Friday, November 13, 2009

Book Review Levi's Will

Book: "Levi's Will"
Author: W. Dale Cramer
Published by Bethany House

A young man, Will, abandons his home and family because of a sin he committed and could not face. He left behind his family, his stern Father and the Amish way of life. The story goes on to describe his life, his lies and the consequences of his sins.
Throughout most of the book I was very upset by his choices and just wished he would go back home and back to a godly life.

War, difficult children and a troubled marriage all affect Will while he is away from his former life.

It is very sad to see how Will's life unfolds. The story alternates between present tense and past tense, which I found to be frustrating.

You will read about Old Order Amish customs and laws. You also get to see the peace Will finds in forgiveness and faith in God.

There is an epilogue describing what happened in real life, to his family, after the book was published.

* Note: I received this book for free, from the publisher, for the purpose of sharing my opinion.*

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