Sunday, December 29, 2024

New Year Direction

Background Photo: Winter Scene near our home in Vermont.

In just a few days we will venture into a new year. It is an exciting time to think about making things better, starting new habits, and looking forward to many days of blessings.

It is common to make resolutions or goals.  We want this year to be the best it can be.  It feels like a fresh start. We may want to save money, organize the house, improve health, or accomplish little things. But most of all, it would be lovely to simply find a way to be a blessing.

We can make our time special by doing something selfless for others.  Remember to do a kind action every day. This will spread blessings!  It will bring the warmth and comfort of goodness to those around us. 

Background Photo: Winter scene at our property here in Vermont. 

I was in an antique shop early this month. I saw a grandfather clock on display.  These clocks announce the time with a beautiful sound of chimes.  It is like a cheerful bell ringing out to remind us that time is passing.  The chimes occur at regular intervals throughout the day and night.   Time is certainly passing. Is our time being used for good things?

Grandfather clock in an antique shop, here in Vermont.

For me, this coming year will be a year of gratefully serving the Lord. I do not have any personal goals. I want to simply be ready to do the work I am given each day.  This gives me a feeling of rest and contentment. There is no sense of hurry or pressure.  There is rest for the soul.  There is peace in the heart. 

As this year comes to an end, we need direction for the coming days. May we remember to continue the daily work of keeping house and taking care of the family.  May we face each day with cheerful courage, in the midst of storms, trials, and obstacles, as we focus on serving others.  This is the mission work of the home.  

Sound the chimes, ring the bell, and get ready to be about the Master's business. It will bring you such joy and happiness! 


Mrs. White

From the Archives -

Mother's Life Dedicated to God - The Mission House.

Are You a Member? - Mother's Benevolent Society.

You Can Do It! - Housekeeping with a Will

  - To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


Find Home-keeping Inspiration, in Mrs. White's book - For The Love of Christian Homemaking.  Paperback, 274 pages.


Martha Jane Orlando said...

Such a wonderful resolution to serve the Lord every day of the new year and take care of our families. Happy New Year, Mrs. White!

Billie Jo said...

Beautiful writing, as always here, Mrs. White. Happy and Blessed New Year!

Luba @ Healthy with Luba said...

Happy New Year to you and your family, Mrs. White! One of my goals this year is to be a better homemaker in order to bless my family even more. Your books and blog posts are an invaluable source for staying on the straight and narrow way and loving to serve the Lord through taking care of our homes and families.

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Perfect plan! Happy new year to you and your family.

Jane said...

The happiest and most blessed new year, Mrs. White!


Debbie said...

Mrs. White, I loved this post :) I refer to it in my latest post about setting goals. I pray that 2025 brings you and your family some beautiful blessings. I pray for your son's healing and that all of his needs would be met. I pray for safe travels, as you go to his treatments and that God would supply all that you need to do that. Thank you for giving us such wonderful advice and grace-filled stories all of these years. You are a blessing to many.

The Charm of Home said...

May you and your family have a blessed New Year!

Regina said...


Amelia said...

I loved your thoughts here; I don't do resolutions but like you I just want to make each day glorifying to the Lord. I love your reminder to do something kind every day for someone and be a blessing to them. Beautiful!

I sure will continue to pray for you and your family. God be with you, ~Amelia

Janet said...

Thank you for your wonderfuld thoughts for the new year. Many blessings to you and your family. Moving into the new year I am seeking to be in the presence of God continually.

Karina Cruz said...

So happy to be entering the new year and still able to enjoy your posts.