At this very moment, I can hear the church bells ringing. The sound is carried throughout our rural Vermont village. It is an awakening to the community and a reminder that a church service will take place in a short time. I dearly wish that happened every single day!
I have come up with a new Bible reading schedule for my personal study time. It is hard, but I am striving to make it a habit. I read 8 chapters in the morning and 8 in the evening. At mid-day, I do The Prentiss Study. This reminds me of Scripture which says to meditate on the Word -day and night. (I am currently working to make the Prentiss Study available for individual use, as a free download and will let you know when it is ready.)
I love reading the Bible this much. I love having it all absorb into my mind. It brings wisdom and understanding. It pushes away worldly culture and helps me think clearly. Instead of putting off Bible reading because of other pressing matters, I am forcing myself to make it a priority. I want to be remembered for what I love to do, not for what I always wished I did.
Can you just picture a content and happy homemaker, reading the Bible throughout the day? It is her joy and comfort in this difficult life. You may find tears on her cheeks at times, or notice that she is stopping to pray and plead with the Lord, or you may just see a glow on her face, like the shining countenance of Moses when he came off the mountain after getting the Ten Commandments from God.
If only I could truly understand how very important this is, I would keep up with it no matter what was happening in my own life. This is my daily striving for precious holiness.
Mrs. White
Life at Home - Homekeeping and Cooking
A Little Fun - TV Mothers.
An Ideal Life, based on a 1930's Movie - You Can't Take it With You.
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I read that the King James Bible can be memorized just by reading it. The KJV uses one-syllable words like house and hell where the modern versions use habitation(NKJV) and hades(NAS). John 3:7 in the KJB says, "Ye(plural) must be born again and the new versions "You..." can seem singular.
Sounds interesting! I'd like to hear more about it. I loved this about reading the Bible in 90 days. It forced me to devote an hour per day in addition to the other Bible studies I'm doing. That extra hour per day made a difference in my life. My husband and I ask one another, why don't we do this all the time? Why allow myself to get lazy in between times? There's no substitute for the Word of God!
Thanks for sharing us informative entries.
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