Thursday, March 2, 2023

How to Subscribe

You can Follow The Legacy of Home by subscribing to the blog by email:

Please Note
: Due to financial issues involving working with email subscription services, we have had to set up our own method to keep readers updated about new posts here at The Legacy of Home blog.

We have set up a simple site I refer to as ~The Parlor~ for the only purpose of notifying you of new posts here.

 It is called: "Letters from Mrs. White." 


 This is a separate site where you can see post updates.

  On the right sidebar of that site, you will find a box to add your email address to subscribe to updates. 

 This method allows me to maintain a subscriber list for free. So far it is the only method I can find to keep readers updated without any expense to our ministry. Thank you for understanding and I hope you will subscribe! 

Please go to "Letters from Mrs. White" to subscribe by email. 

Subscribers will receive an automatic notification, by email, when a new post is published here on The Legacy of Home blog.

After you submit your email, be sure to confirm your subscription. 


I am thankful for you!


Mrs. White


From the Archives

The beautiful testimony of the Mother of D.L. Moody - Poverty in the 1800's

Excellent advice from Colonial Days - To Earn and not to Spend

Peaceful, Old Fashioned Living - Retirement Planning for the Poor.


- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -

"Gracious House Keeping: Advice, Encouragement, and Cleaning Help for the Christian Housewife."

Complete with Encouragement and Work Charts to cheer you along in your homemaking!

115 pages, paperback.






Vee said...

Since your blog rests in my Friends and Favorites sidebar, I always know when you have a new post up. Is there any benefit to you for my signing up?

Regina said...

I haven't had issues so far with receiving your emails. I'm glad when I see a new post though I don't always comment. I want to be more faithful with commenting.

jgoltermann77 said...

I am having trouble with my request to resubscribe on the new form. I have made several attempts, but have not received the "confirm" link.

Mrs. White said...

Vee, I love that you have an option for following along. That's what matters and I am thankful to have you here!

Regina, thank you for commenting. I am happy to have you visit and hope you are doing well.

Julie, I don't know very much about technical issues with subscribing. I hope someone else reading this might have an idea on how to help you to get it to work. I appreciate your efforts and hope you are able to subscribe.

Elizabethd said...

I too have you on my reading list, so I dont think I need to change that. I'll see what happens with your next post.

Sue said...

Hello, Like Vee, I have a favorite friends lists and I am always happy when I see a new post from them, however, I have been absent a lot lately from blogging, it is a very busy time for us on our homestead. Thank you for sharing .

Lin said...

Dear Mrs. White,
I have tried several times to add my e-mail address to your blog as instructed, although it always seems to jump to the last photo/page and will not let me subscribe? Is there another way to subscribe?

Karina Cruz said...

I was wondering why I stopped receiving updates. I have been subscribed for over 4 years. I love your writings, God bless! - Karina Cruz