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Sunday dinner, 1942, Connecticut (LOC) |
Whenever you see a lovely family of Bible Hugging children- know you are only seeing an image. Those children still sin and give their parents trouble. Perhaps they bicker, or disobey, or even lie. But they love their Mother and they love their Bible. It doesn't mean they are going to be perfect. Let's get that clear, first off.
Children silently observe all that Mother does. They know what she is really like. It cannot be hidden in the home. Mother, we need to know we cannot do any of this alone. We need our dear Lord and I will tell you how to find strength from Him.
1. Strive to live a simple, unworldly life. Find time for recreation for the sake of the body, but it must not be the consuming of one's life.
2. Read the Bible more than any other reading material. Read it to ponder. Read it while praying. Read it while weeping. Read it for strength.
3. Pray with all thy heart and soul and strength. Pray diligently throughout the day. Pray for each child by name. Pray for courage. Pray for faith and love of God's holy way. Pray about everything.
4. Live out your commitments without wavering. Do what you promise to do, even if it causes you pain, exhaustion and suffering. You will be a shining example of a dedicated, responsible soul if you can be trusted to keep your word.
5. Work hard. Work with whatever you have been given to do. Work with all your strength and might- whether it be in your housekeeping, cooking, mothering, gardening or what have you. Do it with pride and commitment.
6. Talk about God with your children. Tell them about your prayers and the answers when they come. Show your children your total trust and faith in your Heavenly Father. Do this in normal, daily life- as things come up - rather than in forced conversations.
7. Offer Grace and Mercy to your children. Do not hold grudges. Forgive at once! Forgive even if they are still acting up! Forgive, smile, show compassion and love them with every bit of your strength. Forgive them over and over and over again - without end.
8. Speak life into your children. Lift them up. Praise them and tell them how much you love them and are grateful for them.
9. Do good things for your children. Make an effort to cook their favorite meals and make home a special place they want to be. Make a pleasant and loving home for your family. Do good things for them, unconditionally - even if they are acting troublesome. Show them love through your actions.
10. Live out a godly life before them. Pray openly. Read your Bible openly. Sing hymns or listen to gospel music openly. Go to the Master and fill your heart with love and holiness and then face your family, fully equipped to minister,while doing your homemaking tasks.
11. Confess your faults. If you are in a bad mood - tell them you are sorry. If you made a foolish decision- repent of it. Show them that none of us are flawless, but God has great mercy and we can only cling to him as the source of our hope.
12. Never bend. Know what your convictions are and do not change them with the times. Do not try to join in sinful, worldly living just to be friends with your children. You are the Mother. You are the example. You must stay strong and live out a godly, holy life before your family. Do not bend to their childish, immature worldly whims. I cannot stress this enough. Children will grow up, remembering your example. One day they will cling to the old ways and realize it was your source of strength. Long after you are dead and gone, dear mother, they will remember your strong character and godly ways. Don't underestimate the power of a committed, godly life.
13. Realize that money and things are never going to be more important than one's convictions. If you are seeking money at the expense of your family, or at the expense of your moral values - pray and find a way to drop it as quickly as possible. Nothing is more important than the salvation of the souls of your children. Do not let money, things, or the world's standard of life destroy your only chance of bringing up godly children.
I want to paint an image of what this looks like in an old fashioned home. Mother has her daily duties. We thank God for her work, because it gives her something important to do. She cannot spend all day wasting time on television, constant eating and lounging. She needs to be about the Master's business - and that is the keeping of the home. She should pray for love for her job, so that it will shine through and bless those around her. I can see her right now, washing clothes, hanging them on the line. I see her humming and smiling while she makes supper. Now she is reading the Bible and sharing a verse or two that has blessed her. All her worries are cast on the Lord in prayer. She goes about her daily life, unhurried, and in peace. The children feel safe and secure because they know Mama is there.
Dear ones, our daily religious duties are an obligation. We do them whether or not we feel like it. It is what helps keep us on the straight and narrow. If we follow our own way, our own desires, we will be led astray. Perhaps we don't want to go to church. This is an enormous struggle in many homes. We don't want to go. But if we go out of obligation and gratefulness to God, we are setting an amazing example to our children.
We, as mothers, will have children of all ages, at all stages on their religious journey. Some have been saved, some are struggling in sin, some are confused, and some are under the chastening hand of God. We need to be there, praying, smiling, encouraging and seeing them through these rough years. We may be weeping now, as we work in the harvest fields, but in the end, we will rejoice, bringing our sheaves with us. All that matters, at the end of it all, is not the fun we had, or the worldly things we indulged in, or the money we earned. What matters is walking through the pearly gates, with the souls of our beloved children following us into heaven.
Mrs. White
Old Fashioned Living - Retirement Planning for the Poor.
Wisdom from Colonial Days - To Earn and Not to Spend.
Taking Care of the Family - A Covered Bridge and Graceful Living in Rural Vermont.
To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -
Learn How To Manage Money on a Small Income, with this helpful book:
- It is an honor to be the bookkeeper for the house! -
Find detailed instruction and inspiration in budgeting on a small income, along with a method for keeping a handwritten ledger, with lots of thrifty ideas, in Mrs.White's book:
-An Old Fashioned Budget: Humble Financial Management for the Christian Housewife.
Paperback, 77 pages.
A wonderful post, Mrs. White! :)
please know you were used by God to blog this. thank you and may i ask for prayer in this direction?
YOU are a treasure!
This post is a keeper, saved in my bloglines. Thank you for a great reminder!
Thank you SO much, Mrs. White! This was a BIG Blessing for me....I will definitely be applying this to my heart and my life!
simply AMEN! Thank you for sharing!
Excellent, biblical advice Mrs. White. Thank you. I need to print this out and post it somewhere as a reminder:)
AMEN!!! Heard my preacher teach almost the same thing last night. Amazing! I need to be reminded I'm not the only one making these tough choices. I'm so encouraged. Thank you!
That was an excellent post full of truth!
Wonderful advice. Thank you.
Mrs. White,
This was SUCH a wonderful post & such a blessing. What wonderful, Godly wisdom here.
Dear Mrs.White,
Once again I am trully blessed and encouraged! I will copy and place this in my journal.You have become a mentor to me, I am humbled by your wisdom!
What a Powerful Post! Thank you for sharing your heart and these truths!!!
I'm blessed and encouraged by this. Thank you so much! God bless you and your family.
Beautiful. I know this is older but I just found your blog. It is very comforting and encouraging. God bless you.
Wonderful. This is such a breath of fresh air these days. : )
I posted an encouragement of your books on my last blog. I have been so slow in blogging lately but did want to mention it to you, I so enjoyed those books!
Blessings to you, Amelia
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