Monday, October 21, 2024

Pretty Homemaking

Having cake by the fire on a cool autumn morning.

It was announced that some of my grandchildren would be coming over after church. I would make the lunch.  As I formulated in my mind what the menu would be, I started thinking about how much I wanted the table to look pretty.  I wanted the children to feel special that extra care would be taken to serve the meal in a nice way.  I set out napkins and then started a little baking.

I noticed we had bananas that needed to be used quickly. I found a banana muffin recipe but thought I would bake it in a cake pan.  I used a bundt pan and simply cooked it longer than the recipe called for.  A standard cooking time for bundt cakes is about 36 minutes.  It turned out perfectly. I set this aside to cool.

I started a batch of homemade vegetable soup.  It only requires carrots, potatoes, a bit of olive oil, some diced garlic, and water. *  This didn't take very long to cook. As I went about the work of setting the table with pretty bowls and spoons, I stopped to stir the soup.

Soon the children arrived all dressed up in their best clothes. They looked darling!  The soup was served.  It was comforting after coming in from the cold autumn air. Their mother made sandwiches as the second course.  They enjoyed nice glasses of milk before going into the other rooms to play.

It was time for dessert. One of the children rang the dinner bell that we keep on our hutch. This calls everyone to the table. They always smile when this happens. I brought the banana cake to the table, along with a stack of plates. Each child eagerly watched as pieces were cut and placed on dessert plates and passed around.  They enjoyed it very much.  We had a lovely visit!

There was still a little bit of cake left this morning. I set the table and made myself a little morning refreshment.  I had hot peppermint tea and banana cake on my prettiest dishes. A candle and a pretty bell added a bit of beauty to the table.


Banana Cake served at Mrs. White's table.

I will do a little cleaning this morning and set up a new sewing project.  I turned on a CD of gentle Christmas songs played by an orchestra. It is lovely and soothing!  It will be a pretty day of homemaking!


Mrs. White

* This recipe is in my cookbook, Serving in the Kitchen.

From the Archives 

The Old Days - The Comfort of a House Coat

Simple Way of Homemaking - The Four Little Tasks of Home.

Content at Home - Days Without Spending Money


- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


For happiness and cheer in the kitchen:

Mrs. White's old fashioned cookbook focuses on serving meals and setting the table in a humble home.

"Serving in the Kitchen: Cookbook with Recipes, Advice, and Encouragement for the Christian Home"

152 pages, paperback


Luba @ Healthy with Luba said...

Dear Mrs. White,

Your grandchildren are blessed to have your love and care. It truly is worth the effort to make our homes and our meal times lovely.

I love that you are listening to Christmas music!

Thank you for your encouragement in my homemaking journey.


Martha Jane Orlando said...

I'm sure each one of your grandchildren felt so special because of the extra care you took to dress up the table just for them. What a wonderful idea! Blessings, Mrs. White!

Tracy said...

It's lovely that you take the time and effort to make such special memories for your grandchildren. In years to come they will tell their own grandchildren about these times and perhaps repeat the ritual too. How great a legacy would that be?

Mrs. K. Hagema said...

Isn’t it so much fun to make a little fuss for when the family comes! I love considering what to make with what I have and how to create something special for the table:). I get so caught up in the effort that I have to very determined to be “Mary” and not “Martha” once everyone arrives! Ha! It makes me so happy to have found your post first thing today, and so nice to hear from someone who enjoys these things like I do:).

Elizabethd said...

That sounds delightful. Those little extra touches stay in the memory long after.

Jane said...

Sounds like a beautiful day!
