Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Remembering the Message of Homemaking

LOC: Family having dinner in 1930.

There are so many messages coming into our lives from the culture around us.  The strongest messages are coming through advertising.  These affect how we think and even how we live.  It is difficult to realize that these messages are paid for by advertisers who want us to buy something.  We see it on billboards, from supermarket displays, and through television and commercials.  Sometimes we may even forget that people on television and in movies are paid to speak their words and act a certain way. 

We spend so much time trying to filter these messages and keep our bearings, we have to protect our thoughts lest we slip away from our standards and values. 

Are you currently seeing messages encouraging an old fashioned home-life?  Are women advised to keep house and raise a family?  Are we cheered on in Bible reading, prayer, and church attendance?  These types of messages were more common generations ago. 

We tend to think and act based on what we are absorbing and meditating on.  Our thoughts and habits are influenced by what we see and hear around us. We need to be on guard. 

For those who seek the old paths and the old way of living, there is a great work to be done in limiting what may harm our minds.  In order to live out a beautiful life of homemaking, one must find a way to remain steady and confident in one's way of life. 

I will say that I have not listened to the radio in many years.  Instead, I listen to tapes of hymns and old fashioned gospel.  At this moment I am listening to an old record on a record player. It is by the Isom Lee family.  (Mr. Lee was a preacher and sang hymns with his family.)

I used to listen to a sermon every day.  I have fallen away from this habit and now listen only a couple of times a week. I am feeling a sense of loss and realized I need to listen every day. I am feeling bombarded by the world and troubles and by worries in my own life.  I need the steadying message from the old time preachers to help calm and encourage me in old fashioned, godly living.    

I spend much of the day in domestic labor, at a peaceful rate, with many breaks. This keeps me feeling rested and blessed as I go about my work at home.  As I sweep, bake, and make things look lovely, my heart is full of joy and thankfulness for such a beautiful way of life as a wife, mother, and homemaker.

I have post-its on my desk to remind me of certain bills to pay, or calls to make, so I don't forget important tasks of the day.  But what is more important to me is the messages I dearly need from highlighted Bible verses that I frequently read to keep me comforted and on a good path. We need a steady and constant stream of godliness, rich from Scripture, like little seeds of goodness to nourish our souls. 

When Mother is at home, making dinner, setting a pretty table, and keeping the home a restful place of comfort and love, she is shining forth an incredible message, which is inviting to the lost and the weary.  It is a joy and a duty to be a dedicated homemaker. 


Mrs. White

From the Archives -

It is how we make it -  The Cultured Society of Home.

Making things for Grandbaby - Tea Napkins.

Finding Joy in Homemaking - Poor and Pretty Living.

 - To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -

Mrs. White's special book for homemakers:"Introduction to Home Economics:  Gentle Instruction to Find Joy in Christian Homemaking." Paperback, 200 pages. 



Mrs. K Hagama said...

Dear Mrs. White,
As I may have mentioned before, I am feeling just like you, overwhelmed and bombarded by things that are not true, but merely promotional or fear-driven. I have been listening recently to Dr. Robert A. Cook’s, “Walk With the King”, (previously titled The King’s Hour). These are gentle but firm reminders and I appreciate them so much:). As I appreciate the time you take to encourage us here. You help me to not feel lonely in my call at home. Thank you!

Andrea G. said...

I hope you know what an encouragement your posts are to me (and I’m sure to others as well). I always get excited when I see a notification of a new post and I save it for a time when I can really take my time reading it. Thank you for these posts that help me keep both “my head in the game” and my sanity:)

Kathy Jackson said...

I’m overwhelmed by the outside world. I spend most of my time at home, and if I do go out, my husband is with me. I, too, find peace and contentment within the walls of my home and between the covers of my Bible. Thank you for another beautiful, encouraging post.

stephanie said...

Thank you so much, Mrs. White for this wonderful reminder of wisdom.

Gabrielle said...

Good morning Mrs. White!
I am in agreement with you and the ladies in the comment section.
I'm in my late thirties, busy in the home with my little and big blessings. They are my constant joy and motivation.
Messages do come through at times and discourage the heart. The world does not agree with me. I do not care for it and nor does it care for me. I have left its ways many years ago. I have found what brings that good and perfect Peace. The One and His ways.
Whenever I am down with the burdens and cares that the world brings (we live in it, afterall) I seek your writings, and the writings of others who uplift and encourage the stranger and pilgrim on this earth such as myself.
My favorite way of living is shared with many like-minded and like-hearted such as yourself. For that I am very grateful!
I have your books rotating by my bedside, and I underline them and read and reread them. I do many of the things you do, such as listening to the old hymns and singing throughout the day. Once the Lord brought me Home it just became the way of life for me. I wish for no other way!
Essington to you and yours. Kindly, Gabrielle.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

May we not allow the voices of our present culture to drown out God's still, small voice that we need most of all. Blessings, Mrs. White!

Patty B said...

I love the photo at the top of your post of the family eating together at the table with real dishes and a tablecloth. That is the way I grew up. So many young women I talk to today only use paper plates, and don't care for tablecloths "because they need ironing". Oh my. It would be nice indeed if ads and the media would encourage women to be homemakers, but unfortunately the opposite is the norm now. I think the women's liberation movement did much harm to the family structure. As others have stated here, I prefer to stay home these days. The world is crazy, it seems like there's no morality in anything, and the media is terribly biased. Radio is horrible anymore with music that isn't worth listening to, and even talk radio is full of hatred and sometimes plain silliness. We took TV out of our home about 17 years ago and never regretted that. In Titus 2 the Bible encourages older women to teach the younger women in the ways of righteous living. I try to do that, but sometimes it is discouraging because the world drowns out what I can say. But we are to persevere! I am always encouraged to come here and read that other women are taking homemaking seriously and that I am not alone in my beliefs.

Pam Richardson said...

Mrs. white, your post is encouraging. Our culture is upside down, I must stay in prayer and Bible reading!



Candy said...

Mrs. White, I am so thankful for you. You always put me on a better path. We need you so much because people can be so mean to homemakers. We need encouragement like this. Please don’t ever stop writing.