Monday, March 31, 2014

Gracious Homemaking

Library of Congress: President Calvin Coolidge Breakfast table, 1961

In the quiet of the morning, I am busy with home duties. I tidy the parlour, and start the tea.  I make Grandbaby's playpen look inviting.  His blanket is neatly folded over the side.  I take a little box and fill it with small toys. This is placed in the corner of the pen, along with a few carefully displayed books.  When he is brought upstairs by his Mother, he is excited to go in there while we prepare the morning meal.

I visit with the great-grandparents (who live with us) for a few minutes to see how they are doing.  I hear the plans for the day and then get back to my own home duties.

My teenage son sits at the table with me, over tea, and we study.  I have a stack of large books and have taught him how to use them.  We have The Strong's Concordance,  The 1828 Webster's Dictionary, Matthew Henry's Commentary, along with our Bibles.  We study in the parlour and then he goes off to do his own studies.

Soon I am busy with Grandbaby and his Mother.  We cook and clean and smile and laugh.  We talk as we work and we watch all the wonderful antics of baby.  Another little cherub will be here very soon and we are excited! 

I take a little rest in the parlour chair and try to read.  I have an afghan and sit near the fire.   It is not long before someone calls me away to another part of the house. I am needed for this or that. But I am ready.  My book reading is put down at any moment, because I am on-call for the needs of this house. 

Afternoon arrives and Grandbaby needs his nap.  Portions of this house suddenly become quiet as we get the little one settled to sleep. 

The dinner hour is here and we start cooking.  There are dishes to do, and laundry to check on.  Often someone comes in - whether it is one of my grown children, or Mister, and wants to talk and have a little parlour visit. We take a break from our work to sit for a while.

It is getting late.  Grandbaby needs his bath and his bedtime.  I visit the great-grandparents again and make sure they are settled for the evening.  Then I do the evening chores while listening to old time gospel music on my kitchen radio.

We have evening prayers and a little Bible reading.

When most of the family has gone off to bed, I am back in the kitchen, doing those last minute chores which bring joy to the family - making it all look neat and pleasant.

This is gracious homemaking. It is cheerful work in the home and a kindness in caring for the family.

Mrs. White

From the Archives -

Essential - The Housekeeper's Budget.

Simple Living - An Ordinary Life at Home.

Always Remember - The House Comes First

- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


Find Home-keeping Inspiration, in Mrs.White's book -Mother's Book of Home Economics .  Paperback, 312 pages.


Anonymous said...

I always feel peaceful when I read your posts like this....the world may race on outside our homes, but we can create a sanctuary for ourselves and our families...thank you for the breath of fresh air in a chaotic world...

Nanci (Joyfulmomof6)

RebeccaTI said...

Mrs. White,
I have been a full time housewife for 3 years, but I am new to reading your blog. I read Stepping Heavenward last year and it instantly became a favorite. When I found your blog I couldn't believe you had a Stepping Heavenward study! Thank you for taking the time to create this free study, I am a week into it, and find myself so cheerful and busy at home in a way that I have never been before! I am a young mother to two precious daughters who I hope to raise to love Jesus and I also want to prepare them to be wives and mothers. This blog is providing the encouragement I need. Thank you thank you, Mrs. White, you are an incredible blessing to our little family. Thank you for your example and your obedience to God.
Love in Christ.

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Your descriptions will be a treasure to your children someday.

Anonymous said...

I am so grateful to God that I found this blog! I am 47 and have been saved 9 years...I feel like I am truly now just getting a grasp on learning to be a godly wife and mother. Thank you for this blog..and your writings. God bless you and your family.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Mrs. White, you have led a busy life and a fulfilling one. Thank you for sharing your day with us. It has been a blessing to visit!

Patti said...

This is beautiful, and I love the multi-generational picture of your family. I grew up thinking that it was as natural as breathing to have several generations living together. While we didn't in our own home, my dad's parents did. My grandmother's mother lived with them 6 months each year for over 30 years (the other 6 months, she went to her other daughter in another city). Then, my grandparents had a late in life baby, making for 3 generations under one roof. As a kid, I always thought it was neat. Now as an adult, I think it is blessed!!

Have a lovely day,