Friday, December 22, 2017

Christmas Baking

It has been snowing steadily for days here in rural Vermont.  It is so pretty, especially this time of year.  The temperature outside was 10 degrees yesterday when I ventured out for an errand.  Inside, it is cozy and pleasant by the fire.

I just made a batch of sugar cookie dough.   I wrapped it in wax paper and placed it in a bowl to cool in the refrigerator.  I will make the cookies much later today.  I have bell shaped cookie cutters, which are my favorite.  I have red and green sugar sprinkles to decorate with.

I am just about to make Christmas fudge.  It is just plain chocolate fudge made using a recipe on the label of Carnation Evaporated milk.  It doesn't take long, but it requires standing by the stove and working quickly before pouring into a pan to cool.  I have to make sure no one calls me on the phone, or walks in for a visit, or else I will lose my concentration. Everyone has to be settled before Mother makes the fudge. (gentle smiles)

I am just doing a few, basic things to bring cheer to the family. I don't have the energy to do anything time consuming or elaborate.

I have some pretty rose colored carnations in a jar on my sideboard table. This sits on a red table runner. It looks festive.

I have a couple of presents for some of the grandchildren sitting on the floor near my rocking chair in the parlour. When the children come upstairs to visit me later today, I will let them "find" these gifts. I will smile and tell them, "Oh, well you may as well open them, of course."  They will be so happy!  It is just warm, new pajamas for each of them.

Some of the children and grandchildren will visit over the Christmas vacation.  I have a small present for each grandbaby.  No matter how cold it gets, or how grumpy and tired some of us can be, we hope to attend the Christmas service at church. (gentle smiles)

I am busy sewing a couple of aprons and doing some crocheting, which keeps me busy while I sit on the parlour couch and visit with the family.

I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a joyful time with your families.  If Mother is happy and cheerful, the family cannot help but cheer up and smile too!  Besides, our happiness is not based on anyone else's mood or troubles. It is based on the joyful peace we have as a child of God.

Mrs. White

From the Archives -

The Truth - "Nobody Wants to Clean a Messy House".

Through Good times and Bad - "Living on Mister's Income".

God bless the dear Mothers! -  Encouragement - "All of God's Children Have Shoes".

Find Home-keeping Inspiration, in Mrs.White's book -Mother's Book of Home Economics .  Paperback, 312 pages.

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email. 


Regina said...

Merry Christmas Mrs. White! And can you send some of your snow here? Last year at this time, it snowed like crazy. This year is clear sunny skies with no chance of precipitation.

Deanna said...

Merry CHRISTmas!!! I know I won't get fudge made before Christmas, but I will try real hard to get it made before New Year's Eve. The tree is up and decorated, gifts almost all taken care of, cards in the mail, Nativity Scene displayed. We might get some snow...that would be heavenly. All the best to you and your family.
God bless,

Lana said...

Merry Christmas!

Oh my, the fudge! I make the same kind and always worry that someone will come to the door! It is all done and awaiting Christmas now.

Joslyn said...

Merry Christmas to the White family! I had plans of baking many different types of treats.I formulated a large shopping list and purchased what I needed.When I came home,I could not find the second list that had all the specific recipes I had chosen and shopped for! So now I will make what I remember of it and try to keep it simple :) I have run out of time and energy to carry out all the elaborate plans anyway!I hope you have a blessed Christmas season with all your loved ones!

Amelia said...

Merry Christmas dear blogging friend! : ) Oh my...Those sugar cookies sound delightful. I can just smell the fragrance wafting through your home! Oh and the sweet decor. Love that...just love that. It is so nice the way different products have those recipes on the cans and such, usually they are very good too.

What a sweet, blessed home you must have there, I just love the simplicity but huge care you show. The carnations sound so sweet, carnations were my Italian grandpa's favorite flower, my mother's wedding bouquet was of white carnations. They last a long time too! : )

Christmas hugs to you!

Mrs.O said...

Merry Christmas to you and your Mrs. White, God bless you. Thank you for the reminders.
It sounds like you are making a cosy Christmas and putting it in God's hands.

Billie Jo said...

Merry and Blessed Christmas to you and your family.
I make a similar fudge recipe, and you do indeed have a fine line between done and overdone!
We are anticipating some snow here in Pennsylvania...
We shall see!

Melanie said...

I hope you had a good Christmas and will have a wonderful year ahead! Are you still sending out your newsletters?
Take care and God bless you! :-)