Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Dangerous Mood for a Housewife

Winter nostalgia

I woke up very cold this morning. The wood stove has gone out. I am not depressed, but feeling unmotivated. This is a dangerous mood for a housewife. My family needs me to be cheerful and happy. They need to see me loving my daily tasks, because I do them for my children. I want their childhoods to be filled with good memories and their hearts must love home.

Dear God, help me to "wake up" from this sloth of the mind!!!!

I will put on my apron, have a hot cup of tea and just start my morning routine. The action will help bring the right thoughts. I cannot sit in a chair until I "feel" like doing my housework. (shudder). I must get up and begin making home our haven of rest. It has to be a place of joy and peace. May God protect me from my own mood!

I will offer myself a reward. . . Once I get everything clean and neat, I will watch a nice movie from the old days. I will think of horse-drawn carriages, Victorian homes, hospitality, and serving tea and cakes.

Perhaps, I will even set a pretty table at the noon hour and serve a simple meal. I will use paper place cards. I can use my neatest handwriting and carefully write out each name with a heart. I will then put one at each place setting. This always makes the family smile. I do it rarely, but it is such a treat.

May there be peace and joy in your homes today!

Mrs. White


Mrs. Teapot said...

Yes, my dear. I believe we all go through times like the one you have described. You did the right thing. Not focus on your feelings, get to action and cry out to the Lord for grace and strength when we are weak. Thanks be to Him who hears our heart's cry.

May He continue to uplift you and strengthen you this day.


The Crazy Mom said...

Are you getting bored of my comments yet? All I can seem to say is how LOVELY you are your home are!!! :) With the warth you share with your family, I'm surprised you even need a wood stove! :)

TrueFemininity said...

I've been battling the urge to be unproductive lately. Sometimes I just feel like I have no energy, but I just have to force myself to get going and do all those chores!

Lisa said...

Boy, I feel like this more times than not lately. Was comforting to read. Love your references to the old days.

kathy@stewards's steno said...

Mrs. White, this has been a rebuke and an encouragement- thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your wise words and motivation, Mrs. White. I always get a boost from reading your wonderful posts. I feel as if you are speaking directly to me!

Just Me said...

Mrs. White - whew. I think I've found a kindred spirit in you! :)

We are quite alike.

I have been battling this "sloth of mind" for months now. Thank you for your post. You helped me very much.

Stacy said...

Thank you! I needed this encouragement today!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Thank you for reminding us to not give into feelings and to rely on the Lord for strength!
God bless

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

I've had company all week. I worked to keep things nice around the house, but it seems there is often a mess when company leaves. I had only a few hours of sleep last night, but I know I must get up and get busy putting it all to rights.

Thank you for encouraging me to get at it.

Be blessed,
Mrs. Laura Lane
Carthage, Missouri