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Connie Hultquist (March 1947 - November 2021) |
On November 18, 2021, Mrs. Connie Hultquist passed into Heaven. She was an incredible blessing to all who knew her, both in person, and through her writings.
I have written a short post, on her blog, called "Spiritual Rest" with more information about how her life has impacted so many. I hope you will get a chance to read it. There is also a page on her blog, with some pictures of her house. You can see this on the "Home Tour" tab at her blog. Many of us have read her books and writings over many years and would appreciate seeing her living room, dining room, and kitchen. Her encouragement to just "get into your homemaking," taking care of the home, the family, and doing the baking and cooking, was excellent advice to help us forget about our troubles and just do the precious work before us. Her writing, and her life, blessed hundreds of people all over the world.
Her life of Faith in God will always be a blessed example to others.
I want to share, below, 3 reviews of her book, "Dear Kitchen Saints," which is a compilation of many years of her writing ministry. (She and I worked together to get this book in print.) These readers shared the positive impact the book had on their lives:
"Dear Kitchen Saints" by Mrs. Connie Hultquist
"An inspirational story of a wife who loved her husband and her family through years of suffering and praying for her husband's salvation. Very motivational for homemaking and making pennies stretch."
- Hope, from "Goodreads."
"I have read books that are theological heavyweights on religion, but
this book is a heart heavyweight on a personal relationship with God.
Connie is a rare gem, telling it from her heart. She shares how she got
through all of the things in her life that would destroy most people.
But she got through it because her faith and her relationship with God
carried her through it. She worked hard and wasn't afraid to work hard
to feed her family or make a Christmas for them, the whole time
displaying a love for the Lord. If you want a feel good materialistic
book on Christianity, this is not for you. It is also written the way
she speaks, which for some people might be difficult to understand. But
to me, there is a beauty in being true to who you are and just telling
your story without trying to look good or impress people. She is a sweet
Christian lady, and after reading this book, I am blessed."
- Gayle from "Amazon."
away all the Self Help "How to Be a Good Christian Wife Books." This is
all you will ever need. I have known Connie for a decade. She is the
real deal. She walked the walk and believed and God blessed her for her
faithfulness. She is a salt of the earth - what you see is who she is
kinda gal. She is a good friend in the best of times. In the darkest
hour of my marriage she was a rock and always -always points you to
Jesus. I have my own marriage miracle now and I thank God every day. I
am also thankful to Connie for her obedience to the Lord. She is such a
phenomenal mentor to so many young and not so young Christian wives
with less than perfect marriages."
- J. Johnson from "Amazon."
Connie has a wonderful, loving family who will greatly miss her. She was truly a virtuous woman, strong in the faith, and an example of following God, reaping the wonderful rewards He bestows on His beloved children.
She has earned her rest and is now forever with the Lord.
Mrs. White
From the Archives -
Always Remember - The House Comes First.
Happiness in Marriage - Serving Mister.
The Greatest Use of Mother's Time - A Humble Parlour as a School of Theology.
Your tribute was lovely and I enjoyed seeing inside of her home. Thank you for the post letting us know of Connie's passing.
"...and just do the precious work before us."
What a wonderful life. I had not heard of her before this post, but I am going to follow your link to read more.
Good morning Mrs. White~ Thank you for posting this. Connie has been an inspiration to me many times when I needed it so deeply. She has been on my mind for a few months. May God bless you and grant you peace for the loss of your dear friend. You have spoken in the past your help you provided her, hugs to you. And thank you on be half of all of us that have looked to her for inspiration. ~Mrs Dee Peterson
Mrs White, Thank you for sharing this -- I had no idea that she went home to be with Jesus. I would be reminded of her testimony when things were hard -- wow, she was just an amazing woman of God! Thank you for sharing her writings. I need to buy all her books now! She is with her Savior and husband now.
Thank you for posting this. This news has left me feeling very sad, for myself as well as for all the ladies that so need to hear what she had to say. It is hard to realize that she has actually left this earth and gone on to heaven. I read her writings and testimony many years ago. She will be missed, but I am glad she is now with her Savior! <3
Where would I start?? I met Connie in 1972, when she babysat for my daughter. she asked me if i was saved. i said, my parents go to church.smile. shortly after that, she called me one evening and asked me to go with her to visit a friend. i did and around 11:00 that night, connie led me to the Lord and we became best friends for life. Their are no words to discribe Connie, she was truly one of a kind. She taught me to love my husband and my children and to love my home. The three most important treaures in life. I was with her alot in her last days here on earth. The day she passed, her son, Danny had a baby girl that same day. One of God's best passed alittle after midnight nov.18th, 2021. I have a huge hole in my heart. God Bless all that knew her or was inspired by her life. She was REAL !! love to all, Jill Jencks
She had that true personal relationship with Christ...A personal relationship. That says it all. What a beautiful lady, I would have loved to have known about her blog. Thank you for sharing a beautiful life for Christ lived well, the real deal. Oh that we would have more women like this. I look forward to reading her writings, it sounds like just what the doctor would order for many of us in the encouragement department. We were just listening to the Steve Green song today, 'Find us Faithful'.
Very good tribute. I am in the process of buying every single book of yours. I already have one and I enjoyed it so much. I love all things homemaking, marriage and child rearing. I blog at our family blog at 4dfarms.blogspot.com
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