Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Hymns for the Fireside - My New Book

New Release: Paperback Hymn book.

I have been away from home a great deal this year. We have endured crisis after crisis.  While I was away, there were many things I missed from home. I was also homesick for my Hymn Book. 

 The old hymns have always been a great comfort to me.  I like to read (or sing) the words from classics such as "Precious Memories" and "Amazing Grace."  But the heavy, bulky book of hymns we had was not easy to bring with me on outings.  

I decided to put together a smaller edition with some of my favorites. Next I thought I would add some photographs from my home and the surrounding landscape here in Vermont. I thought this would bring me comfort.  I also added Bible verses for each hymn. The entire book turned out to have 28 hymns, pictures, and verses.  It is just right for a devotional. 

The book is now ready to share with others. Here are few samples from inside the book:


"Amazing Grace"from inside the hymn book.


"Precious Memories" from inside the hymn book.

"Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling" from inside the hymn book.

It is good to have these kinds of books for the family to read and meditate upon. It is a blessing to keep the old time hymns in our memories and to share them with the next generation. 

As soon as I finished this work I was ready to take a break and get a good rest. But more hymns came to mind. I ended up doing a second edition. This one will be ready in the coming weeks. Again, I thought that I was finished. A set of 2 books sounded good to me. But more hymns that I loved came to mind.  Now a third edition is in the works. I expect it will be ready in a month or two.  That will definitely complete the set.  I look forward to sharing each one with you as they become available.  I hope you enjoy them.

The first volume is ready to order here:

"Hymns for the Fireside: Devotional with 28 Classic Hymns"

126 pages, paperback

ISBN: 978-1-956616-32-3


Mrs. White

From the Archives -

What Many of us Crave - An Ordinary Life at Home.

Finding Genuine Happiness at Home - Peace be Upon This House.  

Careful thrift in the Home - Reducing Expenses.


 - To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -




Christal said...

I ordered it, I've been reading your books and it's been a real blessing 🙌 thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs White. Thank you for the reminder about these wonderful hymns as well your diligence in preparing the books.
The old hymns are rich in theology and are such a comfort to me as I go through the trials of life.
Your website is a continual encouragement to me.
May Abba’s countenance shine upon you and your family.

Cheyenne said...

How lovely. I am ordering a copy. Thank you for your efforts in putting this together. I have a goal to purchase and read every book you've published. They are such a comfort and inspiration to me. God bless you and your family. I keep you in my prayers.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

You are such a stalwart witness of God's love in this world, Mrs. White, and your dedication to serving Him serves all of us. Blessings always!

Regina said...

I absolutely love hymns!

Elizabethd said...

What a lovely idea, and your photos make the book even nicer.

Debbie said...

Mrs. White, your last few posts have really spoken to me, as we face some life challenges right now. I've always appreciated your simple ways of dealing with the budget and bills and also how positively you've spoken about having aging parents living with you. We are facing this in the near future, so I'm looking for all the inspiration I can get. Also, I love your new book! I'm going to get it now. I used to sing old hymns to my babies in the middle of the night. What precious memories. Take care and thank you for sharing your life.

Amelia said...

I love Softly and Tenderly...So beautiful. It reminds me of my daddy who is in Heaven now.

I'm glad you put together this book, that is wonderful and very useful too. I think that would be very nice to have, it looks like you have some beautiful photos there too.

Blessings! ~Amelia My Forest Cathedral blog

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I'm going to order a copy, dear friend! What a blessing and a treasure you are! And how the old hymns speak to us! I'm sorry you've had such a hard year with so many crisis. My prayers for you continue that the Lord would bring His healing touch into these situations. Much love to you dear friend!