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Currier and Ives 1867 painting "Home to Thanksgiving" (Library of Congress) |
I will be doing some grocery shopping this morning for our Thanksgiving dinner. Last night, I pulled our Turkey out of the freezer to defrost in the refrigerator. Over the years, I have learned that Sunday is the day to start the defrosting so it will be ready by Thursday. I always buy a "Butterball" because my mother taught me that they are practically foolproof. This also makes my life easier! My only difficulty is lifting the 20 plus pounds and getting it into the oven on Thanksgiving morning. Usually, someone in the family will get up early with me to help.
My dinner menu is as follows:
Turkey and gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Mashed Sweet Potatoes
Homemade buttermilk biscuits
Cranberry Sauce
Celery and Cream Cheese
Homemade Sugar Cookies
Apple Pie with vanilla ice cream
Pumpkin pie with Cool Whip
Apple Cider
I am not making pies from scratch because it is easier for me to buy them frozen on sale. When the price went down a few weeks ago, I bought a few for the freezer.
Our Thanksgiving this year will be completely different than it has ever been. I usually have all of our children and grandchildren here. But this year, as their families are growing, and they don't all live nearby, many of them are hosting their own dinners. We all know we are welcome to show up at each other's houses at any time, so it is possible that some will stop by in the late evening to have dessert with us. This year, it will just be three for dinner. This is Papa and I along with our youngest son (in his 20's). I have never had a Thanksgiving with only three people, so this is something new for me.
Part of our tradition is to read a copy of The Thanksgiving Proclamation by George Washington (1789). You can find copies of these in PDF format from Pilgrim Hall Museum, which is located in Plymouth Massachusetts.
Next we recite a special prayer that my father used to say for us every year, when he and mother hosted our dinners. Dad, at my begging and urging, wrote this out for me a few months before he passed into heaven. It is a treasure.
The excitement of preparing the dinner all morning, and perhaps listening to Christmas music or gospel as I work in the kitchen will be a pleasure. There will be phone calls from my grown daughters with well-wishes and asking advice. One of my girls is hosting her very first Thanksgiving and will be making her first turkey. It is a wonderful day for family, even if they are all scattered. I am grateful for the contact we can have through the telephone.
In thinking about Thanksgiving, I wanted to offer a gift to you.
The Give-away

I would like to give away a copy of my newest book, "Introduction to Home Economics: Gentle Instruction to Find Joy in Christian Homemaking."
This book is 200 pages, paperback.
There are a total of 72 short "chapters" which contain many writings from my private newsletter. These include daily life as a homemaker and grandmother. One of my favorites is called "The Little Mother" about my 3 year old granddaughter who is such a delight. Some of the writings also include many blog posts, from here, over the last 2 years.
Here is a description from the back of the book:
"Whether you are currently a homemaker or want training in your future vocation at home, this course will provide a peaceful and pleasant study. There are 3 units with subjects covering life and lessons on: "Family and Home;" "New England Thrift;" and "To Be a Lady." You will also find space provided for a "homemaker's diary." There are three projects to complete along with each unit. You will learn: How to keep a financial record for the home by setting up a "House Account." How to set up a simple menu plan. How to do a cleaning challenge. The foundation of the course is found in essays of instruction and encouragement, through reading about the daily life of a New England Homemaker."
(If you have already read the book, it will be very helpful to me if you could post a review on Amazon!)
To enter for a chance to win a copy of this book, all you have to do is leave me a comment, telling me your plans for this Thanksgiving.
Perhaps you will tell me if you are hosting dinner or traveling? Perhaps you would like to share a favorite family recipe? Maybe you will tell me your traditions for the day? Is there a favorite Thanksgiving book or story you like to read on this day?
Whatever you would like to share about your Thanksgiving would be a blessing for us all to read! Just commenting here will enter you into the contest for a chance to win a copy of this book.
random winner we be selected on Friday, November 23, 2018. (U.S. Entries
only.) If I am unable to reach the winner within 48 hours, an alternate
winner will be selected. Your entry is only valid if you include a way for me to contact you.
Edited update - This contest has ended. To see the results, please visit "Presenting the Winner of the Homemaking Book" which includes a bonus opportunity to win again!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Edited update - This contest has ended. To see the results, please visit "Presenting the Winner of the Homemaking Book" which includes a bonus opportunity to win again!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Mrs. White
From the Archives -
When Home Life is Unhappy - It's time to - Take Back the Home!
Remembering - The Old Sunday Dinner.
Taking Care of Grandchildren - I Hear Angels Crying.
Mrs. White's special book for homemakers:"Introduction to Home Economics: Gentle Instruction to Find Joy in Christian Homemaking." Paperback, 200 pages.
This Thanksgiving, my family will be going to my parents and everyone brings something, mom usually does the turkey and dressing. Happy Thanksgiving to you
I followed your blog, I have been reading it for years and really enjoy it.
My son and his family will be here for Thanksgiving. We will be having the traditional meal. I love how my house smells on Thanksgiving!! And I love spending the day with loved ones the most.
This is my first Thanksgiving in over 20 years I am not cooking. A dear friend ask invited us to join her family for Thanksgiving dinner. We are leaving very early the next day on a 6 hr drive for my grandsons wedding weekend. I won't have to worry about what to do with leftovers since we won't be hope. I am very blessed this Thanksgiving.
We will be spending Thanksgiving with a fellow homeschool family. We are moving the week after to a new state and so our friends graciously invited us to share the day with them!
I also subscribed via email!
Oh, what a wonderful giveaway! We just celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday (Sunday), as our daughter is a nurse and will be working the holiday this year. We had a lovely day with our grown children and their families! This Thanksgiving Day I will be putting up our Christmas tree and decorating the house.
We will be going to travel to my in laws, my 80 yr old mother who lives with us will be going as well. Will head back home by mid afternoon since it is a 3 hr one-way trip. However, last night we had our church Thanksgiving service and meal with all the fixin. My favorite was mom's dressing which we wrote down this yrs since not sure how much longer we have with her. Will definitely be getting me a piece of pecan pie.
I have been subscribe to the blog for several years now and look forward to seeing it in the email box. Will share on Facebook.
Deborah Cook
This Thanksgiving I am having the meal here. My sister, my son and his girlfriend, my step-son and my husband and I will be celebrating together. This has been a hard year for all of us. But we have so very much to be thankful for. My brother's and their wives will be having their meals with their families as they live away from us. The holidays are just not the same since our parents passed on. My mother has been gone 12 years and her 81st birthday is coming up on the 25th as is her and dad's 62nd wedding anniversary. I always think of them during this time. The Thanksgiving before she passed I decorated my entire house for Christmas as she loved the holidays so much and I wasn't sure she would still be here. We have a little, humble home that most people wouldn't think much of. We are very simple, blue collar people. But one of the things my mother told me was, "I am just as comfortable here, in your home, visiting you as I am when I go to your brothers. I feel just as welcome here as I do there." And that has meant the world to me. My father has now been gone 2 1/2 years. He loved living so much and I so dearly miss him and mom on this day. But I am blessed and so thankful to have had godly parents and to have been raised in a household of faith. That is something that can never be taken away from me. I hope you all have a blessed, wonderful Thanksgiving. I understand how you feel, Mrs. White, about the small crowd. As the eldest daughter I tried for years to carry on the holidays in mom's place so that my siblings would have a place to go. But it just didn't work out. Be blessed.
We will celebrate with my two sons and the eldest son's girlfriend. We have the same meal every year because it's all our favorite foods: turkey, gravy, mashed cheese potatoes, sausage stuffing, greens beans with bacon, pickles & olives (a tradition from my childhood), and pumpkin ice cream pie. My mother-in-law and I found the recipe for the pie about 25 years ago, and have made it every year since! She is now in heaven, but the tradition continues. (It's always the first thing on the list when we plan the menu.) I love Thanksgiving because somehow I feel even more thankful for all the blessings God has given me. It's a wonderful time of the year.
Mrs. White, I don't subscribe, but I have your blog bookmarked and check it every morning. You are such a blessing to me. We live on a very modest budget, and your encouragement is so welcome. God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving!
Hello Mrs. White, I am a neighbor next door to you in New Hampshire. I always enjoy reading your blog posts. This Thanksgiving my family is going to my son's in laws house. They just moved into a house on a lake. There will be 16 of us. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday .
Have a peaceful and warm Thanksgiving
I will be hosting Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year. Six of my seven children will be there, plus two in law children and my first grandson. Also my Daddy will probably bring his family as well but not sure yet..
Our Thanksgiving this year will be different as well. We usually have a house full of friends and family, but most everyone had other plans this year. So instead of 50 or more people, it'll just be me and my three sons who are still at home. I will miss my daughter and her family but we'll see them on Friday to celebrate my parents' 50th anniversary. So very different, but all good!
Hi Mrs. White!
We will be staying home for Thanksgiving and I having a lady from church over and who knows? I find more people to invite over though, not sure where to put them.
We don't have any special traditions in our family. Growing up Mama started the baking the night before Thanksgiving and put Christmas tree up.
We are not into football but when I was a kid my parents would watch the Grambling State vs Southern University football game aka Bayou Classic that is always the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
Our menu will be:
Turkey and dressing
Crockpot mashed potatoes
Crescent rolls
Zucchini roll
Pumpkin Pie with Reddi Whip
Sparking cider
Apple cider
Have a blessed Thanksgiving Mrs. White.
Hello, Mrs. White.
As a young homemaker and mama to 6 , I absolutely adore your blog.
I bought one of your books and read it over and over for encouragement.
Id love to win this one.
This year is my first year hosting Thanksgiving at my home.
We are having the normal foods,
Turkey and ham
Potatoes and gravy
Brussels sprouts
Roasted carrots
We are excited.
I will be hosting Thanksgiving in our home for the first time in three years. The last we're celebrated at the fire station my husband works at. He'll be off this year so we are excited.
Our menu:
Butterball turkey (only kind I will buy also)
Potato salad
Green bean casserole
Cranberry sauce
Rolls and cornbread
Pecan pie aand apple pie
Blue Bell ice cream to top it off.
As usual, my husband will do the meal. He loves cooking and I find it stressful. I am in charge of desserts, setting the table and clean up. At the table will be the five of us still living at home and my son will bring his wife and daughter. We usually eat fairly early so that we can have turkey sandwiches for supper!
For the giveaway....I am already a subscriber! I love your blog!
My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is writing on a white table cloth with fabric markers what we are thankful for. There are scribbles from when my now teenagers were babies, and gracious thanks to God for our dear family from my grandparents who have now passed. There are memories of engagements, pregnancy, vacations and healing that are a joy to read together each year. We also take a rock home after writing on it what we are thankful for, like the Israelites did crossing the sea, as a celebration of what God has done in our lives that year.
Have a great Thanksgiving...the first one without a big crowd is a tough one. Now as I have the time I love to take a long walk. I cook a turkey breast with mashed potatoes and brussel sprouts. And always homemade potato rolls. Thank you for your lovely posts.
What a wonderful give-away... I have your other books but just had not gotten around to order this one yet!
We are in the middle of moving from one house to another this month! So we thought we would just do a quick 2-day trip to Hubbins elderly folks next state over. I will cook all day Wednesday (in my new kitchen!) before we head out that evening. I'm even taking the thawed turkey with us to put in their oven early Thursday morning -- ha.
Over the river and through the woods, to be sure!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Mrs. White.
My husband and I are traveling to the mountains, along with our daughter's family (6 grandchildren and husband) and our son's family, (two grandchildren and his wife). Staying in up there for 4 days! I am blessed!
I am having my children and future daughter for Thanksgiving. She and my son will be coming to Texas from Virginia!
I am also posting on Facebook! :)
Thursday is expected to be a quiet day for me. Since my favorite part of the traditional meal is cornbread dressing and I no longer eat things made with flour, I plan to feast on a dish of wild rice with mushrooms ,celery, and onions along with roasted Brussels sprouts and sweet potatoes. I'm contributing to a less fortunate family's feast. For the rest of the day I'll continue preparatons for the family who will be coming to visit for my daughter's wedding. And relaxing in giving thanks.
because our grown sons and their families live very far away, this thanksgiving we will be celebrating at a friend"s house . The hostess is a special friend from church who invites many people to her home each year. It turns into quite a feast and day of gratitude.
Maianne Gum
I am in retail, so I have to work every single holiday including this one. The night before Thanksgiving I have to work until midnight (to set the sale for the following day), and then on Thanksgiving Day I have to be back to work by 6:00 AM, and then I will get off at 7:00 (which is considered a "short" day for me, believe it or not). My husband and our three children (ages 13, 12, and 10) will cook and enjoy the feast together, and then they always have a lovely plate, piled high for me, when I get home from work exhausted. I know that there will be people reading this and wondering why a "working woman"is reading a blog about traditional homemaking. I am very traditional actually and was always a proud stay-at-home mom, but in 2015, a mere three years ago, a situation arose that caused our entire family to lose everything and to become homeless--yes, homeless. Through the grace of God, and the help of loving friends, we were able to get back on our feet slowly but surely, but we needed to show that we were willing to sacrifice also in order to not appear as though we expected others to take care of us and our children. I got a job, and we are in the process of paying them back little by little. Life is often not what you wanted it to be, but we are all stronger people, our kids as well, because of all that we went through.
I subscribe to your blog.
P.S. Forgot to mention that my husband makes the best green bean casserole on the planet. It is my recipe, but he makes it much better than I do. I asked him what he does differently, but he refuses to share his secret ! :)
I have been reading your blog for many years and find so much encouragement and inspiration! I would love to have a copy of your new book, but it is hard to justify a purchase of something “extra” like that. I am blessed to stay home with my 4 children.
This Thanksgiving we will be at my sister’s new home. This is her first house, so it may be a little cozy; 12 people in a tiny house!
This year we will be going to my brother and his wife's house. They just moved and live about 20 minutes away! So my parents and my brother's kids as with my family will be together. It's going to be nice not having to drive over an hour!
This year we are spending thanksgiving at my grandma's..my mom bought a huge table to seat everyone this year! My favorite dish to take is broccoli caserole. willardamber@rocketmail.com
The past two years we haven't had Thanksgiving at all. My dear Grandmother passed away in 2017, and my job was always to help her get the big feast on the table. After her death, my family scattered, everyone doing their own thing and no one getting together as a family group at all. After discussing this with my older sister, we decided to combine out two small families (3 people each), and celebrate the way we used to when Gram was still with us. We will be using some of her old recipes and her beloved china. I am looking forward to celebrating this holiday once again.
I will be hosting thanksgiving at my house with my four children and my mother.Wishing you and your family a happy thanksgiving!
We are having only 3 this year also....For the first time ever we are getting Cracker Barrel Thanksgiving Meal to-go. A nice break from all the pots and pans and dishes. We figured we didn't need too much food either. Blessings upon your Thanksgiving. Mrs. Kelly Thompson
We will be going to my in-laws for dinner. They love to host us and we love going since we just don't know how much longer they will be able to do so. It will be six of us - my in-laws, my husband and myself, and our daughter and her boyfriend. Since they won't let us contribute to the meal, we always jump up and take over clean up duties. I imagine our menu will be similar to yours, and always very yummy! I hope you have a very blessed Thanksgiving. We truly do have so much to be thankful for.
I already subscribe to receive your updates in my email. :-)
Your posts are always so encouraging and help me stay focused on what is really important. This year my 2 sons are hosting our Thanksgiving and Christmas. Since I am recovering from breast cancer treatment, they wanted me to take things a little slower. My husband will smoke a turkey to take and I will provide the gravy and Crock Pot mashed potatoes since I will be able to make the giblet gravy. I will also make the pies, but this year it will be with frozen pie shells. We are looking forward to a blessed time with our children and grandchildren.
Blessings ~ Pamela ~
I just discovered your blog through Karen Andreola’s most recent post. I can’t wait to read more. My husband read George Washington’s proclamation last Thanksgiving. This year we are taking a break from hosting and driving to my aunt’s in Columbus, Ohio with our six children. I would dearly love to read your book. melissacseverance@gmail.com
We usually host and are doing so again this year. The number of people who come has varied over the years from three to sixteen...this year we're expecting seven guests. We have all the traditional dishes-turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and the like. What's great is that Thanksgiving has actually been a break for me for the past few years because my husband loves to cook the dinner and insists on doing so. As I'm the cook the rest of the year, I don't put up too much of a fuss :). Especially this year as I'm pregnant and ready for the usual all day sickness to start any day now (although who knows? Maybe fifth time's a charm and I won't feel sick this time!).
I really appreciate your posts...they are such an encouragement. I just finished reading through your archives and I was sad to hit the end. So I love seeing when you have a new post. Hope you and your family have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!
Joan here, again. Here is my email:
Thank you for offering this giveaway!
I enjoy your blog. My son and his family are coming home to Ohio from Boston. It will be very special to all be together again. I will cook a very traditional meal with sandwiches and snacks for extended family dropping in later. Thank you for your blog!
We will be traveling to my parents home in the countryside. We will have a traditional meal of turkey and dressing and giblet gravy with all the traditional fixings and a plethora 9f desserts such as pumpkin pie! I love this time of year!
Hello Mrs. White. Thanksgiving Blessings to you!!! Please enter me in your delightful give away. I'd be honored to receive your gift as I love reading your writings and have been enjoying your blog for years. This Thanksgiving will be interesting as my kitchen is difficult to walk through as we have living room and dining room items stuffed in the kitchen as we are painting, laying new floor and ceiling elsewhere in the house. I will be so thankful when this huge project is completed. We will be having Ham sandwiches and pie on Friday instead of a full blown meal on Thursday. I still have some shopping to do as well as major clean-up in preparation for family visiting.
God bless us one and all,
d on the prairie
Dear Mrs. White,
Your dinner sounds wonderful! We have chosen to not have Thanksgiving Dinner at all. Going out to eat is no fun, and I don't have a kitchen that I can make it at home. So, I am looking forward to next year, when hopefully we have enough money saved to add a kitchen to our home. Your posts are uplifting. Thank you for them. Also, please leave me out of the book contest, I already have one of my own!!
I so enjoy your posts. We will be cooking our usual Thanksgiving meal at home and have our grown children and our grandchildren over. I look forward to the meal and leftovers, not to mention the sandwiches.
Thank you for all your encouragement.
My family & I are going to my daughter & her husbands for Thanksgiving dinner. She is so excited. We will be having all the traditional Thanksgiving dishes. I love receiving your emails & reading your blog.
Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family!
Here in New Hampshire, My husband of 47 years and I will celebrating Thanksgiving dinner at a quaint farmhouse restaurant about 30 minutes from our home. It's a lovely country drive. We have our "special" table for two next to the fireplace! The meal tastes just like home cooking from soup to nuts.
I am planning to cook a turkey breast, so that we will have "leftovers" along with a cranberry bread, pecan pie and a Tourtiérè (Canadian two crust meat pie) using a recipe passed down through many generations. We have the Tourtiérè for supper on Thanksgiving eve and also reheated for breakfast or supper on Thanksgiving day.
The rest of our family (daughter, son-in-law, and two grandaughters) live in Oklahoma! We traveled there last year and it was a wonderful time together. We're unable to this year due to time restraints. They visited with us for 3 weeks this past Summer and we plan to have an extended visit with them in the Spring.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
This year we are going to our son's home for dinner. It will be non traditional with Chicken and noodles, chili, fruit salad and I don't know what else, but everyone coming brings something. We usually host Thanksgiving at our place but we are moving from our acreage to a smaller place in town so we are in a bit of a turmoil so our daughter-in-law said they will host this year. So Thankful for that. I would love a copy of your book. Nannie
I am an Australian and we do not celebrate Thanksgiving. I’ve always watched American tv programs as a child and wondered why we didn’t. Such a lovely tradition, with family and friends sharing a meal and loving one another. Very special indeed.
I hope you all have a great thanksgiving and enjoy peaceful , happy moments with your family.
Hello Mrs. White! I hosted my side of the family this past Saturday. There were 19 at my home (we rotate hosting between the 5 siblings). I cooked the turkey and made the gravy, noodles, and hot rolls. The rest of the meal was spread out amongst the siblings and their families. On Thanksgiving Day we will cheer on my son & husband while they run the annual Turkey Trot (2 miles). We decided to not have another traditional meal as we are inviting a widow to share the meal. She talked of how difficult it would be to have a traditional meal, memory-wise, so we altered what we usually have to make her more comfortable. We will play board games as well as sit by the fire. I hope to make some progress on a sweater I am knitting. "Happy Thanksgiving" to you and your family.
We wil lbe a small group of immediate family, a total of four, for Thanksgiving dinner. We all make a garnish that goes back to my upbringing in the 70's. We make two turkeys out of red delicious apples with raisins stuck on toothpicks for the feathers along the back and then raisins strung on a toothpick with a green olive for the head. Kind of quirky but this kind of garnish was common then and children love it.It brings back memories of the previous generation. Our dinner will be traditional:turkey with gravy, stuffing, fresh cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, corn, brussel sprouts, and mashed potatoes, pumpkin and cherry pie with whipped cream for dessert. Blessings to you this Thanksgiving!
We are going to have a lovely dinner with Our friends and their eldest two girls and their four adoptive children. They have told us it will be 18 total in the house. I am in charge of sweets and rolls! :) I love this family as they literally have an open door policy. The door is Always Open! And they are so gracious and loving. It will be a blessing to spend more time with them and their beautiful family!
My husbands family will be coming over to our home. There will be 12 of us.
God willing, we will have 25 family members in our home this year for Thanksgiving. It is my favorite holiday as a family and I teasingly say that the United States celebrates my birthday (which sometimes does fall on Thanksgiving Day)!
We are a Christian family who places value on simple home life and economy while being servants of God.
Thank you for your blog. I anticipate each entry and relish slowly enjoying your words of grace and beauty and wisdom.
Pam, Knoxville
Usually, we go to my MILs for Tgiving dinner (served around 1pm). But this year, I'm back at work part time, and thought I'd ask if anyone needed a place to go. So far, I have 3, possibly 4 people coming. My brother and his wife may come, so that will make 9. Not a huge amount, so I'm not going all out. Besides, I'm waaaay out of practice, lol.
Turkey breast
Ham in the crockpot
Dressing and gravy *must have chopped boiled eggs in the dressing
Field peas with snaps
Creamed corn
Yeast rolls
Crescent rolls
Apple pie
Carrot Cake
Soft Drinks
I pray you have a blessed day, Mrs. White!
Our youngest son and his wife bought their first house this year so they invited us to come to them and our son is doing all the cooking. What a blessing to have grown children to invite us.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving! ( I keep thinking of you all trying to keep warm since reading your last post.)
This Thanksgiving, we will all gather at my parents home. Siblings all bring the food and my parents have tea and green beans (hopefully making it easy for them). I’m in charge of turkey this year and, gasp, I’ve never cooked a turkey before! So I googled it and found a recipe on allrecipes.com for a 6 lb turkey breast in the slow cooker!!!!! I’m going to have both crock pots going and PRAYING it comes out as tasty as the reviews all say.
I am hosting at my house this year. In attendance will be my husband, our 16 year old daughter, my sister and her husband, and my 92 year old mother. My sister and I share cooking responsibilities, and my BIL says he will make the turkey on the grill. Hmmmm, that will be a first. Also on the menu are BBQ meat balls, pork tenderloin, green bean casserole, acorn squash, sweet potato casserole, and assorted pies for dessert. My daughter will make some things, including wonderful deviled eggs. Some members of my family have celiac disease (an immune disease that confuses gluten for something to attack!), so we make a nice selection of things that won't contain wheat, barley or malt. I'm thankful we live in a time that I can offer our traditional fare at Thanksgiving that will be safe for them.
If I win your book, I will use it in a homeschool course on Home Economics for my daughter. Your book would be a wonderful addition to that course!
Hello Mrs. White,
I just wanted to tell you how much I love your blog...I look forward to each & every post and get soooooo excited when I see a new one in my inbox.
I hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful and that you will enjoy the day with your family.
In Christ,
Kay Walker
And I subscribed to your blog. Thank you so much and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Our family is going to my niece's home this year...it is a tradition with us and she loves having everyone there. We did not think she would be able to have us, since she has had some terrible mental anguish and has been unable to hardly function for six months. But, thanks be to the Heavenly Father, she is better and back to herself. God is good! Thanks for the chance to win your book...can't wait to see who wins.
None of my extended family are available to get together anymore so my boyfriend and my two teenage daughters and I are going out
This Thanksgiving we will be at home. And my whole family will be here. My amazing husband will be cooking as I am having surgery on Wednesday. Looking forward to a great time of family, fellowship and healing.
I also want to say that I follow your blog for years now. I love your gentle stories and advice. Thank you for all you do and have a blessed thanksgiving!
We will be doing Thanksgiving a little different this year. We are blessed to have both of our parents, but as life has it, they're older and starting to have health problems. We will be cooking at my house and transporting to their home.
We will be having:
Turkey and dressing
Mashed potatoes
Green beans
Macaroni and cheese
Potato salad
Pumpkin pie
Cherry yum yum
Chocolate ecclair
Sweet tea and coffee
Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
What a joy to find your blog by a link from Karen Andreola. Your book, Economy for the Christian Home, has been a yearly read for me but I had no idea about your blog until now.
Thanksgiving will be traveling to stay with family, too much food, cousins playing in nature (our 8 plus 3 from family), laughter, tears (we lost a much-loved family member this year, more food, relaxation, easy disposable plates and cutlery, and new memories.
This year we will be at my parents. My sister and her family will be attending also. I am making a chocolate pie and a cheese cake to take along. My mom likes the main dishes made in her kitchen. My sister and I will arrive early to help her. I enjoy the feeling of family in the kitchen together.
We will go to our son and daughter-in-law's for Thanksgiving. She is fixing turkey, sweet potato casserole, corn, green bean casserole, broccoli, and dessert to be determined. I am bringing mashed potatoes (in the crockpot!) and rolls.
We will enjoy spending the day there with our four grandchildren.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
I enjoy reading your blog and find comfort and encouragement in your writing. Looks like I will be spending Thanksgiving alone, my sons live away. I went to the library today and checked out 3 movies on Dvd and 2 audio books as well as several interesting books to see me thru the holiday. I would very much like to be entered in your generous give away: msrothfus at outlook dot com.
Wow, look at all those comments Mrs White. I live in Australia and sadly your book is not available through Amazon here. I realise I am not in the running to get the giveaway, however I know the lady who wins will be blessed by your wise writings.
We do not celebrate Thanksgiving here in Australia, but concentrate mainly on Christmas. Have a wonderful time of celebration.
Blessings Gail.
Thanksgiving will be at my house, as usual, but with some differences this year. First, I am hosting in my new house that we just bought in August. Second, it will just be my immediate family, my mother, and one sister along with one of her friends. Last year, my entire family was together for the first time in 20 years and we had over 30 people. This year will be much smaller. The menu will stay pretty much the same: turkey, ham, dressing, cranberry sauce, rutabaga (THIS MUST BE ON THE MENU THEY CRY!!! LOL), green beans, rolls, apple cake, pecan pie, cheesecake, jello mold, and butterfinger pie.
Hello Mrs. White, thank you for the opportunity to win your giveaway. My plans for this coming Thursday are to trrat it like any other day, except for the fact that my husband will be home from work. Years ago I did some research from older history books on the origins of the first colonial thanksgiving and found something very interesting. They were actually trying to celebrate the biblical feast of Tabernacles or sukkot but they selected their own timeframe with which to keep it. Since my family now keeps the biblical feasts of the LORD found in Leviticus 23, I find it redundant to also celebrate a man-made holiday like Thanksgiving. Sukkot is an 8 day feast of joy and thankfulness and good food. So this thursday I will homeschool my youngest child, do the usual chores and enjoy the extra day that I have my husband home. Thank you for allowing me to comment and enter. God bless you. frugalhomeschooler@gmail.com
Giveaway entry number two. I am already an email subscriber. :) Frugafrugalhomeschooler@gmai
My plans is to cook Thanksgiving Meal and share the Meal with Loved Ones who are able to attend!
Dear Mrs. White,
Today I leave Western NY headed to my home state of Arkansas to spend Thanksgiving with my parents and my papa. We will be at Cracker Barrel for our dinner on Thanksgiving night. Thank you so much for much for hosting this giveaway. Happy Thanksgiving!
Grateful in Him,
Dear Mrs. White and Readers,
This Thanksgiving we will be travelling to my mother's house. Normally we stay home as it is an eight-hour drive one way and my husband works the day after Thanksgiving, but this year we're headed north. It has been a traumatic year for us as we lost first my father and then my brother 15 weeks apart, and now there is only my mother and I left of our little family. Grief is such an unpredictable companion and leaves little breathing space at times, so it will be good to surround ourselves with the comfort that family brings. My heart isn't in the holiday spirit yet, but I am hopeful that changes. Great sorrow only comes from great love, so how blessed were we?
May you all have a safe and lovely Thanksgiving holiday, and may you be surrounded by those you love.
~Mrs. Skutt
Hi Mrs. White, my name is Elizabeth, and I'm a loooong time lurker here! I have six children, and 3 grand daughters. Thanksgiving in my small home is quite the challenge, but I have the brood all together in one place, as they are scattered around as well. 2 sons in the Navy, who have missed many a Thankdgiving in the United States, are home for good. A new granddaughters first holiday! Thank God that we are able to be together in good health! Our dinner will consist of Butterball turkey (the best in my opinion), mashed potatoes, stuffing, candied sweet potatoes, corn and peas. This year I'm going to try out a new recipe , green bean casserole. I can't stomach cannned kind, so I'm attempting fresh beans. Wish me luck! I'm not much of a baker, so someone will have to bring desserts. We will light a fire in our fireplace, as New York is due for the coldest thanksgiving in 100 years lol! Money is scarce, but our family is blessed! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! P.S.... I'd love a copy f your book! Regards, Elizabeth
This year, we are headed to a tribal casino about 15 minutes from our house. My 83 year old father has requested it because he loves their buffet! That's fine with my 81 year old mother, because although she is an excellent cook, she really doesn't like to cook and tells all of us that throughout the process. ;-) In past years, my sister and her youngest daughter and I have made various parts of the meal and then we've all eaten it at my parents' house, since it is located between our houses. (My sister lives a half hour ferry ride + 30 minute drive from my parents' house, and I live a half hour away in the opposite direction.) I love to see everyone at Thanksgiving but I've been a vegetarian for almost 14 years, so I have to always make sure there's something for me to eat. My sister makes a special pan of stuffing for me, made with vegetable broth instead of chicken broth, which I appreciate so much. I hope you enjoy your smaller Thanksgiving this year! Last year, my sister was with her in-laws and we had dinner for only four of us (my parents, my husband and me), since my teenage son was actually asleep during the meal. He'd been dealing with some health problems so I didn't wake him up. So if we get him to the meal this time, I'll consider that a success and be grateful that is health has improved. Hugs to you from Seattle!
HI Sharon,
After reading your post, then reading all the wonderful comments, I would have a difficult time picking one to be the winner! If I were you, these comments are all so wonderful, I would give a book to everyone who sent a comment in!! After all, I don't think it's fair to just pick one person to win, it would hurt everyone else's feelings!! I have never won anything, mostly someone is always winning above me, this is why I am so sensitive to this type of thing! Notwithstanding, this is YOUR contest!!! :) God Bless you!
We were supposed to visit fa and but with three sick children and myself starting to feel under the weather, I am not sure what Thanksgiving will look like this year. I did pull a chicken out of the freezer in case I will be making our dinner.
Happy Thanksgiving, Mrs. White!
My Thanksgiving memory is a funny one. We were always early eaters and so my mom got up to get the huge turkey in. She was a night owl so this was a big thing. One of her bowling friends, we'll call her Millie, suggested that my mom do what Millie did. "Put in that turkey at 250 just before you go to bed and you'll awake to the most delicious smell! That turkey will be so tender, you'll never get up at dawn again! I do it every year." My mom was thrilled to hear Millie's idea, stuffed that bird around midnight, put it in, & headed off to bed.
Our dogs always woke me to go out by about 6am. I opened my bedroom door to the hallway and was greeted by this horrible smell....like something rotting! Just then, my dad came out into the hallway and asked me if the toilet was backed up!! We followed the smell to the kitchen and opened the oven. Oh, my! It was overwhelming. My dad grabbed the oven mitts, I ran to the back door & opened it. He threw the entire pan, turkey, etc. into the garbage can. It was cold, but we had to open every window and turn all the ceiling fans on & the heater off. One by one, everyone came out and was complaining about the smell.
My mom was crushed about her *perfect* turkey plan. It was our only Thanksgiving with no turkey, but plenty of fixings!! She was embarrassed to ask Millie what she did wrong lol.
I also wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying your book Mother's Book of Home Economics. My husband got it for me for my birthday from my Amazon wish list.
I will be taking pies to my mil's get-together this year!
A few years ago our Thanksgiving was only my husband, oldest son, then about 28, and myself. I was afraid I would feel sad because of so few but it turned out to be so blessed! May this one be the same for you. Like you, I am grateful for the long distance communications we are afforded nowadays. The Lord is good to all, in all circumstances, if we seek Him. I would love if you could share your father's prayer that you read on Thanksgiving! Thank you for your wonderful blog - and books. God bless you, Mrs. White! - Dianne in PA :)
I will be going to my sisters with my 2 children this year. I am taking scalloped potatoes and pickles. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. You have been such a wonderful inspiration to me ! God bless! sunrigs@yahoo.com
We've already had our Thanksgiving! Because of our boys' work schedule, they have to leave today so we did our Thanksgiving meal last night. My youngest drove through a snowstorm to get here, with me praying the entire time. We always had extended family here until just a few years ago. It still seems so different with just 4 of us here for Thanksgiving. Darlene, from Maine.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving your lovely comment. It's nice to 'meet' you.
I see you are in the midst of celebrating Thanksgiving this week, and your plans look so inviting. I want to wish you and all your readers a very Happy Thanksgiving. As I'm from Canada, we had our celebration back in October, but I love to be thankful every day whether it's a holiday or not.
Thankfully for me, my mom is still hosting! Because I'm a vegetarian and have never cooked meat in my life! I went over to her home Tues to dust and vacuum, plus I did all the grocery shopping. She made the pumpkin bread. Then Thursday morning I will go over to set the table and help with the side dishes, while my husband picks up his mom. My brother and a friend of his will join us, along with the only grandchild of the family, my 13 yo son. Rain is holding off, and it is predicted to be a nice warm day in sunny California. This book looks great and I will request it for a Christmas gift! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you for all the good advice you offer. I just discovered your blog and have been reading all the good info. You have inspired me to aim higher in my calling. Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🦃 We will be with my oldest son and his family.
Mrs. White,
I hope you enjoy cooking for your dear family on Thanksgiving Day...I always like to put gospel music or carols on and putter around in the kitchen just taking my time. As we age, meal prep seems to go slower(smile) I prepared some today and will finish in the morning. Blessings on you & yours...hoping and praying(really I am!) to win your lovely book!
My family will be at my mother and father's house for dinner. I am bringing brussels sprouts and rolls. I am forever grateful for this blog...
Hello! This will be my first Thanksgiving travelling .I love hosting and the fellowshipping that Thanksgiving brings . However, with a newborn I'm actually enjoying going to visit with some Brothers from our church .I always strive to have a Christ centered holiday so we usually focus on studying the psalms and reading lots of historical books about the reformation and the Puritans during this time. For dessert we always make Apple slump, which is an old fashioned recipe much easier to make than Apple pie. With 5 children under five simplicity is a must. I also have a teen daughter who would tremendously benefit from your book .As the only believer in my family I feel sometimes unprepared to train her to be a Godly wife and mother . But, His grace is sufficient for me! Blessings to all!
We always travel to spend Thanksgiving with our youngest daughter and her husband in Kansas City. It's been a lovely day here and trust that it's been the same for you. Happy Thanksgiving! <3
We had a quiet Thanksgiving at home. We had planned to go to my mom's but she was not feeling well.
I spend Thanksgiving with my husband and kids. Traditional meal with turkey and all of the goodies. We put up our Christmas tree and usually play a game or two and sometimes watch "Its a wonderful life."
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