Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Finding Rest in Ordinary Routines

Part of our property, here in Vermont.


I went in the garden this morning to get some blueberries.  We have had a gentle rain throughout the night. It has cooled the air.  I looked through the leaves of the plants seeking whatever berries were ripe.  Then I put them in a little bag to bring indoors to wash them. I felt grateful for nourishing food I didn't have to buy at the store. This not only saves me money, it also brings me quiet moments of rest and peace as I do the work to gather the little harvest. These little chores of home life are comforting, especially in hard times.

Our blueberries this morning.


Many are enduring financial, health, or family trials. Some are dealing with all three at once.  We need to keep our minds and hearts calm and steady in order to get through the rough days.  When things are very difficult around here, I think of my parents and my husband's parents. Their example was always to remain calm and go about their beautiful routine of ordinary living.  The troubles of family or worries of health did not stop them in their tracks. Being near them during such times, as we watched their example, provided us with a feeling of security and safety.   If the older generation was not worried or panicking, everything would be okay.  They had a foundation of trust and faith in the Lord.  This was the secret to their sense of calm in the face of every storm.

I have many things to do today and in the coming days. We've just been through several difficult days. But I know where to find my comfort. My mind is often filled with the words of soothing hymns.  I pray as I go about my domestic duties.  I am grateful for the beauty of life regardless of how hard the road often seems.


Mrs. White

From the Archives -

Thrifty Wisdom from the Old Days - To Earn and Not to Spend.

 Encouragement and Manners - Waiting for the Door to Be Opened.

 Unwanted Advice for the Family - Quieting Myself for the Good of Others.

 - To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -

- It is an honor to be the bookkeeper for the house! - 

Find detailed instruction and inspiration in budgeting on a small income, along with a method for keeping a handwritten ledger, in Mrs.White's book:

 -An Old Fashioned Budget: Humble Financial Management for the Christian Housewife

 Paperback, 77 pages.







FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Gracious words of comfort. Trusting in Jesus gives us so much peace and real joy in all circumstances. Satan wants to defeat us but our awesome God is Almighty and the Great Conqueror. Have a lovely week Mrs. White ~ FlowerLady

Billie Jo said...

Prayers for you, Mrs. White. Thank you for this place of comfort, calm, and knowledge.

Cheyenne said...

Thank you so much for this lovely post. It's good to be reminded that no matter what the storms of life may bring, we have eternal peace and security in Christ. We need to keep our minds and hearts fixed on Him as we go about our days. I appreciate your blog and books so much. They are a source of great encouragement to me. God bless you and your family.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

May we be grateful daily for the boundless blessings God showers on us and rejoice!
Blessings, Mrs. White!

Elizabethd said...

My grandma, a devout Christian, always sang hymns as she went about the house. I can hear her now, in my mind.

Mrs. K. Hagema said...

Dear Mrs. White,
Thank you for this thoughtful post. I think when my daughter, an only child, was younger, I made her even more anxious than she naturally was because with homeschooling, church, activities of life, I became accustomed to her being my “ear”. Now that she is a lovely 25 year old young woman, getting into work stress, vehicle issues and the like, I have seen in her that she is most happy when I share sweet things from her father’s and my day. When I send a note saying “today we had our first cucumber” or “Daddy brought in some gorgeous lilies”, I can tell by her answer of, “ Oh, Mama, that sounds so nice” helps her and doesn’t add to her load. Of course, my husband and I are getting older, forgetful, a little rickety, but going on about that doesn’t help any of us. She needs to know that “all is well” at home and check that off the daily list of life. Your post made me think of her dear responses and reminded me again that I need to keep those sorts of things for my daily time with the Lord. Hope today finds you feeling well!
Mrs. K. Hagema

Kathy Jackson said...

Mrs. White, you always cheer and comfort my heart. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us.

Patty B said...

How nice that you have blueberries! I would love to grow them here in northern Minnesota but our soil is not acidic enough to grow them. I have even tried to grow them in a large container that had acidified soil, but apparently that doesn't quite work. Indeed sometimes the simple things in life give us peace and happiness in tough times. Whatever it is that you are facing I know that the Lord will be with you and give you strength.

Deanna said...

Blessings to you, Mrs. White! Always a treat for me to visit your lovely blog to read about life. We have been so blessed to have the parents and grandparents we have. Your blueberries are beauties. The more I eat them, the better I like the taste. So good for our health as well. Your property is gorgeous. ~d

Debbie said...

Good morning, Mrs. White!
It is true. So many people are dealing with health or financial difficulties or both. We are facing some of these concerns ourselves. Recently we've had to remind ourselves that we want to be people like you described...those who don't fall apart at every challenge or trial. Our faith has to stand strong, in good times and bad. I find the easiest way to renew my faith is to think back on all of the times and circumstances the Lord has brought us through. His track record speaks for itself. Then I am reminded of his faithfulness and it immediately increases my own faith.

Hugs and blessings to you, my friend :)

Elizabethd said...

I do enjoy the little glimpses of your property, Mrs White. It looks such a calm and restful place.

Amelia said...

I try to do what Elisabeth Elliott suggested years ago on the radio, just practically.... "Just do the next thing". I also try to keep our home in an atmosphere of a sweet home, an atmosphere where the Lord would be welcome at any time even in fun and playful times. An atmoshpere of praise and as another sweet commenter wrote...Singing hymns throughout the home. We can cast our cares upon Him like throwing a big blanket upon Him so to speak. Sometimes it's easier said than done but we can say when anxiety tries to creep in, ....No, my mind will be in line with Philippians. We can talk to the Lord allllllll about it and He hears our prayers like a caring Father to His child.

Blessings to you, ~Amelia My Forest Cathedral blog