Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Cold House on a Winter Day

I have been reading from the old Little House on the Prairie books. I am amazed by the way they lived in the 1800's. Imagine the house being cold until someone starts a fire in the wood stove.  Modern heat allows  many of us to set a temperature on the dial, to maintain a steady stream of heat throughout the day and night.

In our old colonial house, we have a wood pellet stove. It broke a few nights ago.  Mr. White ordered a replacement part and it should arrive any day. In the meantime, I am thinking about how to keep this home a cozy, inviting place despite the forlorn cold. When we walk in the door from errands, we sense an emptiness.  There is nothing like a warm fire on a winter day, to gladden the heart.  We all miss it.

This morning, it is snowing heavily. I plugged in a portable electric heater to bring us a little warmth. It is in our parlour and should help take off some of the chill.   This house has multiple sources of heat. On the third floor suite, it is always warm.  On part of the first floor is where my parents live. They have a real old fashioned wood stove that doesn't break. We can visit with them at any time for some hot chocolate, to hear stories, and to enjoy the cozy stove.

But I love being in my own section of the house - my parlour and my kitchen. I love to clean and tidy and cook and bake. I enjoy listening to old gospel music by J. D. Sumner and The Kingsmen Quartet, while I work.  I love to sit in my favorite chair, near the window and enjoy my homemaking breaks.

Right now, I am thinking about Ma Ingalls and how she made her home inviting.  The family often battled cold and found ways to bring happiness.  Perhaps I will get my yarn and do a little crocheting this morning.  I can light a candle on the table to bring the impression of a fire and some warmth. I will also do a little cleaning and bake some brownies.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. All my children will come home. I will gather them around our electric heater and serve hot chocolate. Our stories and laughter will warm up the room and create a pleasant memory, while we wait for that stove part to arrive.

Mrs. White

From the Archives -

That extra effort - Making the Morning Pleasant for the Family.

Lovely ideas to create - The Romance of Home.

Essential - The Wife's Job at Home - Doing my Part.

- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


Sherri B. said...

I read the Little House series over and over again. The last one was Farmer Boy and The Long Winter. It is strange how differnt those stories read as an adult. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! xo

Anonymous said...

My mother always said there is nothing like a wood stove for cozy heat. We can't have a wood stove due to insurance concerns, but we do have two wall-mounted propane heaters to supplement our furnace and electric space heaters. It definitely adds a nice coziness to a room!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Laura in AZ said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Mrs. White!

I hope you're warming the house up by doing some holiday baking.

LeAnn said...

Oh, how I love older homes. We once had a older home years ago and it will always be my favorite. Have a warm and cozy Thanksgiving and blessings to you!