Sunday, August 4, 2013

Depending on Mister

I went out this evening. Mister took me to the supermarket. It felt like I was going into "town" and it felt like an ordeal. I didn't want to leave home, and was weary, but I knew my husband would take care of me.  I have been worn out and still recovering from recent ailments.   I felt very dependent and was so grateful to be taken care of by my family.   There is a sweet meekness when one cannot do very much for oneself.

Over the last month, as I have been without my car, I have thought, maybe there is something I should do to come up with money?  This is a normal, foolish thought.  Immediately, I remembered that the Lord is in control.  He has a plan. He is working behind-the-scenes. I will stay back and in my sweet place, where my dear husband has kindly kept me.  He is the provider, I am the housewife. (I shall not be moved.)   I cannot tell you how many times a "sickness" or a "trial" has come my way to slow me down (and get me out of the way), so the Lord could do some great work. In this case, I have learned that being home all the time, and depending entirely on Mister for any errands or outside needs, has been the most wonderful blessing of my entire marriage.

It has created a stronger trust and faith in God.  It has made my faith soar.  It has taken away MY will, and taught me what it really means for HIS will to be done.

I am a grateful housewife, and find great joy and peace in keeping the home.   This means to stay home.  No matter what I think is best, no matter what I think I have to do, staying home is the greatest blessing for a housewife. 

There is a beautiful quote by Elizabeth Prentiss (1800's), which describes it best:

"As for her, like most women, she had but one ambition. To be a good wife and a good mother, and to be beloved by her husband and children, was all she asked. [She was] a busy, affectionate, cheerful little housewife, whose voice would never be heard in the streets, but whose memory would always live in a few faithful hearts."

Mrs. White

From the Archives:

Do You Have This? - Amazing Dedication (to Motherhood and Home).

It is not a Burden - Simplicity of Old Fashioned Homemaking.

Remembering My Mother-in-Law - Classic Old Fashioned Housewife.


suzannah said...

I am also dependent on my husband lately. Since the loss of my job, its cheaper for me to stay put at home and only go out when its needed. I still preferly love to shop with my husband. He's my best friend and I want his input on what grocerys I buy and such..
He still loves to spoil me even more so while i'm pregnant. He suprised me and bought the pocket book I wanted today..
God thank you for a great husband!

Housewife59 said...

It is interesting how our Heavenly Father slows us down isn't it? Sometimes we think that our agenda is His, but in fact it is getting in the way of His doing beautiful things in our lives. Having suffered much chronic fatigue myself, my recovery is dependent on slowing my pace and not being 'goal' orientated. I have even stopped my daily 'to do' list, as I realised how stressed it made me. I enjoyed the quote and caravan picture too, which made me nostalgic about the caravan holidays we used to love.

Lesley x

Becoming a Woman of Excellence said...

Beautiful words ...

Rhonda said...

good morning, I've been wondering how you are.
I do like that quote so much, I have no need to be out in the world and only want to be needed at home too.

The photo at the top has me smiling and dreaming a little. My parents have generously gifted us with their big and very nice travel trailer. We will probably just use it a few times a year for short vacations but I fanatasize about just moving in it and living in it only full time, moving around as we please. It won't happen now but maybe in a few years.....

hope you have a good week, Mrs. White.

Janet said...

I loved reading this, Mrs. White. I especially love that you said you shall not be moved, and the beautiful quote by Elizabeth Prentiss. As a single mom, I am still determined to be home for my family. Your post encouraged and reminded me that my God is fighting for me and will always provide. Thank you.:) Hope you are much better soon, in God's timing.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon - and it is great when the Lord uses circumstances to grow us and teach us things :) I'm a new SAHM and am so excited about this new chapter in my life.


Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling well soon but until then I can see that you are content and at peace in your heart. I found this post very moving and as is usual with your writing it is your own. Your writings are a soft step apart from what everyone else thinks. They are from a very fresh approach and refreshing. Your posts have a gentleness to them to me and I feel at peace. I too love being home and your "I shall not be moved' also struck a note in me. Thank you too for the quote. You are so kind to take time to blog with all your other duties. Sarah

Rachel and Family said...

How much I enjoy your posts! I am thrilled when I see a new one from you in my email. I am sorry to hear of your husband, but I am glad of your Godly example to learn from .