Friday, June 17, 2016

I Hear Angels Crying


In the early morning, here at the Estate, I heard the most sweetest sound. It was a gentle noise from two little grand-babies. They were in their little beds, waking up to a new day.

Their little cries were so precious. They sounded like angels; like baby birds in a delicate nest.  I wanted to run and pick them right up and kiss and hug the dear things!

These babies, and their darling mother, now live with us in an in-law apartment of our home. Helping to care for these children is the greatest "hobby" I could ever have.

When I hear their chatter or their yelling, I want to step right in and take care of them. It is the delight of my life to take care of babies and children. It is an honor to mother them.

But we grandmothers must keep our place of honor. It is the place of standing in the sidelines and watching mothers care for their own babies. We wait until we are called. We offer our humble help as willing servants of motherhood at any time we are needed. 

In this case, the mother of my grandchildren is so kind and tells me I am welcome to help at any time.  I hesitate on the threshold of her doorway and say, "Can I come in?"  With a nod and a smile, I am welcomed.

Then I get right to work.  Does someone need juice? Does another need a story read to them?  Who will let me sing to them?  I clean and tidy, setting up toys and games.

It is the joy of my life to make special treats for these darlings.  I love to sit with them and listen to their chatter.  It is entertaining to stop their childish fights and hear them laugh about it all.  I want to kiss away their tears, listen to them laugh, and cherish their happy faces as they go about their days.

Some may find babies and small children a great deal of trouble.  Caring for them is certainly a great deal of work.  It is a sacrifice of time and energy. Some may complain their cries are annoying. Some may want quiet homes and little noise.

I prefer the patter of delicate feet, and echoes of jubilant laughter throughout the halls and stairwells. I can only hear the sound of angels.  Caring for little ones is the work of Saints. It will make one patient, long-suffering, and loving if one will willingly yield to its work.  It is the greatest missionary effort one could ever do.

Mrs. White

From the Archives -

Happy days - Confined to the Nursery.

The Real Truth - Why the High Cost of Food?

What Would Happen? - If I Visit You At the Dinner Hour

 - To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -

Find Essays and Remembrances of Family and Home, in Mrs.White's book -Mother's Book of Home Economics .  

Paperback, 312 pages.


Anonymous said...

Amen! I too have two families living with us in our home. One daughter who is with us until their new home being built is completed. Another daughter who is in waiting for a home suitable to live in. We even have a baby in our room, as it is the best arrangement, so as not to wake up other babies. Yes, after having a retirement of 5 years, it took some time, and much wisdom to know how to handle all this. I too have learned to stay a grandmother, and not tread on mothers territory, hard as that is. I want to be the "mother" and relish again the joys of motherhood. But like you I step back. Life is very hectic and my house is no longer mine, but the little ones are so precious. The Lord's hand is surely in all this. I smile at your lovely writings, as your life and mine (apart from illness) are on par with each other. God's Blessings on all your family. Love from Australia

Melinda said...

So beautiful.

Unknown said...

When these dear babies are grown, they will always hold such sweet and loving memories of their grandmother who loved them so deeply! Blessings

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Oh, I do look forward to grandlittles!

Elizabethd said...

How lovely to have your babies so close. I loved it when my grandchildren were tiny, but now they are very grown up!

Stephanie said...

My dear Mrs. White, I so appreciated this post and your sweet honesty. As a mother to a precious little boy your post taught me that one day he will be grown up with children of his own and I must respect the mother of his children. I will hold your words close to my heart for many years, dear one. Thank you...

Have a blessed day! Love and hugs!

Linda said...

How beautiful...thank you for sharing. smiles

Texas Homesteader said...

Wow, what a powerful post about the love of a grandmother for her grandchildren, but also respecting the mother's place as well. Too many times we jump in with our 'helpful' well-meaning advice without first considering it's the mother's prerogative. Love the post and the look into your gentle, loving heart. Thanks for sharing! (Stopping by from the A Little R&R Blog Party)

~Taylor-Made Homestead~

Carol said...

Children bring both energy and joy--and a need for guidance. It is wonderful that you have grandchildren living with you--I know that it must take a chunk of your time, but what a blessing! I am thankful that some of my grandchildren are just 40 minutes away.

Deborah Montgomery said...

I pray I will be blessed with grandchildren some day. I feel exactly as you do about mothering/grandmothering. It is the best job ever. Your daughter and grand babies are blessed to have you.

JES said...

Good morning! Just a little note to let you know this post has been * featured* this week on The Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! Have a lovely week! :)

Laura Jeanne said...

You are a kind and loving soul, Mrs. White. And your grandchildren are blessed to have you care for them. This post brought a tear of sadness to my eye, because it reminded me of the years my own babies were small, and my own mother refused to help me care for them even when I begged her to help me. She only lived a few blocks away, and did not have much to do, but she refused to come over or help me whatsoever. The few times since then she has babysat them she complained so bitterly that I decided not to burden her again. (She didn't want to be a mother, so it is no surprise she didn't want to be a grandmother either.)

I don't say this merely to complain, but to underscore what a blessing your loving presence must be in your daughter's life, and in those of her babies. You are enriching their souls with God's love right from the start.