Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Encouragement for Hard Times - A Quote

A snow-storm at our home in Vermont.

"I have held many things
and have lost them all.

But that which I have
placed in God's hands

I still retain."

- Martin Luther

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Some of my favorite hymns - with beautiful photographs of Vermont scenery. 

"Hymns for Revival: Devotional with 28 Old Time Hymns by Mrs. White


126 pages, paperback


Finding Joy said...

Just beautiful and I love the painting.


Julianne said...

Oh Mrs. White what a timely poem. Giving things over to the Lord can be difficult sometimes, but I know it is necessary. I'm expecting my fifth baby and was told I had some complications, that any time throughout my entire pregnancy I could miscarry. How devastating that was to hear, my husband said that we need to give this little baby over to the Lord like we did the other children. It's something I'm working on, and reading this post of yours was a good reminder.