Sunday, October 15, 2023

My Calendar of Blessings

Mrs. White's Calendar book for 2023.

I was doing some organizing and de-cluttering in one of the rooms this weekend. In a large box there were several papers that needed to be filed away. In the midst of these documents, I came across a treasure from the year 2019.

It was a paper-clipped stack of 12 pieces of paper, one for each month of the year.  I had written out several things for each month and gave them this title:

"Blessings for the Month"

 I smiled as I read each entry, remembering my focus for that year. I focused on all the wonderful and good things the Lord was doing in my life. I briefly wrote down all the special and unexpected things to help me remember the wonderful provision and goodness of the Lord in my daily life.

These pages were torn out of an ordinary calendar book.  I had written on each month's page which had been designated for a budget.  Instead of writing what the publisher had intended for that page, I wrote what I needed to write - my blessings.  At the end of the year, I tore out just those 12 pages to keep. Then I discarded the rest of the calendar book.

Some of the blessings were described as what some might consider ordinary events in our lives.  I had mentioned the announcement of the coming of a new grand-baby. I wrote about the closing on the purchase of a new house for one of my grown children.   I wrote my praise and gratefulness for an unexpected gift, as the cold season was approaching, to help pay for our heat.  Blessings included the graduation from kindergarten by one of my grand-babies.  And the great relief I felt when my husband received his annual raise bringing our income up just a bit more on a monthly basis. Other entries included the mention of a big box of Grace Livingston Hill books that someone had sent me.  Another month shared a blessing when one of my grown children came for a visit for the night, which delighted my heart!  There were so many things to be grateful for!

Throughout the year, wonderful things happened that were written on the pages of my "Blessings for the Month." I don't know why I only did this for 2019, but it is a habit I want to restore into my life. It will help me to have something to look back on and remember all the lovely and precious ways my Heavenly Father continually brings goodness into my life. 


Mrs. White


From the Archives - 

Essential Advice for Hard Times - A New England Winter on a Small Income.

Old Time Humble Family Life - Standard of Living.

A Peaceful Routine - The Four Little Tasks of Home.

  - To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


Mrs. White's special book for homemakers:
Paperback, 200 pages. 


Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. White, I think it’s the little things in our everyday life that mean so much. Such a great idea to capture snippets of your blessings by using a calendar. That is a great purpose for what might not be used otherwise. Thank you for blessing me with the idea to do the same. Kindest regards, Kaye.

Cate Nunan said...

This is a beautiful and timely suggestion for me. I often thank God for what is good in my life and am always positive and cheerful but there is something about writing things down that solidifies it in your mind. In my prayer journal I go back and write answers to prayer in red next to them, even years later, and it is an encouragement to me when life is troubling. Your monthly page will be the same. Thank you, Cate Nunan

Elizabethd said...

I think it is a lovely idea to write your blessings down, Looking back over memories brings warmth to the heart. Things can be forgotten too quickly so it is good to have a reminder. Thank you Mrs White.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Counting our blessings, and writing them down, gives us such a great road map of God's unending grace toward us. That's an idea I want to adopt.
May He continue to bless you and yours!

terricheney said...

I did this in 2000. I sat down every single evening and listed five things I was blessed with. It might be something funny a child said that made me laugh, or a gorgeous sunset, a fragrant treat like gingerbread, or unexpected blessings. And now and then it was the fact the day was over, done and I could start again the next!

I do think this refocuses us on something that is far more important than what we tend to get caught up with in the every day. I think for 2024 I'll start a new Blessings Journal.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I've kept a blessing journal for years, and oh, the memories that flood my heart when I go back and read all my entries from year to year! So amazing how the Lord continues to provide for each and every need that we have! What a wonderful idea you have shared too, and it brings such a blessing to remember what the Lord has done in the past for us, and gives us hope for the future. Many blessings to you dear friend!

The Charm of Home said...

What a lovely reminder of how you spent your days. Thankfulness is always on my mind and always looking for the blessings also.

Debbie said...

I love this idea, Mrs. White. Thank you for the reminder to look for blessings in the every-day happenings.

Mama to 12, so far said...

Thank you for sharing this. It is always good to look for the good in our daily lives. Easy to not think of but also easy to do.

Lady Locust said...

Love the idea of a blessing book. As you fully recognize, there are so many of life's simplest happenings that are the real blessings of our life as a whole. 💕

Wanda said...

Oh I love your journals and you brought back a memory from my teen years with the Grace Livingston Hill books.
I had forgotten how much I love them and "lived them" in my imagination.

Looking back through my journals and seeing how our lives have grown and changed. I use to paste pictures of of the children in my prayer journal and now those babes are all middle age! Where does the time go...but after we're gone, those jounals will be read and re-read I'm sure. So glad I was able to do that, as I continue to's what I do...haha!

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

It's a fabulous habit! I have a "thankful" book that I've written in on and off for years. Some of the things were miraculous. Some as simple as being able to purchase some small needed item.

I must dig out my book and begin again. I received a gift of new tires for my car this week from my step-dad. It was completely unexpected, but it was very needed.

Now, I need to pray for a few other things including an expensive furnace repair.

God is good. He'll take care of us.t He always has. He always will.

Be blessed!
Laura Lane
Harvest Lane Cottage