Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Secretary of the House

An Inspiring Notepad on the end table.

A message was brought to me that required immediate attention.  A sudden medical appointment had been made.  The notice came after business hours and I needed to call the office the next day.  But I had already been obligated to attend to a family matter that would take the entire day.  My driving directions were all securely in place and plans had been made.  I realized I needed to write down the medical notes, put them in my purse to take with me, and, along with a pocket calendar, I needed to call the doctor sometime during a spare minute while away from home.

I searched for just the right notebook. It needed to be big enough for my notes, but small enough to fit in my purse. I opened my desk drawer and saw the perfect notepad. (See photograph above.)  It was a recent gift from a reader.  The painting on the front, along with the words, would comfort me and give me a sense of calm and beauty as I used it on the following day for my notes.  I was so thankful.

In the midst of family needs, appointments, events, errands, phone calls, filing papers, managing the bills, and all the things that go into a mother's day, I felt like I was the secretary of the house. What a responsibility and what an honor!  

How very grateful I am for little comforts that appear just when I need them the most.  And while I often feel overwhelmed with all the many things that I face in a day, I feel the most peace when I look up, stop to pray, and just reflect on the wonderful path the Lord leads me on.  I am thankful for the work He gives me. Yet, most of all, I am thankful that I learned many years ago, to simply trust the Lord and lean on His strength. I could never do it alone. 


Mrs. White


From the Archives -

My Mother's Example - Housekeeping All Day.  

We Must Always Remember - The House Comes First

A Blessing to Be - Just a Housewife. (With a little history)

- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


For happiness and cheer in the kitchen:

Mrs. White's old fashioned cookbook focuses on serving meals and setting the table in a humble home.

"Serving in the Kitchen: Cookbook with Recipes, Advice, and Encouragement for the Christian Home"

152 pages, paperback



Elizabethd said...

Your notebook is perfect for the occasion!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

The perfect notebook, indeed, Mrs. White. It is such an honor to be secretary of our homes, and we can depend upon the Lord to give us the strength when we call upon him.