Reading a mail order catalog at home, North Dakota, 1942, LOC. |
When it comes to being careful with money, we consider our work done well if we stay on budget and live within our means. This is no easy task in the midst of hard times. It is something to be praised.
In our society, we are overwhelmed with ideas of spending, shopping, and buying. Ads and messages are unrelenting and come to us in many different ways. We are being quietly coerced by displays and ads that we need things right now. We often live in a way that we see happening around us. This is common. It will take an understanding and a firm conviction to do things in a different way.
Real old-fashioned thrift is considered extreme in these modern days. Looking back in history we find that families were not exposed to nearly as much adverting as we are today. For example, in my childhood home, we had a large copy of a Sears catalog. It was kept inside a cabinet in our living room. It was an annual publication, and we had all the time in the world to look through it and think about what we wanted or needed. There were not any ads to say there was a sale or that we had to buy within 24 hours or a week in order to get the markdowns. There was no pressure.
I don't think my mother ever went to a shopping mall until she was much older. Even then, it would be very rare for her to have gone to such places. We went to a stand-alone department store, seasonally, for back-to-school clothes-shopping at the end of each summer. There was really no other need to go to such places. We did not buy new things as many are accustomed to doing today. My father fixed things that were broken and my mother took good care of what they owned. (To this day, I am still using some towels and sheets that belonged to my mother from long years ago.) These days, it is common to buy some new kitchen items (such as hand towels and oven mitts) to cheer up the kitchen and bring new excitement into the home. In the old days, one would simply keep the kitchen in good order, nice and clean, and serve homemade meals at a carefully set table. This is what brought cheer and comfort to the family. The purchase of new towels and oven mitts and other lovely things were more commonly given (to homemakers) as gifts for birthdays and Christmas. They were most welcome and much appreciated!
To live quietly and modestly, with as little necessary cost as possible, is a great accomplishment. Studying the old ways of frugality and thrift will bring us wisdom and encouragement.
Saving money and living carefully is so important, especially when we have trials involving our health. I was notified this morning that a medical trip at the hospital is scheduled for our patient (one of our sons) next week. As I am preparing for this journey into the next state, I am looking over the finances and making plans for this to be as low cost as possible. I am thinking about the old days and how families were not battling the marketing industry as we are now. It is hard to keep our bearings and to stand strong and still. If we can just avoid falling for the shopping-bait, we are more likely to have money for emergencies.
Many of us have financial struggles we are enduring. If we can live cheerfully and peacefully with a bit of extreme-style thrift, it will be much easier to get through the ups and downs of the cost of living.
Mrs. White
I agree.
When my kids were little we did not watch TV channels with commercials, just videos if we wanted to watch something. When holidays and birthdays came around they didn't know what to ask for presents.We had a hard time coming up with ideas!
Yes indeed Mrs White. I have found the best way to handle temptation is to have a NO JUNK MAIL sign on our letterbox so no advertising comes through, to stay out of the stores and shop with a list and never "browse", Not browsing includes Thrift Stores as well, and if needing television entertainment watch a movie ( Westerns are good) or a wholesome series like Little House on the Prairie or The Walton's etc.
I have been sent so many catalogues recently, and they all go in the bin!
Oh Mrs. White. So right on. How I remember the Sears Catalog that came out annually. We called it our "Wish Book" because we didn't get many things from it. Mom made our clothes, and we were expected to take care of them. Cooking, ironing, mending, were all part of a normal childhood when I was growing up in the 40's. Dresses from printed flour sacks, and school shoes, and Sunday Shoes. I was just thinking how the shoes of the Children of Israel didn't wear out in the 40 years traveling in the desert. And now people have closets full. I do have several shoes, but they go to the back of the closet for the next season. Today I'm in sandals...Sunshine and praises to our Heavenly Provider. Thanks for your insights and advice. Hugs
What a thoughtful and well written blog post! Do you mind if I include it in my Frugal Friday blog post in what I’ve been reading this week? I know my readers will enjoy it.
I will link it back to you here, so they can read it here.
Mrs. White, thank you so much for writing about this. I need this sort of influence in my life. I have been spending beyond our means and have found it difficult to stop. I pray the Lord will grant me a spirit of humility and desire to earn and not spend.
I remember the Sears catalog and it was the one magazine that came in the mail. We would circle all the toys we wanted and then wait to see which toy would come on Christmas. I would love to go back to those days! Life was so much simpler.
I also remember going on day trips and my stepmother packing a cooler full of sandwich fixings, chips and snacks for the road. We didn't stop and buy fast food. We didn't know any different. We also had sandwiches every day for lunch. Cheap and easy. Life has gotten so complicated.
And a side note - I've been reading your blog not long after I started blogging in 2008. Thank you for continuing to share your life with us and in such meaningful ways. You are greatly appreciated :)
So true Mrs. White. There's a movement by some young people to fight "fast" fashion, that is fashion made quickly and cheaply by child workers. Isn't that wonderful? I remember at the beginning of the school year what a big deal it was to go to the local department store and buy our shoes for the year. They were always made of leather and probably cost our parents a pretty penny. School clothing was debated also. I still have some of the towels and bedding we received as wedding gifts and they are almost fifty years old! They made good quality stuff back in the day!
I remember the once-a-year shoe buying (like Jane). And the Christmas toy catalog (we had Penny's) which I used to dream over with my $10 limit as a child. I think today materialism is a religion, as many people don't go to church or put God first. andrea
Thrifty living has always been a part of my family due to necessity. But we always felt like we had plenty. I do remember the Sears and Wards catalogs that came in the mail. As kids we would dream about having some of the things we saw in there, but we knew those items would probably never come into our house. Still it was fun to dream. But now that I'm 77 it seems like I have a lot of "stuff"! Funny how that happens!
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