Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Early Morning Revival Challenge

"Inspired by the life, writings, and journals  of John Wesley (1700's), Mrs. White has created  a 90 - day Bible study challenge. .

The program consists of four, easy to follow, daily assignments. Readers are expected to rise earlier in the morning than normal; Spend 20 minutes in  prayer, Bible reading, writing in a journal, and  reading quotes from Ministers from long ago. . .

Here is a sample of one of the quotes from the book:

 "Think what God has prepared for those who love Him! Oh, that our thoughts would ascend! The higher the bird flies the sweeter it sings!" - Thomas Watson, 1600's

The study is simple to follow, but will take a tremendous amount of discipline to stay consistent to the very end. . .

If you are up for a challenge and ready for a revival, this book is just what you need!"

This is a 116  page book, 5.5" x 8.5".    The cover has a photograph of our Vermont Estate Grounds, showing the river bordering our property, and looks very peaceful.

I spent hours searching through my home library, to glean a selection of inspiring quotes from Ministers from the 1600's, 1700's and the 1800's.  These include Richard Baxter, Thomas Boston, John Wesley, Samuel Rutherford, John Bunyan, and more (one for each day of the challenge).  The book includes a complete bibliography of quotes, so you can see exactly where they came from. 


Sample pages from inside the book. (From the Jan. 2024, second edition.)

I intend to start this challenge myself, in just a few days.  I have also ordered a copy for my youngest homeschool student (age 16).  I believe this will be an excellent addition to his studies.  The discipline of reading 2 chapters in the Bible each day (from Psalms and Proverbs), writing in a journal, and praying, before the day begins will be a blessing to both of us!

 Who Would Enjoy the Book:

1. Teens in youth group or Sunday School.
2. An informal Bible Study Group (perhaps they can each get a copy and check in with each other on their progress.)
3. Homeschool students (high school or college age)
4. Adults
5. A Wonderful gift idea for family and friends.

"Early Morning Revival Challenge" 

First edition: August 2013

Second edition: January 2024

116 pages.

Early Morning Revival Challenge, Paperback edition.

Early Morning Revival Challenge, Hardcover edition.



Mrs. White

(Note: This post was updated on January 4, 2024.)

From the Archives:

Lessons from my Aunt  - Manners Learned at the Finishing School.

Frugal Living - A New England Winter on Small Income.

Taking Care of the Family - A Covered Bridge and Graceful Living in Rural Vermont

- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -

1 comments: said...

Just ordered through Amazon!