Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Lingering by the Hearth

There is a room in the house, where everyone goes to recover from the world.  It is a place of warmth and safety.  It is the parlour.  Here one finds a cozy fire in the fireplace; comfortable chairs to rest in; and perhaps a little table for refreshments or a game of checkers.

It takes a little effort to keep the room clean and looking pleasant.  The windows must be washed, the curtains ironed and tidy; the floor swept and the furniture dusted.  This room ought to be cleaned on a daily basis, and sometimes more often than that.  It is the room for hospitality to refresh the residents and guests who enter.

Sometimes, when one is so weary from the world, or the day's work, one does not want to leave the parlour just yet. That is when the family lingers by the hearth.  The warm glow of the fire, and the pleasant room, strengthens the soul and delights the heart.

We Homemakers must do our very best to keep a little pleasant "hearth" (even if it is just a small heater) for the happiness and rest of our families.

Mrs. White

From the Archives:

When You are Overwhelmed - Prayers Which Cannot Be Uttered.

Only a Little work needed - The Basics of Lovely Housekeeping.

- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -

Find Home-keeping Inspiration, in Mrs.White's book - For The Love of Christian Homemaking.  Paperback, 274 pages.


Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Well said, I need to wash windows. It's not something I've ever learned to do properly what with storm windows and all.

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

Just reading the post brought a little bit of relaxation to me. Thanks for creating an 'online parlor' (safe space, comfort zone, etc) for us. :O)

Unknown said...

Mrs. White, your blog is so filling, soothing, encouraging, and a real blessing. Is there any way I could pin them so I could keep them? Thank you.

TenderHeartMom said...

sounds lovely.