice walk.

    It's cooling a bit here in SE Georgia, but still too hot for much during the main part of the day. I hope to get out in the evening this weekend and gather some pinecones for a centerpiece. There are tons of pine trees around our pond.

    No turning leaves yet, but hopefully soon. I hope your troubles are resolved fully and fast!

  8. Hello dear friend,
    After reading your entire blog, you seem a dear friend to me. I hope you find me a friend as well.

    May God bring you peace, patience, perseverance and provision as you walk through each day. God bless you!

    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  9. I can almost feel the crisp air and see your walk around the estate :)

    I could imagine the speaker's voice and the gentleness with which she spoke about marriage. We need those messages still today!

    I have to echo what Linda said about the church pushing women to become so busy outside of the home.

    I have experienced this for as long as I've been a member, which is 28 years now. It places such guilt and tension on women to care for all the needs of home and then be busy at church too.

    I finally learned to say no and I just stay focused on what I know the Lord wants me to do.

    Blessings to you! Enjoy the cool weather. We're still hot and humid here in S.E. Texas!

  10. Hello Dear, What a sweet post! Sometimes the little walks and talks are what make our lives special and fills us with contentment.
    We all have gone through trials and tough times, but it is how we handle and respond to our husbands and family members that say how well we are doing. We need to hear about those women that knew the value of staying home and being available to our loved ones!
    I send you blessings and a thank you!

  11. Yes, this summer was really too hot to be out much. I'm glad you got a nice walk on your property. My husband and I have enjoyed a couple nice walks now that it is a little cooler. I also can attest to the feeling of pressure to be in ministry when "all" I do is stay home. Thank you for the gentle encouragement you always provide. Blessings, Deborah

  12. Thanks for the serene stroll... and encouragement. Just what I needed to hear just now... And thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth!


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