Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Day Goes its own Way

View of a Farm near Mrs. White's home in Vermont.

Each morning I have a plan to do a few things during the day.  This is common for all of us. As I am going about the house and doing my chores, new work is presented which takes the day in a different direction.  There are phone calls to make, medical issues, financial issues, family issues, and a variety of other happenings as I try to accomplish the little things that form an ordinary day.  

There is wisdom when we consider that we are to plan our activities, but then leave it to the Lord to guide our steps. We have to trust that this is all part of the call to serve in the Christian life.

I am at peace and content when I yield to the changes that come forth in a day.  I will not be upset if I couldn't make a batch of homemade pizza for the freezer. I will not worry if I did not get some paperwork finished by bedtime.  One day I had to take someone to the emergency room. This ended up taking several hours and we didn't get home until very late at night.  I shall not fret.  This is a good work.  This was the plan for the day all along even though I didn't know it when I woke up that morning.

Another day brought an opportunity to babysit precious grandchildren. Part of that afternoon included getting caught in a downpour of rain that completely soaked us all as we headed to the car to drive home.  This was an adventurous day I could never have planned on my own.

Some days are difficult when the call includes ministering to others who do not appreciate the quiet little work we do behind the scenes. Yet, we are sowing seeds of goodness and service.   This is laboring in the Lord's field. It will bring a glorious reward, at the end of a beautiful journey, when we see the Master in our Heavenly Home.

Our cooking and cleaning and taking care of the home and gardens are all important work that require planning and order.  We do all these things, yet stop on the path, and yield to the call, to pause from these necessary labors when the Lord brings a special work to our day. My time is not my own. It is a gift to be used for His glory. This brings such joy and a sense of comforting light to those around us.

I must always remind myself that this is not my day, but the Lord's. Just as it is not my will, but His. It is an honor to serve the Lord. May we always be found faithful.


Mrs. White


From the Archives -

Overcoming Worries and Troubles - Reviving the Prayer Journal

Encouragement - Waiting for the Door to Be Opened.

A Blessing in Hard Times - Peaceful Homemaking

 - To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


For happiness and cheer in the kitchen:

Mrs. White's old fashioned cookbook focuses on serving meals and setting the table in a humble home.

"Serving in the Kitchen: Cookbook with Recipes, Advice, and Encouragement for the Christian Home"

152 pages, paperback








Cate Nunan said...

Dear Mrs White,

I appreciate this post as lately it seems that every few days, my plans for the home etc are interrupted by needs of others. I know this is normal and so I do plan what I call 'margin' in my day but as you say, sometimes it is difficult. There is not awareness or gratitude for what I freely give to help.

You reminding me that it is Jesus that I serve and that "This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it." is vert helpful. I love the way you described that when things do not go as we planned, that was God's plan for your day before you got up.


Cate Nunan

Anonymous said...

Mrs. White,
Thank you for your words of wisdom! This truth was very well said.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

You are so right about having plans and routines we want to follow in our heads each day, but we should be ready to drop everything when called by God to serve Him in a different direction.
Blessings, Mrs. White!

Debbie said...

I had a friend, many years ago, tell me to leave room for God's interruptions and this is still so true. Thanks for the reminder, Mrs. White.