What Are You Waiting For?
1 hour ago
Godly Homemaking wisdom for a peaceful and joyous home life. . .. "Faint not; the miles to heaven are but few and short." -Samuel Rutherford
"Our fair morning is at hand;
the day star is near the rising,
and we are not many miles from home.
What matter, then, of ill-entertainment
in the smoky inns of this worthless world?
We are not to stay here,
and we shall be dearly welcome
to Him to whom we are going."
- Samuel Rutherford, 1600's -
Hi Mrs. White!
After I discovered how handy baby wipes are for cleaning up after a toddler, I was hooked on using them for cleaning things like dust pans...and yes, I clean my dust pan from time to time! Grins. I like the way it looks all clean and ready to go.
Enjoyed your post today and sounds like a great day. Happy Homemaking to you as well.
God bless you!
d from homehaven
I think that you would have looked beautiful in your elegant housecleaning gear! I must confess that I have never thought of cleaning my dust pan, but it's not a bad idea, since it does get so...well, dusty! It always feels good to get the house back in order. I'm glad you enjoyed your day, Mrs. White :-)
Mrs. White, what a delight to read your joy in house cleaning. It blesses my heart.
God bless.
I have never cleaned my dustpan...hmmmmmmm my thought it will just get dirty again...LOL...such a blessing to read....
I beat ya to the Ghiradelli chocolate chip cookies and now they're all gone. They don't last long around here!
What does an Edwardian apron look like? It sounds nice.
I can picture you in your skirt, your Edwardian apron, and your pearls. I usually clean in jeans or khakis and one of my older tops. But I've found if I put on a little makeup and earrings, I seem to be able to clean faster and more effectively. I burn candles or warm a scented wax tart in my electric warmer, too. It adds to the ambience!
I am curious and just have to ask: Do you wear heels when you clean in your skirt and pearls?
I clean my dustpan sometimes, too. I spray it out with Windex or Fabuloso and then wipe it with paper towels.
You make housework seem like a pleasure! I wish I enjoyed it more. I keep a clean house, and I like the finished product, but I don't especially enjoy the process!
You sure put me to shame being on my computer for too long today. I thank you. I'm going to go clean now for the rest of the day. I love your spirit of homemaking!
I'll admit, I've never considered cleaning my dustpan. However, it does not surprise me one bit that you do! :)
I make those cookies too with walnuts! that is a great recipe!
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