Friday, March 1, 2013

A Good Little Housewife

Have you ever started your spring cleaning with a happy attitude?  Even getting all dressed up and putting on a pretty apron to help set some ambiance in the home?  We can listen to classical music or old time gospel and enjoy the task of heavy cleaning.  One feels like "a good little housewife" as one takes pride in one's efforts and delights in the work of making and keeping a lovely home.  The housewife can sense the gratefulness and happiness as her husband trusts her with all pertaining to home and family.

In today's society, housewifery is still being scoffed at by those who choose another path.  I cannot imagine why. It is a precious way of life and something to aspire to.  Years ago, there was a club for girls called, "Future Homemakers of America."  I wonder if they are still in operation? 

To be called a "housewife" is an honor.  It is more long term than "a stay-at-home-mom," because a housewife is considered a married woman who keeps the home.  She keeps the home fires burning.  She is the hostess of the domestic arts.  She stays at home whether or not she has children, and she does a marvelous job of setting a happy tone for those who dwell there.

The lady of the house is the pride of her husband and the comfort of her children.  Home for her is a life-long career, hobby and occupation.   These dear women seek no applause. They seek not fame.  The godly housewives of today are the quiet heroes of their communities. 

Mrs. White

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Find Home-keeping Inspiration, in Mrs. White's book,

Paperback, 274 pages.


anita said...

I used to do Future Christian Homemakers with a group.. also did Keepers at Home one year. The little girls want to do these things, but they need someone to help them.

Bonnie said...

Thanks so much for this encouraging and inspirational post. I needed to hear this today! I hope you and your family are all doing well and staying warm.

In His Love,
Bonnie from Georgia

Anonymous said...

In social settings, I am often asked what it is I do. I respond that I'm at home. The person invariably assumes that means I'm unemployed, so their next statement usually has something to do with the difficulty in finding a job in this economy. When I point out that I'm actually not looking for a job, they assume it's because I have small children. When I clarify that my children are, in fact, teenagers, I then get a puzzled look ... as in "what do you do all day then?". It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Good morning!
I was up early this morning ironing for my hubby. I turned on Bible Gateway on my computer and listed to 2 Kings while I pressed. Hubby was pleased to find me working when he arose.

Sometimes it's hard to get up early to work, but it's so worth it when I do. I enjoy the quiet before the family arises.

Listening to the WORD while I work is enjoyable for me.

Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

Chey said...

Sadly, the Future Homemakers of America is now renamed "Family, Career and Community Leaders of America". From what I've quickly read about, it doesn't seem to promote women becoming the 'keepers of the home'. Considering that the Department of Education is one of their sponsors, it’s not surprising that becoming a homemaker doesn’t appear to be part of the program now and has been replaced with enhancing career and leadership skills.

The fact is, those of us who believe that being a homemaker is a noble worthwhile career are counter culture. All we can do to fight society on this is to set an example to those around us and hopefully have a ripple effect.

Keep up the good work encouraging women about the beauty of homemaking!

Anonymous said...

42 years of being a housewife/homemaker, and I still love it. I find it an honor and very fulfilling.

Mrs B

Deanna said...

It is now called the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. I guess being able to make and keep a home wasn't good enough for the new generations. That's sad...

Ellen, the Bluestocking Belle said...

I've always deplored the term "stay-at-home mom." When I was small, my mother and her friends called themselves "homemakers," which is lovely and fits in with your description. I also like "household manager" because that's the closest to what I actually do.

Anonymous said...

That's what I always fill in when asked for my occupation,"Homemaker".
I've done it for the last 24 years, but I admit, it is sounding a little out of date. Still it is the best description of my occupation and one I do not take for granted.
~Deb H

Marie said...

My young daughters and I are part of a small group called Keepers at Home. We love it. I co-lead and have so much respect for the domestic arts. Thank you for the encouragement!

Anonymous said...

I have always loved your attitude and believe also in the home and family. I too am glad..and be able to stay home and take care of my home. Now my little ones are no longer little and even my grandchildren are almost grown. I am though still home doing what I love. I feel privileged to be home..and I am. I try to help young mothers learn how to stretch their dollars and cook and such hoping they too can stay at home one day. So many feel it is impossible now. They thought that when I married too but even though we had a little over $2 an hour pay at my husbands's work we made it. We actually thought we were doing very well! It took lots of frugality and prayer but so well worth it. We rented then bought a a different house when the landlord raised our rent after we had fixed up his house and made it so much nicer so he wanted then to sell it! Life is not easy but with God's help and working together we can accomplish so much. Sarah

Jenny said...

I love filling in the word 'homemaker' in the occupation spot on forms. It is such an honor to make my house a home, full of warmth, love, and memories.

HisPrincessWarrior said...

I stumbled across your blog through the Modest-Mom’s-Monday-Link-Up and found it so very nice/correct/encouraging! I’m a 20yr old, HOMEMAKER in the MAKING! J So it was nice to read this post. :) Can anyone offer me more information on this “Keepers at Home” group thing?! :)

Anonymous said...

I never really thought of the difference between a homemaker and a stay-at-home mom. Thank you for sharing! I sincerely want to be a faithful homemaker in all seasons of my life.

Unknown said...

Keep up the God work.

Anonymous said...

I just Love all your posts!..being a keeper of the home is a high calling,and its so sad that its looked down upon by (most) of society.I remember taking Future Homemakers of America in Highschool,and its a shame that our school system has changed its name.I personally think if more importance was put on Homemaking to our students, we might see a drop in divorce rates??..its so sad how the culture has changed.