I woke up at 4:30 a.m. to a quiet, warm house. I cleaned the kitchen while staring out the back window at all the snow. I made everything shine. Then I set up the children's schoolbooks for today. I have some grocery shopping to do and want to make everything pleasant.
I will put out a nice tablecloth and set the table to look just like a restaurant for tonight's supper. I will dust and polish and vacuum so everything looks great. I think I will serve lasagna and Italian bread. I will even bake a chocolate cake. I will do most of this work early in the day, so I can rest this afternoon.
I will bake the cake and cook the noodles. Then I will layer the lasagna in a pan and put it in the refrigerator. About a half hour before the dinner hour, I will bake it in a nice hot oven. It will make things easy and worry-free.
Making home a lovely place takes some planning and effort, but it will certainly help keep everyone cheerful!
Mrs. White
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Enjoy your beautiful dinner!
Lovely post!
I am working on getting things done earlier so I don't have to rush rather than procrastinating as I realised that it turns out much nicer if I put time and effort into it.
Rather than a slap dash rush which is what I normally do!
Ah yes, planning...something I am terrible at - something I need to work on. Thanks for the thoughts to ponder today. Have a wonderfully blessed day!
I just wanted you to know that your blog has helped me. It I spired me to research house cleaning and develop a better house cleaning plan then I had. It is my first week and already my house is looking better. Better yet yesterday I finished feeling proud an today I got to my chores happily. I never thought I would feel that way and I don't think I would gave without your blog. Thanks.
I'm sure your dinner will be tasty and your table lovely. I'm not able to do much housework anymore, but I do a little and try to keep things picked up. I try to do small things to boost my spirits - coffee in a favorite mug, a cup of hot tea in a new, exotic flavor, orange juice in a French wine glass. I'll read something inspirational or some of Walt Whitman's poems and essays. i enjoy magazine articles on decorating, even if all I can do for now is to dream. We need to feed our inner spirits with lovely, pleasant little rituals and images.
I made an Italian dinner and the boys and I made a chocolate cake, too! It was perfect for them after they had a long play out in the snow. They were so hungry!
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