Sunday, July 22, 2018

Supper Time with Papa

The Supper Table at Mrs. White's Vermont Home

Lately it has been difficult to take the extra time to prepare and serve supper for my husband. We have grown children and grandchildren here a great deal of the time. Everyone's schedule is different.  Many have varied diets, especially toddlers and preschoolers who will mostly eat chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese.  This is hardly the type of food that will nourish a grown man. (gentle smiles.)

Our grown children have different work schedules, which often means there is only one or two of us here at the supper hour.  Many of us have gotten into the habit of just making a quick meal and sitting at a TV table and watching a program while we eat.  While that is certainly okay, it should not be the regular routine.

A few weeks ago, I told Papa (as the grandchildren call him) I would get back into making regular dinners for the evening hour. Since then, I have been doing this every night.  Even though the work is tiring, I find great joy in cooking and cleaning here at home.  I have been so busy with errands and appointments for all the family that I often long to be at home and just can't wait to make supper for Papa. It is a quiet part of winding down the day and enjoying the basics of home life. It brings rest and comfort to us all.

In the photograph above you will notice there is a normal size plate at Papa's place, but a small (bread plate) at my place.  We eat different size portions, so I like to use suitable plates.

Sometimes, I will eat supper earlier in the day with the grandchildren when they are visiting. Or perhaps Papa (who is disabled) will be asleep at the dinner hour, so I eat alone.  In that case, later on when Papa is ready,  I will just have my dessert while sitting next to him so we can still enjoy our supper time together.  (Tonight I will have strawberry shortcake.)

Here is tonight's menu:

"Hamburger and Vegetable Soup over Mashed Potatoes"

This was my mother's recipe.  She made this often and we children loved it. You simply fry up a pound of hamburger. Once this is finished cooking, you add one can (10 and 1/2 oz.) of condensed vegetable soup.  Then fill up the can with water and add this to the burger. I bring this to a gentle boil and then let simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Earlier in the day, I peeled and cut up 5 pounds of potatoes. I placed them in a large pot and covered with water, (to prevent browning and keep the potatoes nice until I was ready to cook them), then I put a lid on the pan and let sit until it was almost supper time.   Potatoes are very easy to make. I like to add a little salt and pepper to the water and then boil them (stirring occasionally) for about 25 to 30 minutes. Once these are drained, I mash them by hand with a potato masher.  I add about 1/3 of a stick of butter, some milk, and more salt and pepper.

I have a pretty tempered glass cutting board which can be used as a trivet.  This is where I can put a hot pan or casserole dish to protect the table from the heat. It has a beautiful background along with the words, "Serve One Another in Love" which is based on Galatians 5:13.

Tempered Glass trivet at Mrs. White's home

I put the hamburger mixture in a small casserole pan, and the potatoes went into a serving dish.

Hamburger and Vegetable Soup with Mashed Potatoes ready to serve.

When the food was all ready to serve, and the table was all set, I went to get Papa. I wanted to say, "Supper is ready." But he had fallen asleep. (gentle smiles)  So I dished out a small portion to show you what it looks like once it is served.

 Supper is served!

You just put some mashed potatoes on the plate, and then top it with the hamburger mixture. It is hearty and filling!

Since Papa was asleep, I put a cover on the casserole dish. Then I put the potatoes in a plastic bowl with a cover.  These both went into the refrigerator. Papa will eat it later on when he is ready.  I don't mind that he was asleep because that gave me the idea to take all these pictures and share with you!

Mrs. White

*This recipe is also in my cookbook, "Serving in the Kitchen."

From the Archives -

A Happy Marriage - Cooking for Mister.

In Case you Wondered - Why the High Cost of Food?

Remember this - The House Comes First.

 - To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


For happiness and cheer in the kitchen:

Mrs. White's old fashioned cookbook focuses on serving meals and setting the table in a humble home.

"Serving in the Kitchen: Cookbook with Recipes, Advice, and Encouragement for the Christian Home"

152 pages, paperback


becky said...

That recipe looks so yummy! can't wait to try it! nice to see you writing posts again-I so look forward to them.

Tammy said...

Looks delicious!
I've made something like that; I think I reused some leftover soup over baked potatoes. Chili would be good, too. Simple, filling food, nothing fancy. To quote a beef commercial: It's what's for dinner (or supper, as we say here in the south). :)

Your trivet is lovely, and I like the pretty blue checked tablecloth as well. Very cheerful and welcoming. I hope Papa has more better days than bad. My own husband has PKD *kidney disease*, and it's touch and go with how he feels, if he works, ect. We make the most of what we have.

Jessi said...

I could eat mashed potato every day of my life. Your meal looks delicious.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I've made different recipes like this through the years. Mashed potatoes is a good filler or base to serve on.

Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. Much appreciated. Life is different without my husband, but God is awesome and He is taking care of me. I just need to remember that daily/hourly/by the minute and relax into that tender care of His.

Have a wonderful week ~ FlowerLady

Linda said...

Mrs.White, your recipe sounds and looks delicious and very beautifully served. Sometimes we forget to set a nice table for just one or two of us.
Thank you for the reminder that we can feed more than just our bodies with food.

Anonymous said...

Hi thank you for sharing. I might try this tonite. My husband and i and grown children all have different schedules, as well. This looks good and off I go to the supermarket to get the ingredients..We have the same dishes with the ivy print!! God bless . you!!!! I look forward to your posts...

D said...

Yes, keep trying for the suppertime routines. Helpful for all. My mama would also make the hamburger, condensed veg. soup over potatoes when we where children. She'd also cook hamburger, drain, add a can of condensed tomato soup and use it as a pie filling. My absolute favorite!..oh, of course, mashed potatoes. Think our mamas lived in the same general area of the state ! Restful days for you and papa, Deedy

Rhonda said...

Very sweet post ❤️ Our lives change and we still keep being homemakers in whatever way is best

Kathleen said...

Thanks for the simple recipe, I will have to try it sometime. I like mixing beans and bacon soup with hamburger meat and the serving over fries or mashed potatoes.

Deborah Montgomery said...

My husband and I , now that are children are grown and gone, sometimes will take our dinner out to the family room to watch the news or a program. Not a good habit. It's much nicer to sit at the table together, even in our dining room rather than just the kitchen. We can make dinner time special even if we are having a simple dinner. xo Deborah

Hartslove said...

Hello Mrs. White. When I read your mother's recipe for mashed potatoes with ground beef and vegetable soup, I planned to make it. Today was just the right time, as I needed something fairly quick, tasty, nourishing, and comforting. I was tired, but I wanted to have something for the family. I put on my apron and immediately started peeling the potatoes and defrosting the beef, which I thought would have thawed in the refrigerator since the morning. It turns out my husband wasn't hungry after all (he bought egg foo young earlier), but he looks forward to taking some to work for tomorrow's lunch. I work too, but I will save the leftovers for an encore dinner. Our teenage son liked it, and so did I. Thanks very much for sharing. Alexine