Monday, July 8, 2013

"Dear Kitchen Saints"

In 2000, Nancy Campbell of "Above Rubies Magazine" published an anonymous marriage testimony.  The writer included an email address.

   I contacted this anonymous writer, wanting to thank her for her courage and bravery in sharing her story with so many wives. I knew it would be an incredible encouragement to them.

   She emailed me back, saying she knew who I was! I was stunned.  It turned out that we had both been writing for the same homemaking magazines!  I had loved her articles in those publications and was amazed to read her testimony. 

Her name is Connie Hultquist.  For 13 years, she has been writing almost daily to a group of homemakers, encouraging them, building up their faith, and helping to strengthen Christian homes all over the world.

Recently, Nancy Campbell reprinted Connie's marriage testimony, in the February 2013 edition of "Above Rubies."  This time, she included her name.  There was also an update.   Connie, married almost 40 years, was now widowed.    Her testimony went out to 100 countries and many have written seeking her advice and encouragement. 

In light of this response, Connie and I worked together to come out with a book.  It was just released today!  It is called, "Dear Kitchen Saints:  Letters from an Iowa Housewife."    This book is much needed in today's Christian homes. 

Wives of this generation have it harder than ever.  They desperately need old time wisdom and encouragement.

Would you like a chance to win your own copy of Connie's book?

(Update - the giveaway is closed. Thank you for participating!) 

I would also love your help in getting the word out.  Will you tell others about the new book?  I would appreciate it so much! 

Mrs. White

P.S.  Connie's new blog is called, "A Revival for Homemakers."  Be sure to visit when you get a chance!

- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


Always Learning said...

Oh my! I read Connie's letters years ago while she was writing them and even wrote a post about her recently. I was reading her letters when her husband died. It was so sad...I had no idea she had a blog. I definitely will buy the book since I always love learning other's wisdom!

Mrs. White said...

Lori, that is so neat that you used to read her writings! Thank you so much for posting!

Janet said...

I used to read Connie's writings and loved them. I love her unwavering faith in her man and her ministry at home. I completed the Treasure Hunt and would love to win!

kozimom said...

I used to read her writings, too. So sweet! I was AMAZED reading her testimony in 2000 in the Above Rubies, too. I'm proud to say, I'm friends with her on facebook, too! lol
Sure would love to win!

kozimom said...

That is so great that you've published her writings - I used to read them regularly. I remember when I read her testimony in Above Rubies in 2000 - so amazing. I'd love to win!

Melissa said...

Wow! I love that she has a blog now! I read her testimony in the magazine this past Feb. And I was amazed! She is trully a blessed woman!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Hello Mrs. White,
I've entered the Treasure Hunt responses.

May God meet your every need today,
Harvest Lane Cottage

Dolores said...

I've submitted my treasure hunt form.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win this book. I read the post when it was originally posted in "Above Rubies" and again this year. I'd love to see how God worked through their family. I completed the treasure hunt.

Mrs. B, a very peculiar person said...

I completed the treasure hunt! I hope I win the book and I'm adding Connie's blog to my reading list ...
Thank you for the opportunity to win this wisdom filled book.

Anonymous said...

I completed the Treasure Hunt

Nancy Schaefer

Mrs. White said...

I am delighted to hear that so many of you have read her testimony in Above Rubies!

Thank you for entering!

Jennifer Williams said...

Mrs. White,
I am delighted and encouraged to learn of Connie's writings. I completed the Treasure Hunt, and look forward to reading her book. Until then I will read over her letters on her blog. Thank you for being a part of the important Godly work of ministering to other women. Blessings to you and your family!

Angela said...

I've submitted my treasure hunt form. What a blessing it was to read Connie's testimony and I am so excited that she now has a blog. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Many Blessings to you and your family

Anonymous said...

I completed the treasue hunt.

