Monday, May 24, 2021

Homemaking for Happiness

(The original edition, with a new cover.) 

~ Our newest book, brought to you by "The Legacy of Home Press." ~


This book is a compilation of nearly 3 years of writing about homemaking.  There are 38 entries, gleaned from the blog, and 68 entries taken from Mrs. White's private newsletter, "Letters from the Estate.

You will be encouraged, as you read such things as:

1.  Getting through cold winter days in Vermont, on a small income.

2.  Old time Frugal living.  

3.  Homeschooling grandchildren.

4.  Spring cleaning ideas.

5.  Strengthening the family.

6.  Organizing the home.

7.  Creating a peaceful life at home.

8.  Finding Happiness in Christian living.

9.  Getting through difficult days.

10. Enjoying a simple life in a rural mountain village. 

11. Daily life for a New England Housewife

and much more. . .



First Edition (the original) was published in May of 2021. 

paperback, 307 pages. 

ISBN: 978-0578918631

The first edition is now in its second printing, as of February 2025. It has a new cover but retains the same original interior. 

This edition has cream-colored paper, making it easier to read.


 Second Edition was published December 2023.

The second edition is more compact, with white paper, and less pages.

 "Homemaking for Happiness: Wonderful Days at Home." 

228 pages, Paperback.

ISBN: 978-1956616248

"Homemaking for Happiness: Wonderful Days at Home"

228 pages, Hardcover.

ISBN:  978-1956616255

I hope you enjoy reading it, and that you find it helpful in your own homemaking.

Any help in spreading the word would be very much appreciated.  Also, if you are able to write a review on Amazon, it would be so helpful! Thank you so much!

Mrs. White

 From the Archives


Old Time Frugality - How the Old Time Mothers Survived Poverty.

Peaceful Living - Simplicity of Old Fashioned Homemaking

What Many of Us Crave - An Ordinary Life at Home.


- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -




Euzinha said...

I'm so happy to see that you have a new book! I love to read your blog and I cant wait to be able to read it.
I'm from Portugal and I'm also a homemaker, trying to do my best for God and through Him.
God bless you and have a wonderful week!


Elizabethd said...

I will look on Amazon to see if it is available in UK.

Regina said...

Congratulations on your new book. That's so exciting! I'm trying to think of ways to market you book. Your first step already was mentioning it here!🙂
I think other ladies have:
Had giveaways

Offer a limited number of free copies with the agreement they will post a review on their social platform whether that be a blog or something plus leave review on Amazon

Done blog tours of ladies who've read your book

Have a limited number ladies order directly from you and you could give them one free copy to be used in a giveaway but keep track of who is participating. Again, I would limit this amount so you don't end of losing money.

If I think of other ideas, I'll let you know.

Amelia said...

I'm delighted to read that you have written a new book, I've loved your books and have bought copies for our grown daughters. I look forward to reading this new book, it sounds very fitting for my season in life, it's always so comforting to read your thoughts.

Blessings to you, so nice to read your blog here and see that you have been a busy bee writing a new book! : )

Mama Said No said...

Every day I pull up your blog, hoping for a new post. They are few and far between, yet so worth the wait. Today I was thrilled to see that you have a new book available. I actually stood up and applauded! I will be ordering as soon as I finish my comment.

I hope you and your are well, please take care.

Billie Jo said...

I am so happy to see you have a new book! Congratulations! I am off to purchase it now!

Unknown said...

I bought it on Amazon! Thank you for another book! I have most of your books and enjoy reading them! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and blessings!

Lisa said...

Already placed my order. So excited to read your words of wisdom.

Raleyfamilysfarm said...

How do we get your private newsletter? Letters from the estate?

Cate Nunan said...

Hello Mrs White from Australia!

You know how much I have been encouraged by all your books and now I have another one to add to my collection and to help me in my lovely task, keeping hearth and home. Congratulations and I do hope that you are all keeping well. Cate Nunan.

~Mrs.J~ said...

I have ordered my copy and wait for it on baited breath! I have already given my new daughter in law some of your other books and I will be ordering more since I will have a NEW daughter in law quite soon!!

Thank you for all your tireless work! ~Mrs.J~

Anna said...

Thank you for publishing a new book! We buy your books for me but also for our upcoming home school class about homemaking. Our girls are still little ages 2 to 7, so it is still down the road but I'm preparing the class now, so it will be ready. It is going to be an ongoing unit each year probably starting in fourth grade called "Homemaking".

Sharon D. said...

I received my copy of your new book today. I love it. It is such a pleasant, comfortable read. Need a copy of hot chocolate, a warm throw, and a cozy corner if it were winter). But now is good, too. Blessings.

Mama Said No said...

My copy of the book came in yesterday, and I love it.

Kim H said...

So excited to see your new book! I find your writing to be such a blessing to me!

Mama to 12, so far said...

I sounds like a wonderful book. I will look for it on amazon. I enjoy your blog but hardly ever comment.