Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Homemaking on a Snowy Day

Snowy Landscape on the front grounds at Mrs. White's House in Vermont. Dec. 2023.

We had a snowstorm the other night.  It started in the early evening. We watched out the window, as heavy flakes of snow came down at a steady pace. The view by the streetlight was so calming and peaceful to see.

Early the next morning, My husband and I went outside. He watched as I took a few pictures of the front grounds.  Our little Christmas tree is set out with a small deer for a companion.  It is a charming sight in the snow.

Then we went back inside the house to get warm by the wood stove.  I started a batch of whole wheat bread. I got this all set up for the first rising and then cleaned up the kitchen.  In just a short while, little grandbaby came to spend the day with me. We played and chatted and laughed.

I settled baby at the table with some playdough.  He chose a red color that matched his shirt.  While he played, I shaped the bread dough into loaves and set them in pans for the second rising. 

At lunch time, baby sat in his highchair while I sat across from him. We said our prayers and then I put up a colorful board book, for him to look at, in front of my plate. I served his lunch using a baby plate and fork.  I have carrot sticks hidden behind the little book.  If he sees the carrots first, he will not eat the potatoes!  Soon his plate is empty and I show him the carrots. He is delighted as he eats them. 

All day long we had snacks and juice and fun.  Then his Mother came over to get him.  I loved having such precious company for the day!

I spent the rest of the afternoon doing those little homemaking duties which bring cheer and happiness to the family. Every time I walked by the front window, I looked out at the snowy landscape. I checked on the deer by the tree and watched the beautiful snow coming down to decorate the property. I am waiting for just the right moment to get a picture of the lit up tree amidst a snowy backdrop.  As soon as it looks just right, I will get my husband and we will trudge through the snow and get the pictures to share with all of you.

My heart overflows with gratefulness for all the many blessings of just being HOME. 


Mrs. White

From the Archives -

The Virtuous Mother - Amazing Dedication

Simple Living in the Old Days with Little Money - Standard of Living.

The Joy of Taking Care of Babies- Playing House in Real Life.

- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -

 "At Mother's House" by Mrs. White:


For Encouragement in Homemaking, order Mrs. White's book, from 2016, "At Mother's House: The Blessing of Being a Christian Housewife."

In this book, you will find essays, articles, and diary entries about life in a Christian home.

There are 40 entries which include:  "Poor and Pretty Living;" "A Home Without Clutter;" "The Money Packets;" "A Church Diet for the Family;" "Bringing Home Baby;" "The Children's Prayers;" "The Shabby Garden:" and "Just a Housewife."

Those who are seeking a peaceful home, with the Lord as the foundation, will find encouragement. (Paperback, 122 pages.)




Kathy Jackson said...

A perfect day!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

The snow is absolutely lovely! And is there anything better than spending the day with a grandchild? Thank you for sharing all this beauty with us, Mrs. White.

Elizabethd said...

What a beautiful snowy scene! How lovely your day with the baby grandchild sounds.

Marilyn said...

Always loved looking out the windows on a snowy day. Didn't like driving in it or shoveling a path to the mailbox. Now I am in Florida not New Jersey and I miss all that. Appreciate the beauty God sends us. I could almost taste warm bread while reading your post.

KatieL said...

I Love this post and am so happy that you enjoyed your precious grandchild and day!

bunw1125@gmail.com said...

It's great to see you writing posts regularly. Sounds like you had a fun day with your little person.
Stay well.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

“Just being home…”
We are so very blessed of God, we homemakers…and the most treasured place to be is home.
Hugs and blessings,

lejmom said...

This was beautiful, and I love your tiny tree! I, too, live in Florida and miss the snow falling.

Your day with grandbaby sounded wonderful---and how clever of you to hie the carrots till the end :)

Sandi said...

I love home too. πŸ™‚πŸ’™

JES said...

Enjoying the coziness of winter homemaking too🀍🀍🀍 thank you for painting such a lovely scene with your gentle words.

JES said...

Happy winter homemaking 🀍🀍🀍

Lady Locust said...

Love love love ~ what a beautiful day!

Mari said...

Sounds like a perfect day! Warm and cozy in the house with a sweet grandbaby!
We had snow, but it's warming up, and supposed to be 50 degrees on Friday!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs White…thank you for sharing the joys of being home!
Makes me thing of these verses in 1 Timothy 6
But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment. For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either. If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content.

Salena said...

What a wonderful way to spend the day! The snow looks beautiful!