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Flowers in a hospital room of a White family Member |
A short time ago, a family member was hospitalized for a few days. I spent a great deal of time there. In the photograph above, you will see some white daisies. I bought these from a local florist shop to brighten the hospital room. This was my view most days as I sat in a corner chair and read a book while the patient slept nearby. Things are improving and everyone is back home again. Illnesses sometimes come out of nowhere but we are grateful for good doctors! All is well.
During this quiet time I realized how rushed things are here with the blog. I am often writing very short emails in response to very dear letters. Sometimes I will write a post, and without thinking or proofreading enough, I will publish it and get back to my family and home work. Upon reflection, sometimes weeks, months, or years later, I realize some of what I have written was unclear, not my complete thoughts on a matter, or downright offensive to some. (I am sure all of my books have mistakes in them.) I apologize for this.
I have stacks of correspondence here at home, with precious letters that have been sitting on my desk, carefully read and appreciated, but no response from me as of yet. I feel guilty about this a great deal of the time. Please know that I cherish your words and think about them often, even if I don't say very much in return.
In the blogging world, on occasion, I try to leave comments on other blogs I visit. I do not do this nearly enough as I ought to. There are so many amazing bloggers who write wonderful things and I know they appreciate visits and comments. It is a way to say, "I have visited and have enjoyed reading your thoughts." Often what they write is very helpful and provides inspiration in one's own life. I feel guilty for not visiting and commenting as much as I should.
I owe many letters, comments, and emails to many dear people. I often take weeks or months to respond even though I want to respond, and enjoy writing back. I am just so slow.
I recently published a book and have had some glitches with it because I was in such a rush to finish it, and had procrastinated so long, and wanted to just finish and get back to my family, that I disappointed some people. Again, I am so sorry.
I make many mistakes and don't always do, or say, the right thing. Again, I apologize and hope you will be patient with me.
I do love writing and corresponding and am so grateful for you all. Even though I enjoy doing this, it is very time consuming and very hard work. We all have homes and families who need us dearly. We all have limited time. But it is a blessing to be encouraged and to encourage others!
If we didn't just stop for a few minutes to write and to visit, it would never happen. It is okay to take a break to write. It is wonderful to visit. But it is even better when we have grace and patience with each other, knowing we are all flawed (especially me!).
Thank you for being here with me no matter how often I mess things up here. Most likely, everything I do is going to be flawed. Thank you for being forgiving. Thank you for your kindness and prayers. I am so very grateful!
From the Archives -
Making things for Grandbaby - Tea Napkins.
Finding Joy in Homemaking - Poor and Pretty Living.
Marriage - Serving Mister.
Dear Mrs. White,
What a gracious post from a gracious heart. None of us are perfect, but we can bless others despite our imperfections. Thank you for your lovely blog and the time and effort you put into your posts. I come here often for inspiration.
You've been an encouragement to me countless times over the years. I rarely comment, and for that I apologize. You draw your fuel and strength from Christ, I know, but I will try to be better about being for you what you've been for me.
Dear lady,
Of course you get busy, and of course you get overwhelmed, such is the nature of life. Those of us who read your precious blog understand that. Correspondence can be caught up on, errors in books can be corrected, and blog posts can worked on in the available times, but your precious family cannot wait. You are first and foremost a wife and mother, and from what I have seen, you are an excellent one. THAT is why I have no problems with occasional posts or other trivial matters. You inspire me to be better at my craft of homemaking.
Dear Mrs. Sharon White,
I am the one who sent the comment about being upset about having a small, one room home of which you said you would rather have a large home, ect. ect.
I have read your apology, and I forgive you and now I am sorry because I was just so hurt I said some things maybe ought not to have been said in the manner of which it was taken. After I had sent the message, it was too late to reproof it. SO, here, I wanted to add....we are all imperfect. me, too. , I once had much privilege more so than most in my younger years but, perhaps took it for granted. I see that was wrong because having to live in such tight quarters being married to a poor man, I have learned so much about being humble and thankful. Yes, I miss the built in swimming pool, the beach just down the road, ect. because of the lessons I leared (and am still learning) I would not have changed the experiance of living without those things because they are, just, things. People and friends, and family mean much more, and they last for eternity. So, see I have been there with the privileged, like you. Hopefully you don't find this note boring in very your busy schedule. It has been bothering me about my last post and after I prayed for you, God told me that you would write an apology, because you are a wonderful woman of God. I love your writings and I love and pray for you. Please don't ever stop writing. Your blog is my favorite, ever. Thank you.
from your sister in Christ,
Dear Mrs White - thank you for being real with us. I am sure we all realise that you have a family and time is a precious commodity- some have lots of "spare" time and some, like you, are stretched to fit in all we want to do in our heart. I am sure ALL of us have said or written something that upon hindsight we realise it was not done in the best way but we are not infallible and need to show the same grace to others that the Lord shows to us. Your apology to your readers was straight from your heart and i am sure that those who felt "offended" would have appreciated it. I have nothing but gratefulness towards you for your blog as it is so "peaceful" to read. God bless you
Karen - NZ
wow -- do I ever understand! I always am behind in visiting and commenting and sometimes am surprised anyone follows me anymore! I totally understand when people don't get back to me because they're busy, just like all of us. We try to do our best, but our families come first. xo Deborah
All this means is you are human. We all try to do our best but life gives us so many interruptions..some very serious. You have a full plate with your home duties and family obligations. Then you have health issues too. You do what to me seems like a Lot! And are very loving through it all. This blog has always left me strengthened and with peace. I have never felt shorted in any way....ever. Thank you for taking any time you can to share your life and faith with us. I can't imagine finding the time to blog myself. It sounds hard to figure out the technicalities of it and come up with ideas. I appreciate anyone who can and do. It has to be a lot of work. Your faith shines through in all your writing and that adds to everything you write. Your blog is very precious. Sarah
I look forward to your posts. You have a precious heart for others. Your blog is a blessing.
Mrs.White, you are a very special lady. You are so encouraging. I look forward to seeing your posts.
None of us are near perfect.
Please don't be so hard on yourself. We all appreciate all the work you do to encourage us.
Thank you,
I am glad your family member has healed. As a mother and wife, I myself notice I give a quick "dusting" to things instead of the thorough cleaning they actually need when a family situation is happening. Keep up the great work of being a wife, mother, grandmother and blogger. In that order. =) Best Blessings, Lori
Blessings to you! Lovely cheery flowers. Very thoughtful of you. Life can get over the top busy for sure. Not always able to visit all the blogs I enjoy and have enjoyed through the years. Just the way it goes. Please continue to write. It's a pleasure to visit your place,
Don’t worry- we all fall short. The important thing is what you do- one foot in front of the other, relying on God.
No worries here... You shouldn't have to apologize... You share and that is enough. God bless and am thankful for the words you have posted... 🙏🏻😀
Dear Mrs. White,
Your blog is one of the very few blogs I allow myself time to indulge. Thank you for continuing to write despite your busy devotion to your home and family.
Blessings to you!
I am sure most, if not all, of us understand how hard it is to find time to write replies. May I suggest that you simply add it to your homemaking schedule? Wednesdays are my finance/bills/business phone calls and letters days. As you likely have far more emails and letters to respond to than I do, you may need a second day as well. The beauty of this--aside from being a nice, organized way to reply--is that you can sit and write completely guilt-free and not feel like you really out to be cleaning the ceiling fans or something.
I enjoy your blog. I finally found the subscription link today, so now will have it coming to my inbox. I really appreciate how your blog still looks like all the pretty blogs that originally sprouted up...so many bloggers now have changed their formats to a sleek, modern look that I don't like at all. When half of what they publish are "bundles" or "give-aways" I know it's time to move on.
A peaceful Sunday to you.
Your blog is a blessing. I hope your family member is up and adam now, I have an uncle at 86 who underwent heart surgery and things are up and down even from afar. Your daisies are beautiful.
I know how you feel, it's a helpless feeling sometimes. May I say you have been a blessing to me. Your comments are like little angel wings from God when there were some very bad things happening in my life with my dad. You seem to have a knack for that. I too have made mistakes on my blog, and probably did not get the correct message out. Just lately I did that! : ) Sometimes it seems like we are darned if we do and darned if we don't! Ha!
I also agree that it is important that we visit and comment blogs when we are able, it makes blogging such a Blessing for others and ourselves. There have been times I'm disappointed when I reach out and leave a heartfelt comment to a new to me blogger, and the comment is never acknowledged. I wrote an older Christian lady who I see comment others quite often and I left a comment on her blog when I was so excited when I realized she was from the area I am from. I was a little taken back that she did not say anything in return at all. It wasn't a good witness and may I honestly say...Hurtful.
You seem very thoughtful and I so appreciate that. I can tell so much that you try to do the right thing to others and also try to be pleasing to God. : ) I can only imagine the stacks of letters you must have. I wonder if little postcards would be good? That is what Elisabeth Elliot used to do and they were treasured. You can just jot or type and send. (Just an idea) ; )
You are a dear and a love. ((hugs)) ~Amelia
I love your posts flaws and all, although I haven't personally noticed any. Love covers a multitude of sins and I have come to love your heart and see the good you pour out through your blog. We are on similar paths and it is rare to find this in my actual world so it is vital to be nourished in Homemaking through your anointed words. I am sending you a big hug and my deepest appreciation. Your blog is encouragement I read and reread many times when I am feeling disheartened. God brought me to you!
I'm sad but totally understand your thoughts about not answering on a blog or by letter to those we want to connect with. Our first priority should be our own homes. But it's always nice to drop a line.
I appreciate all these comments so much. What I will try to do is start commenting more here on the blog, whenever possible. You are all a great encouragement to me, and to many others as well, I am sure.
Thank you!
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