Thursday, June 30, 2011

Evening at Home

Everyone is cozy and happy at home. The house looks neat in the dimly-lit rooms. The children are all being quiet and sweet.

I took the boys to Karate class earlier and they had a great time.  While I waited, I read a wonderful book about homeschooling, called, "Pajama School."
When I got home, I was able to accomplish a little work on the computer. All week long I have been fighting with my computer. It was not cooperating. But things are better today.

In the background, I can hear the quiet sound of "The Kingsmen Quartet" playing on my kitchen radio.  It is a nice, soothing sound that encourages me.

I have been struggling all week with bouts of minor depression and discouragement. But peace has finally come.

All is well at the White House.

Mrs. White

Precious - What Sundays Used to Mean to Housewives.

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Contessa Kris said...

I'm sorry you've been having a tough week. I pray that next week will be better. I'll have to check out the book you talked about. Always looking for more books to read.

Anonymous said...

i pray you feel better this week. i so truly enjoy your blog- i think of it as my cup of tea when i settle in for awhile.

Sherri B. said...

I am sorry you have had a nasty visit from 'depression'. A very unwelcome guest at my place on occasions too. I told The Lord.."I'm tired" and He said "Walk with Me" and I said "I can't get up" and He said "Walk with Me" and I said, "I'm too tired to get up, can't you see I am weeping and I am a crumbled mess on the ground?" and He said "Walk with Me". So...I pulled myself up and put my arm through His and I leaned on Him and I walked with Him....So now when it all becomes too much, I say, "Lord..." and He says, only..."Walk with Me"...
