Monday, July 29, 2024

A Money Freeze

This morning's view of a lake near Mrs. White's home in Vermont.

Just before we did our grocery shopping today, we stopped at one of the lakes to take a quick walk.  The early morning view of the water was so restful.  The mountains and the sky are beautiful.   It reminds one to stop and enjoy the roses in life.  It is simple living without any cost or expense.  Much of what we do with our time does not require a bill or an expense.  Spending time doing lovely things can bring far more happiness than a shopping trip.

This has been a month of dedicated savings. Just before July started, I decided to put a stop to all spending other than the very basics and the bills.  This meant that I would not be stocking up on groceries. I would put off all spending that could wait another month or two.   And I certainly would not buy a single thing, on a whim, even if it would have made me smile and only cost a dollar or two.  This type of financial decision builds discipline. There are times when we are forced into such circumstances which is very unpleasant. But sometimes we need to redirect our focus in order to stay on track.  We can get so caught up in the fun of summer and forget that hard times are coming with a frigid winter.

As we prepare for the days ahead, it is a good idea to practice the art of doing a money freeze.  This is what a business does when they are concerned about losing money. They have to take action to get their finances under control or the business will be lost.  The goal here is to learn to go for a certain amount of time without any pocket money.  This means we do not spend freely as if we were on vacation.  We stick to a careful budget and follow a financial plan.  When we come out of the freeze, our outlook should be much better than it was when we started.  We should feel more content and at peace. This is a great accomplishment to overcome the culture's example of spending money all the time.  

One of the things I did this month was focus on the traditional work of home.  We have been enjoying the work of the garden. We've gathered strawberries, blueberries, and sweet peas.


Shelling peas from our garden.

Walking the property and taking care of the home has been a productive and pleasant part of each day. We are in the habit of doing things rather than buying things. It is a lovely way to live and an incredible example to the younger generation whether or not they appreciate the old ways.

Now that this month has nearly come to an end, I have to get serious about preparing for winter.  Next month will be the time to stock up on as much as I can to be sure my household is safe, warm, fed, and happy.  This will take a great deal of effort, sacrifice of personal wants, and planning. Yet no matter what I do, it will not work unless I seek the Lord's will and blessing on each and every decision.  In the end, that is what really matters.  


Mrs. White


From the Archives -

The Old Time Families need this - Cash for Winter.

 Some Help - The Secret to a Clean House.

Making the best of what is available to cheer the family along - Homemade Birthday Dinner.


- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -

Mrs. White's special book for homemakers:"Introduction to Home Economics:  Gentle Instruction to Find Joy in Christian Homemaking."

Find stories of home life, with photographs of my home, in this encouraging book. 

 Paperback, 200 pages. 




Martha Jane Orlando said...

May we all seek God's will in all our endeavors to live simply and in celebration for His blessings and His glory. Thank you for your reminder here to be good stewards of those resources He has given us, and teach the next generation the rewards of living for Him.
May he bless you and yours, Mrs. White!

Lucinalva said...

Bom dia, Sra. White
Bela postagem, é uma ótima escolha ter o hábito de fazer coisas em vez de comprar coisas, que rico aprendizado, a sociedade em que vivemos valoriza muito o consumo, mas precisamos de sabedoria do Senhor, para viver bem, um forte abraço.

The Charm of Home said...

This is so timely because we are doing the same thing. I have been trying to use what I already have, instead of going out and buying all of the time. You are spot on with this post! Thanks for sharing!

Jenny of Elefantz said...

There is such wisdom to be found in the old ways, those ways which were so common to our grandmothers especially. Being raised by my Nana I learned at her kitchen table how to live with less, live on less, and to still be generous towards others. Putting away for the future was natural in her generation, as was making do and doing in my 60's I reflect more and more on her example, and thank the dear Lord for His gift of my Nana and Pop, and the example they were to me. Though they passed away when I was just 23 (Nana) and 25 (Pop) they invested a lifetime of love and hope and sense to this grandchild they raised as their own daughter.
Bless you for always drawing us back to the old ways.

Jenni said...

"We are in the habit of doing things rather than buying things." - such a good thought and something to aspire to.

I have been trying to avoid unnecessary purchases as well. Last night my husband said that our daughter's dresser needed new knobs because the other ones didn't work very well, so they kept on coming off. I told him that we probably had some extras from a cabinet project several years back downstairs, and sure enough, they were still there.

I think that setting up a boundary of not spending money also creates an opportunity to find creative ways to meet the need you have. I need to take inventory of what food supplies we have currently and work through some of those before replenishing our stock.

Elizabethd said...

A freeze is such a sensible idea. Money needs to be carefully conserved. When unexpected needs come up its best to be prepared.

Lady Locust said...

This is a great reminder. I think we all need a periodic freeze to stabilize our inner selves as well as our budgets.
Thank you 💕

Amelia said...

Yes, I'm doing somewhat of a freeze too on certain items. I'm trying to concentrate on decluttering more-so. If I'm not buying as much it is much easier to see what I have and maybe what is not needed. I'm not decluttering foolishly, just trying to bless others with things that are maybe too tight that I made a mistake on in taking up a bit much on the sewing machine etc.or maybe some shoes that are just not comfortable for my feet that are in excellent condition that someone would love to have. Or even just neatly folding some skirts that are out of season in a nice office box with tissue so I can *see* a little better in my closet. It's actually a prayerful thing and one that I so need the Lord's help on. I'm not a cut and dry person so this kind of thing is difficult for a mercy person like me, who feels everything sentimentally.

No prayer is too small.

Blessings! Love your thoughts here. ~Amelia

Mrs. K. Hagema said...

I am so happy to hear the good news about your “patient”! Isn’t that a blessing?! I know your prayers were answered. Hope this note finds you well and your basement dry:). I did broccoli and kale for the freezer today, adding to my stores.
Mrs. K. Hagema

becky said...

Very encouraging and practical article. we're busy canning from the garden and getting things stocked up for the winter and all the crazy right now! I so admire you're
Self restraint and discipline-looking forward to hearing about your August stock up!!

Deanna said...

Dear Mrs. White, you are a great encourager! My plan to save more will begin in September. It does take discipline to follow through with this plan. All the best to you. I'm praying I can move forward with the plan to save. Always a blessing to visit your place in blogland. ~d on the prairie w/d

Mrs.T said...

A money freeze is a really good idea. We just got back from vacation and we did spend freely (although our definition of "freely" is likely more limited than most people's) so we should be thinking about a money freeze. We do have another trip coming up the last week of August, but I can plan to be frugal in between and afterward.

I so agree about the restful beauty of lakes!