Thursday, March 13, 2025

A Rested Heart

Flowers at our table. 

There has been some discouragement and worry in recent days.  We have moods that tend to bring a bit of sadness. As I go about the house, baking, sweeping, and mending, I have to remember to ignore worrisome thoughts.  I have realized that these are the moments when I need to find my rest in a closeness with the dear Lord.  

I must still take care of the family, make the bed, tidy the rooms, and make this a pleasant home.  The emotional swings are unstable and will be healed when we walk through the heavenly gates.  When I remember this, I am greatly cheered.

Yesterday, I was returning from a doctor appointment. I stopped at one of the lakes to take pictures.  The scenery is so quiet and beautiful.  The winter snow is still all around, and the ground is icy in places.  I carefully walked towards the shoreline, before I fell in the snow!  It was cold and difficult, much like the outside world. Yet, in that moment, as I was down, I managed to get a picture.

One of the lakes near our home.

Soon I was walking back towards the car. I heard something beautiful in the wind.  I noticed a church in the distance. It was chiming out an old hymn, "Be Thou My Vision."  I stood still and listened. It brought me an incredible sense of comfort. I was so grateful.

A page from our book, "Hymns for the Home and Family."

I must always remember that no matter what is happening, I must keep doing the daily work. I will do this while looking up. My hope is not in my circumstances. It is in the Lord.

 Remembering the promises from Scripture is so precious:

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." -Matthew 11:28. 

I want that rest. I want that sense of contentment and stability regardless of storms around me. I want a stable heart with the peace of God. As for me, there is no other way to live. This will bring a rested heart.


Mrs. White

From the Archives -

Remembering the old ways - The Comfort of a House Coat.

Practical help - How the Old Time Mothers Survived Poverty.

Old time values - The Blessing of Being a Half - Southern Mama.

- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -

"Hymns for the Home and Family: Devotional with 28 Hymns and Christmas Songs"

126 pages, paperback

ISBN: 978-1-956616-33-0


becky said...

Thank you, thank you for this very timely post!We are going through a painful trial with one of our grown sons-it's not our first rodeo with him or trials by any means but painful none the less. Christ is our only answer❤️

Glenda said...

Your posts are a blessing. Yeshua, is with us through each step in our lives for those who love Him and follow.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for reminding me that “ My hope is not in my circumstances. It is in the Lord.” I will be writing this down to refer to in the future. Blessings to you Mrs. White 🙂.


Mrs. Sabo said...

Mrs. White, I am praying for you and your family. I felt each and every word of your post today. I am getting ready to take our son out of state for 7 weeks to have 2 surgeries the first will be brain surgery. We are having a hard time not letting the fear in, however your post this morning was helpful. I will lift you and yours up in prayer.

Jane said...

Wonderful, wonderful post Mrs. White! His eye is on the Sparrow and I know He watcheth me.


Sandi said...

Thank you for this. God bless you.