Sunday, September 29, 2024

Feminine Grace

Cheerful flowers on the table at Mrs. White's House.

There is a certain way to behave which presents oneself as a lady.  There is an old-world style of charm and grace which is calming to others.  This is a rare sort of person in our current culture.  If this lady dresses in a gentle manner, with lace at the cuffs and collar, along with soft and feminine colors, she exudes a sweetness as she goes about her day.  If her manners and heart are full of kindness and love, combined with the lovely style of dress, she will send forth a light of inspiration and goodness. She will be a rare and much needed soul as she ministers in her home and community. 

What of those who sneer at her? Yes, there will be many who do not care for old-time feminine grace.  There will be scoffers and gossip-mongers. There always are such people, in every generation, throughout the ages.  This must not trouble her.  There are a great variety of opinions and ways of living.  Why should a lady change to blend in with a crowd when she is doing such great work as a shining light?

Always remember this:  Your happiness doesn't rest in the way others treat you. It rests in a close walk with the Lord.

Let us aspire to be ambassadors of the Lord's work. Keep to the work at hand, tidy the house, cheer up the family, be a peacemaker with a meek and loving heart, and always do your very best to behave like a gracious lady.


Mrs. White

From the Archives -

A Blessed Way of Life - Old Fashioned Duty of a Homemaker.

A Bit of History - Just a Housewife.

We Must Learn -  To Earn and Not to Spend.


  - To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


For happiness and cheer in the kitchen:

Mrs. White's old fashioned cookbook focuses on serving meals and setting the table in a humble home.

"Serving in the Kitchen: Cookbook with Recipes, Advice, and Encouragement for the Christian Home"

152 pages, paperback