Friday, June 7, 2024

Simplifying Home Life

Lilacs from the garden at Mrs. White's house.

 I have had to simplify things around here lately.  There is not enough time or energy to do my usual routine.   Yet, there will always be some basic work that must be done.

This past week I needed to bake bread and a batch of homemade cookies.  It is better for me to have homemade food as much as possible than the expensive store-bought version. It is also healthier.  The effort of baking and cooking is very tiring, but I am always relieved and grateful when the work is done.

I have been too tired to walk the grounds of our property.  Sometimes, during a break from housekeeping, I will sit by the window and enjoy the beauty of the landscape.  Our windows are all open and we can hear the singing of the birds. There is often a bit of wind and all the fresh air blows in. It is wonderful.

I have stopped some of my usual housework. I am not organizing or de-cluttering. These will have to wait.  I have to stick to the very basics of homemaking to conserve energy and time.  Dishes have to be washed. Floors need to be swept. The laundry must be done. The meals must be made. The bills must be paid.  But I cannot do much more. 

I am focusing on living a simple, quiet life this summer.  I need all my energy for the needs of the family.  The heavier work of homemaking will have to wait until things get better around here.  Yet, no matter how weary I get or how much work I am faced with, I will remember to do it all at a slow and steady pace. I will lean on the Lord and do only what I am capable of each day.  

We are back from one of our medical trips. We are so incredibly grateful for your support and prayers!  Our patient is recovering from surgery and resting comfortably.  We missed being at home. Another trip is scheduled for a few days from now.  We expect things will start getting better in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, whenever I am home, I will do the little jobs of bringing sunshine and cheer to those of my household. I will make things look as neat and pretty as I can. Then I will rest as much as possible and enjoy the beauty of the season.  If I am at peace and my heart is rested, that feeling of calmness will spread to the family. We must not worry or fret. We know the Lord is watching over us. He will take care of His children. 


Mrs. White


From the Archives -

Inspiration from the Mother of D.L. Moody - Poverty in the 1800's.

Precious Manners with Children - Tea Time: The Importance of Formal Ceremony at Home. 

Practical Help - The Secret to a Happy Home. 

  - To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -

Mrs. White's special book for homemakers:"Introduction to Home Economics:  Gentle Instruction to Find Joy in Christian Homemaking." Paperback, 200 pages. 




stephanie said...

God bless you Mrs. White and all of your family...

Patty B said...

Your lilacs are lovely. Lilacs are such beautiful fragrant flowers. Glad to hear that your family member is doing well after surgery. I can certainly relate to everything in your post! I also bake our own bread and do all cooking from scratch. Baking bread is indeed a lot of work, but so worth it! My husband and I are well into our 70's and it seems like everything is a lot of work these days. Like you, we often sit on the porch and enjoy the nature and trees and summer breezes. A person can only do what they have the energy for. The Lord always gives me energy to do what He would have me to do that day. Living simply and in the Lord's will is the only way. You have written a very encouraging post!

Tracy said...

I am glad that the surgery went well and that you are able to enjoy quiet moments at home, which are so restorative. Your blog is a lovely calming space and I always enjoy stopping by.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

May you get the rest that you need and deserve, Mrs. White, and may your loved one heal quickly from all the medical procedures. Praying for you!

Sandi said...

"If I am at peace and my heart is rested, that feeling of calmness will spread to the family. We must not worry or fret. We know the Lord is watching over us. He will take care of His children."

Thank you for this.

Billie Jo said...

Hello, Mrs. White. I pray your loved one heals from the surgery and is resting well. I also pray for you. Caregivers do so out of love, for sure! However, it can catch up with us, and we may have to adjust our routine. You have the right idea, my friend. Do what you can, and leave the rest to God. I hope you enjoy many restful summer days in your lovely home, enjoying the birds, the trees, and the summer air!

Mrs. Sabo said...

Mrs. White, I to am just returning from a week in the hospital for my son. And the freedom you made me feel with this post is so needed. I try to make everything run as normal for my family but it is not possible between my health issues and my son's constant health appointments I can't keep it all running as normal. However I will keep the peace HE gives, and do the basics now leaving time for rest and just enjoying this family GOD has gifted me with. Thank You for a much needed message today. Prayers going your way for you
and yours!

Amelia said...

Yes, and Amen. With the Lord as we listen to that Still Small Voice as to what to do and what not to do... we can be at rest and at Peace. The Father will take care of us. So, so very true.

When we have major things going on, it's amazing how things seem to just drop off of our little plates, only so much will fit on the little plate and that is okay. It is wise to simplify during these times, to take the time and re-shoe our horse so to speak for the next thing. As Elizabeth Elliott used to advise during troubled or trying times...Just do the next thing. I know your patient is being taken of very well and is very blessed in your loving care.

Praying for you all, ~Amelia at My Forest Cathedral blog

Elizabethd said...

One thing at a time, dear Mrs White. You are so sensible not to try to do everything at once. When I was caring for my dear husband I was often warned about 'Carer burnout'. Take your time and just enjoy the lovely simple moments.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Thank you for your lovely post. I wish you His grace and strength - moment by moment - for the work you must do and continue to care for loved ones. Learning to simplify and take things in smaller doses is so important - I'm learning that myself these days.

Sending heart hugs!