Friday, October 18, 2024

Housekeeping in Rural Vermont

An early morning view at a park near our home.

Many in our rural village are getting ready for winter.  We have already had the first snow-fall just a few days ago.  I am doing the fall housekeeping chores.  I need to organize and de-clutter before the freezing temperatures arrive. When it gets too cold, I start doing basic, survival-type homemaking.  This is just the basics of an ordinary day such as dishes, laundry, and sweeping. I will not have the strength (or the will) to do the heavy work of seasonal cleaning or de-cluttering projects. When it gets too cold, I have much less energy. I need to rest more.  I will do a lot of reading, baking, and mending by the fire.

We are getting ready to take another medical trip into the next state. Our patient (one of my sons) has been getting ongoing treatments at a local facility. But he has to see a specialist and have tests when necessary.  We are saving up for this next trip which will happen very soon.  

We still have beautiful autumn scenery. This year has been a little strange because the skies have been almost completely covered with clouds.  It is almost as if the clouds are keeping us hidden, protected, and safe in our rural mountain village. The landscape has a quiet dimness which is lovely.  

I have just completed my new book project.  This book is about homeschooling. It should be released in about 2 weeks. I will make the announcement as soon as it is available. It has a very special and unique feature which I hope you find encouraging. 

We have all been feeling sick.  We are trying to get our rest while drinking lots of tea. I am looking forward to snowy winter days. Some of the grandchildren will be visiting us in a few days. Family and home are the happiest words I know.


Mrs. White


From the Archives -

A Video of our Home - Tour of our 1850's House

Old Fashioned Advice for taking are of the family - - A Comforting Sick Room.

Ration Books from 1942 and helpful advice - Adapting to the High Cost of Living.

- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


Mrs. White's special book for homemakers: 
Paperback, 200 pages.


Jaime K. said...

Oooohhhh...I can't wait for your new book! I have all of your others. I have looked at your homeschooling blog and longed for more of your homeschooling wisdom. :) I hope your book is long and juicy with lots to dive into for those of us still in the trenches.