Sunday, July 7, 2024

My Housekeeping Journal

Journal notebook on Mrs. White's table.

There are days when I don't feel like I have accomplished much at home.  I may be busy, doing too many errands, or just not feeling well. Since I have a basic schedule and routine for housework, things don't get too out of control.  In other words, the house stays decent and somewhat neat.  

This reminds me of the example of my mother.  It was in her nature to do those little jobs that kept the home looking nice.  Even in her older years, as she walked with a cane, she made keeping house look like it didn't take much effort.  This was because she paced herself, took many breaks, and kept up with the little chores throughout the day.  I will always look up to her as an example of an excellent homemaker.

I found a way to motivate myself to do my daily housework.  I received, as a gift, a lovely journal notebook. It has a ribbon marker and is over 300 pages long. I thought it would be a good idea to write down whatever work I did for the day. This will help me feel like I have accomplished lovely things to maintain the house.

I decided to use this as an opportunity to keep up with my handwriting skills.  I write slowly and with a pencil. I am thinking I should be able to fit 2 or 3 days of notes on each page. I will not write down all that I do in a day, but some of the little and big jobs that stand out to me. I noticed that when I know I am going to record what I do, extra projects, such as long-neglected mending or organizing the desk, somehow get done as well!


Inside view of the housekeeping journal.


As I write out the work I have finished, I see a Bible verse at the bottom of the page in my journal. I take the time to read and reflect on its message. It is a quiet moment of meditation and a lovely break from the day's work.  This has become one of the many ways I am trying to make homemaking look pretty.



Mrs. White


 From the Archives -

Old Time Manners - Waiting for the Door to Be Opened.  

A Simple Life - How to Stop Buying Things that Clutter up the Home

Ration Books from 1942 and helpful advice - Adapting to the High Cost of Living.

- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


Find cleaning inspiration and encouragement in Mrs. White's book, "Gracious House Keeping."

"Gracious House Keeping: Advice, Encouragement, and Cleaning Help for the Christian Housewife."

Complete with Encouragement and Work Charts to cheer you along in your homemaking!

115 pages, paperback.





Elizabethd said...

I find that working slowly is best. Stopping for moments to gaze at the garden, or have a cup of coffee, all helps me do what needs doing.

The Woman Of The Word said...

I don’t have a housekeeping journal. What I have is a notebook where I copy at least one verse from The Holy Scriptures per day. I found that copying Scripture is a hobby that can bring me peace. Because instead of writing my thoughts in a journal, I write God’s thoughts: for his thoughts are not my thoughts. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are his thoughts than my thoughts.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isa 55:9)

Linda said...

Dear Mrs White,
I also look up to my mother, as she has always kept a very clean and neat home. I count it a blessing to have had her example for all these years.
I like to keep a journal (and have for many years) and record what tasks I hope to accomplish each day, whether that be in the house or outside in the garden. I often write a little update about current affairs too, as I think it may be of interest to my grandchildren one day.
Thank you for sharing what's going on in your life, many blessings to you ~ Linda
p.s. your handwriting is so very dainty and neat!

Debbie said...

Good morning, Mrs. White. I love the idea of simply recording your day as you go along. I think we do so many little things throughout the day, that it doesn't seem like much, but they all add up. I hope your day is fully of blessings and peace and sweet breaks along the way. I'm looking forward to watching your new video. Have a beautiful week :)

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Your simple journal does provide a quiet time of reflection and encouragement.
Blessings, Mrs. White!

Billie Jo said...

I absolutely love this idea, Mrs. White. Thank you for always inspiring!

Antheia said...

Greetings, Mrs. White! Your new journal is so pretty. I have a journal that I've already been writing in, as writing is something I have long loved to do, but you have inspired me to write down some Bible verses with my entries. I admit I haven't been reading the Word too much these days, and this will help! Thank you!


Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

This is such a wonderful idea, a way to keep up with the daily tasks that are menial but yet in the end, make a home welcoming and comforting! It is also a source of encouragement when some days you don't feel you have accomplished much at all! Thank you for sharing this idea. Many blessings to you!