Tuesday, December 26, 2023

My Homemaking Book Giveaway

I have updated one of my homemaking books into a more compact edition.  "Homemaking for Happiness: Wonderful Days at Home" was originally published in May of 2021.  

This second edition contains the entire text of the original edition. The newer features include a more compact book using single spacing along with standard 12 point font. This edition is printed on white paper. It is now available in both hardcover and paperback editions.

In this book you will find essays, articles, and diary entries about life in a Christian home. It is a compilation of nearly 3 years of writing about homemaking.

There are 38 entries, gleaned from the blog, and 68 entries taken from Mrs. White's private newsletter, "Letters from the Estate.

The Giveaway

I would like to offer this book in a giveaway.  

Four winners will be randomly selected to receive a paperback copy of "Homemaking for Happiness."  Each winner will receive one copy of the book.

To enter, all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me about your Christmas.  Please share a special memory from long ago, or what you did this Christmas. We would love to hear about an old fashioned Christmas when home and family were the focus. Perhaps you have a memory or advice about making Christmas special even when there isn't much money available.  Anything you would like to share would be a blessing for us all to read.


For additional entries:

1. Share about this giveaway on social media.

2. Subscribe to this blog for updates. 

3. Subscribe to my YouTube channel, "The Legacy of Home with Mrs. White." (I just added a new video today, about an idea for saving money.  I hope you like it!)

Please leave a separate comment for each entry. 

Four random winners we be selected on Friday, December 29, 2023. (U.S.  Entries only.)   If I am unable to reach the winner within 48 hours, an alternate winner will be selected. Your entry is only valid if you include a way for me to contact you. 


This contest is now closed. 

 The winners are:  Mama Z, Jenny, B.Overby, and Belinda. 

Thank you so much to all who entered!


I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!


Mrs. White

From the Archives - 


Old Time Frugality - How the Old Time Mothers Survived Poverty.

Peaceful Living - Simplicity of Old Fashioned Homemaking

What Many of Us Crave - An Ordinary Life at Home.



- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


 "Homemaking for Happiness: Wonderful Days at Home." 

228 pages, Paperback.

ISBN: 978-1956616248



Belinda said...

I subscribed to your YouTube channel, The Legacy of Home with Mrs. White.

Belinda said...

I subscribed to your letters. :)

Welcome to Letters from Mrs White!
Cool, you are now subscribed to l‍e‍t‍t‍e‍r‍s‍f‍r‍o‍m‍m‍r‍s‍w‍h‍i‍t‍e‍.‍w‍o‍r‍d‍p‍r‍e‍s‍s‍.‍c‍o‍m and will receive an email notification when a new post is published.


Luba @ Healthy with Luba said...

It was a pleasure to subscribe to your auYouTube channel.

Luba @ Healthy with Luba said...

I am subscribed to yout blog. Thank you so much for writing!

Darla Mae said...

Hello Mrs. White,

We had our family Christmas Dinner on December 17th. It was wonderful to have our family all together. Since we had our family together early, on Christmas Day, we had a quiet day. It was nice to spend the day reading and watching old Christmas movies, "It's a Wonderful Life" and also, "Christmas Story".

Thank you for the chance to win one of your books. I got your book, "Gracious House Keeping" for a Christmas gift. I enjoyed reading it very much and am reading it again, before I put it into practice.

Best Wishes,

Darla Mae said...

I am already subscribed to both your blog posts and your You Tube channel, so I did not subscribe again. I don't do social media. But I do appreciate your giveaway.


OhDearMomma said...

Hi! I just purchased For the Love of Christian Homemaking about a month or so ago and I absolutely love it! Your blog is a newish discovery to me.

As for Christmas this year: we are a military family. My husband is in the military and I am a stay at home wife/momma. I say this to explain how excited I was this year to get to stay home and enjoy my little family. Most years we travel upwards of 16 hours via car to visit family. In August we had traveled 16 hours one way and 2 weeks later we traveled 9 hours one way to visit various family members after my husband returned from a deployment. When we got home from those travels the kids asked if we could be done traveling for the year and just spend the holidays at home with just us. That is what we did. We had nice family time playing games and just have enjoyed spending time just us 5. We have danced around the kitchen, taken turns cooking with each other, watched the news, gone caroling together with church family, and we have just loved the slowness of getting to relax rather than the stress of hours and hours stuck in a car for a few days with extended family. We love our extended family but sometimes we just need to slow down and just be us. We all loved it. Also, my husband's favorite part is stuffing the stockings for us. I think it's my boy's favorite part of Christmas too because he always goes all out on the stockings.

Melissa said...

Many years ago, we were working to pay off debt and decided to do a homemade Christmas with my inlaws. It was so much fun as we all made things for each other. It caused us to focus on the person we were making something for and be creative. We have since moved to just having dinner together with my inlaws and focusing on having family time together, which is truly a blessing for us all.

Melissa said...

YouTube subscriber :)

Melissa said...

Email subscriber :)

Leah Spencer said...

The first year my father started up his company, we had no money coming in at all. We kept “putting off” Christmas, wasn’t planning to do much. I happened to swing by the grocery store on my way home a week before Christmas , and saw that they had 6 foot Christmas trees marked down to $10. I was so excited to find such a good deal, purchased it with my own money and we used what decorations we had on hand.

My mom enjoyed that tree more than I expected, mostly because it was so easy to decorate and not the 10 foot monstrosities they had purchased in the past. 😁

Michelle said...

My mom lives alone, so my two adult sons, and my husband and I went to her house for a light lunch on Dec 25th. She made us vegetable soup. We also had sandwiches, grapes and apple pie. We kept it simple since the previous weekend we had a special meal while my sister was visiting. We always enjoy spending time with family. I'm subscribed to both your blog and your youtube channel. Thanks for your kind giveaway.

Jo said...

I have many fond memories of childhood Christmases - baking many varieties of cookies, so we would have plenty to feed the many friends and family who would come to visit, and singing Christmas carols together around the house are the two most vivid memories for me.
I pray that everyone has a joyful Christmas season, and a blessed 2024.

Brenda S said...

Christmas .... a time of many emotions. This year was a very fun,calm, much appreciated Christmas. We have a big family of kids. grandkids and great grandkids and they can get pretty rowdy around here. It was a much needed coming together. Our son and his family couldn’t be here as they live in Florida but our daughter and her husband and his mother came from Texas. Our granddaughter and her boyfriend came from Montana. December in a mixed bag our family as we lost a granddaughter seven years ago on December 11… She was still born. On December 23 that same month oor beloved son-in-law passed away. It’s always hard to get past the grief and bring the Christmas spirit to life. We did ok this year. We kept our eyes on Jesus and what this season is really is all about. We are looking forward to what He has for us in the coming year. Happy New Year!

Leah W. said...

My dad is a widower and we haven't really done much for any holidays since my mom passed away last year. This year he agreed to let us have a get together at his house so I rounded up my siblings and their spouses and children and made my mom's recipes. We brought over board games and I cooked in my mom's kitchen with her pans and some from my grandma because I made a huge batch. Even though my mom's absence was keenly felt, we all had a good time.

Leah W. said...

I am subscribed to the blog. :-)

Leah W. said...

I am subscribed to your YouTube channel.

WillowWisp said...

One of my favorite Christmas memories was when my whole family got together and my uncles pretended to be Santa and his reindeer. They shined a red light so we thought it was Rudolph and stomped around as Santa. It's my favorite memory by far. I'm so grateful I was able to experience a Christmas like that one.

Laurie J. said...

Hello Mrs. White. I will tell you about my family Christmases when I was a child. On Christmas Eve, we would have a family dinner at my Uncle and Aunt's home and then we would go to the 11pm Candlelight Service at the Lutheran Church we attended. Christmas morning, my siblings and I could get up early and unstuff our Christmas stockings. We had to wait until our Grandparents arrived later in the morning before we could open one gift each. Later, when the rest of the family arrived, we had our gift exchange. We always took turns opening our gifts...the oldest to the youngest and repeat until all the gifts were opened. My Mom was busy cooking in the kitchen and when the Turkey was done all the food was placed on the table for the feast. After the meal, us kids were in charge of washing and drying all the dishes. Well, except my Mom would wash and dry the delicate items. Later in the evening, there was usually a nice family movie we would watch in the family room together. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family! Laurie J.

Elizabethd said...

I'm wondering whether this is open to out of USA readers?

boverby said...

I subscribed to your YouTube channel. Thank you for all you do.

B. Overby

Elizabethd said...

I did enjoy your youtube article, Mrs White. When I was a child our Christmas table was always set with my Grandma's lovely linens, no paper napkins! Our was a very simple time especially in the post War years. Everything was homegrown, except for the turkey! My cousins and I spent hours making decorations, we played games together and no TV or phones even existed! We had a really lovely family time.

Kate said...

Our family always has lasagna on Christmas. I remember watching my father make it the day before Christmas every year. Sadly, my father has passed on to Heaven, but I carry on the tradition using his handwritten recipe.

Michele said...

Many, many years ago my father lost his job in the wintertime. So, he sold Christmas trees in our front and back yards. My mom made wreaths on a table in the basement. Monies made went for food, heat, and other necessities. No gifts that year but lots of trees. Christmas morning I was given a very small pink Christmas tree of my own (my mom was clever with paint). It's been decades, but I still remember that pink Christmas tree.

GrammaGrits said...

Subscribed to your YouTube channel. Didn't realize you have a channel! Already receive your blog post.

GrammaGrits said...

We had a smaller than normal family Christmas with our son and his family. Some others were ill, but we had a sweet time together sharing soup, etc. and homemade goodies on Christmas Eve following church. Christmas Day they came over and we played Boggle for awhile - lots of fun! Blessings in the New Year!

shermick said...

We enjoy going into town and driving around looking at the closed stores and not much traffic.

Jenny said...

I would love to read your book.

Our Christmas was small & happy if not super traditional. We ate a small meal together...we don't usually celebrate around lots of food, just a little food. We opened gifts, played some games & walked over to look at the granny house we're building. We're building a granny house behind our current house. My husband & I will move to the granny house & our son will move into our current house with his family. So we're creating pieces of tradition by living together.

Cindy Jane said...

I would love to read your book.
WE had a wonderful Christmas, my nephew got to come visit, he is in a half-way house for drug addiction, and he is doing well. It was wonderful to talk to the "old" Colten. I do believe that it was the best one in a long time.
So many heartaches this year (2023), that I am looking forward to 2024 and the hope that it will be a better year.
Thanks for the chance to win your book.

Stacy M said...

Hello Mrs. White. I am an email subscriber (StacyMc18@aol.com) and I just subscribed to your YouTube Channel (mckennastacy99@gmail.com). I have purchased your book "An Old Fashioned Budget" and enjoyed it very much. Our Christmas was small as we don't have family close by. It was just my husband, my son who is home from college, and myself. We were able to talk via video with our Aunt so she could watch us open the gifts she sent. They were beautiful handmade quilts. It was a cozy day of food and watching Christmas movies. I hope yours was lovely too.

Marilyn said...

Happiness is something within yourself and to me homemaking is happiness.
We (my daughter and my disabled granddaughter) had a quiet Christmas. No visitors this year. Grandsons are at a distance. One in the Air and the other delivering happiness to other's Christmases with his job with Fed ex. We had a simple meal with none of the usual frills, and simple home made decorations. We have our joy in the Lord and we did get texts and calls from our church friends,

Amy P said...

We are new empty nesters, and our family celebration is not being held until next weekend. My husband and I enjoyed a leisurely, old fashioned Christmas day by cooking a huge brunch entirely with our wood cookstove. It was delightful! My husband kept the fire burning perfectly, while I prepared all the food...gravy and toast (toasted in the oven), fried potatoes, bacon, eggs, and cinnamon roll cake. It was very different from previous years when all 5 kids were home. It was a lovely day full of new traditions.

Luba @ Healthy with Luba said...

It was a joy to share this giveaway on Facebook!

Luba from www.healthywithluba.com

Email: www.healthywithluba.com/contact

Cori drye said...

I am going to go find you on YouTube. I love reading your blog, I am already subscribed to your newsletter! Have a wonderful rest of the year!

74tulip said...

One of our favorite Christmas traditions is to wrap 24 Christmas picture books and open one each day of December. We use a lot of books, stories and poetry to dwell on the true meaning of Christmas. We sing carols and light the advent candles. Each week the candlelight gets brighter as we add one more candle until it is the brightest on Christmas Day. And this year we studied some of the Christian meanings behind some of the Christmas traditions. It made everything so much more meaningful and didn't cost any extra!

74tulip said...

I am subscribed to your email. Thank you!

74tulip said...

I am subscribed to your YouTube channel! Thank you!

Mama Z said...

My husband has been out of work since the beginning of August due to an ACL injury and at the beginning of this month his place of work let him go. We have 7 children and so we had to get creative for Christmas. No family visited this year so it was a quiet intimate day, the children received some homemade crocheted plushies, water bottles from our craft business, favorite candy and their very own box of cereal and we didn't limit what kind they could request. Grandparents sent money to help us buy new shoes and boots for them all and we watched Christmas movies and cooked together. It was very sweet and such a peaceful day!

Email: zielinskimama@gmail.com

Cheyenne said...

I am subscribed to your Youtube, blog and letters. I love your writing. It's so inspirational and comforting. Christmas Eve, we went to church. On Christmas, we spent the morning drinking coffee and opening our few gifts. We then ate lunch and took a family drive with grandma and aunty in the country. We all enjoy going for a drive and talking. It's a wonderful way to see the beauty of the countryside and spend time together. The day after Christmas, my 12 year old made chicken and dumplings. I love to see her confidence growing in the kitchen. It was a peaceful holiday.

Anonymous said...

Childhood Christmas memories are my favorites. My dear mother and father always made Christmas special for my two older siblings and myself even though there wasn't a lot of money for gifts. On Christmas morning we would come downstairs to what my little eyes thought was a mountain of presents under the tree. Stockings filled with fruit, a candy cane and a small toy.The table full of Mama's delicious food. We lived humbly by today's standards but we had everything we needed. A warm house,food and clothing. But more important than that we had the knowledge instilled by my parents of the love of Jesus for us and the love for one another that filled our small home. Those memories are priceless and I treasure them always.

Anonymous said...

YouTube subscriber :)


Belinda said...

We had a family get together on the Saturday before Christmas Eve, but our other family was sick with the Flu and Strep Throat, so we didn't get to be with them this year, but are planning on something instead for January. I hope you had a very merry Christmas.


Jaime Knox said...

We shared Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's farm with aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. My mother-in-law likes to set a beautiful table. They had silver from their own wedding 61 years ago, candles from my husband and I's tenth anniversary vow renewal and various other remembrances on the table. My father-in-law gave me a kerosene lamp he had had restored. The base was from his childhood home (he's 85, so this was in the late 30's, early 40's), when they had no electricity. He had to have some new parts put in and a new chimney, but the rest is original. He knows how much I love old-fashioned things. The lamp has found a good home in our "sitting room" (I rearranged our front room and renamed it after reading your books!) and it has been burning since we brought it home.

I just subscribed to Letters and your Youtube Channel. :)


Linda said...

Hello Mrs. White. Because of my husband's work schedule, we are rarely able to celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25. This year we had to celebrate on the 27th. Even so, we had a lovely day. It always makes me a little sad that there are no young children to celebrate with us, only our 2 adult daughters, but they were both able to join us so that brought happiness. Our friend blessed us with a small ham and the rest of the meal consisted of easily prepared side items. The highlight of the Christmas season for me is attending a Christmas Eve candlelight service at one of the local churches. It signals the end of the hurry and scurry, and is a time of quiet, peaceful worship and reflection on the birth of our Savior. God bless you during the coming year.

Linda said...

Thank you for the opportunity to enter the drawing for your book. I have subscribed to your email newsletter. - Linda

Regina said...

Oh this is really cool. If I don't win I will save my pennies and buy it. I love to read books especially homemaking ones.

Linda said...

I subscribed to your YouTube channel quite awhile ago. I enjoy your walking tour around your property and have viewed it several times. I also enjoy your winter scenes. Thank you for sharing with us. - Linda

Mrs. White said...

This contest is now closed. The post has been updated to include the names of the winners. They have already been contacted.

Thank you so much to everyone who entered. I was so blessed as I read the entries about Christmas!