Friday, May 31, 2024

Taking Care of the Family

A farm near Mrs. White's home in Vermont.

I had my plans all ready for the week.  There was to be a spring concert at school featuring four of my grandchildren.  I have not missed a single one of their events since the oldest started kindergarten. It is such a joy to see them and be there for them. The night before the event, a special medical appointment came through for my son.  I quickly phoned my daughter to let her know that I would not be able to attend the concert. She understood.  The children would understand. Normally I would have been disappointed but because of the circumstances, it was a blessing to have the patient get his appointment. The doctor later told us she was fitting in "critical patients" on this day.  We were grateful to be one of them. 

As we were driving along the interstate to get to the hospital, a rock hit my windshield and cracked it.  I knew it needed to be replaced as soon as possible.  We were safe to continue driving for the time being. I did not want to worry about the cost of repairs (our insurance is minimal). I knew that the Lord would always provide for our needs. He enables us to do His work and provides the way.  Then I remembered something Dr. Charles Stanley said in one of his sermons. He was describing how to respond when we face an unexpected situation. He would pray, with great respect, "What are you up to, Lord?"  I started to wonder if the Lord had this happen because someone at the glass repair shop needed someone to come in to encourage them. I thought how important it is to walk so close to the Lord that His love, comfort, goodness, and peace would shine through to those around us.  If I thought about it in this way, getting the windshield fixed would be just another work the Lord needed me to do. 

We received news that surgery * needed to be scheduled for next week.  We will head back to the hospital for this and make sure our patient gets wonderful care and rest. I will need to make a list of special food for the recovering patient. I hope I can find a few things to cheer him along as he goes through these hard days with his ongoing medical condition.  One of the things we definitely decided was to get paper plates to make things easier in the kitchen for a little while! 

I will do as much housework as I can, each day. I am behind on bread baking and hope I can get that started in just a few minutes.  I will be here for the children and grandchildren. I will make sure my husband is comfortable and rested as we both tend to the duties of home and family life.  And, when those unexpected moments come, which take us away from our ordinary routines, I will remember to pray for peace and strength and joy as I do the precious work of taking care of the family.


Mrs. White


From the Archives -

Peaceful living From the Old Days - Sunday Driver. 

Old Time Manners - Waiting for the Door to Be Opened.  

Living on a Small Income - Standard of Living


  - To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


Find Home-keeping Inspiration, in Mrs.White's book - For The Love of Christian Homemaking.  


Paperback, 274 pages.




Martha Jane Orlando said...

We can't always fathom why things happen, but when we trust in God, we can rest in the peace only He can offer. Praying for you all and your son!

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Thank you the encouragement to look at difficulties as opportunities to do the Lord's work. Romans 8:22-26

Debbie said...

What a lovely way of thinking of life's they might lead to blessing someone else. I hope all goes well with the upcoming surgery.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Holding your family in prayer, dear one, and thanking the Lord now for what He has already provided, and all He will provide in future, knowing He shall supply every need according to His riches in glory, and because of His deep love for your son and your family. xx

Linda said...

I've always loved your spirit, and how you look to see how God is working or what he requires you to do in each and every situation. You truly are an encouragement to me :) p.s I tried to donate to the surgery fund but it would not allow it from my country :( I will pray for your son anyway. Many blessings to you and your family ~ Linda

Anonymous said...

Thank you I needed this reminder.

Amelia said...

It is very true, many things are God leading us in specific ways, even offenses of mean-sprited people who even masquerade as Christians but their fruits are otherwise. There is such a sweet release when these things happen many times although our hearts are so hurt. We *know* the Lord is leading and allowed the offense or mishap no matter how unfair or how powerful the gaslighting is, God is the Revealer.

Once we met the sweetest little man in the little old town we are near...Our tire was flat when our four little girls were small and it was me by myself...I stopped at his little tire place there since the 40s. That crippled little man became the most precious friend. He has since gone to be with the Lord but I think about sweet Mr. Meador often, an angel.

Praying for the surgery and travels. I understand, my husband has had two lately and our second born adult daughter just went through an 8 hour surgery last week.

God is with us. ~Amelia

Jen said...

Mrs White, Thank you for sharing your life with us. I am always comforted and encouraged by your posts. Especially now as I am also going through a similar season, helping my adult daughter work through health problems and dietary needs. I know yours is worse, and I am praying for all of you. Health issues affect the whole family really. Others have different problems, it's all difficult. God has a plan so wonderful we can't even imagine. I am so happy and praise Him that you were able to get your son his care sooner.I have been feeling so comforted and blessed by praying for all my Christian brothers and sisters. It keeps me humble and reminds me we are all walking the way together even though I'm sitting here in my kitchen and you in yours. It won't be long now till He rescues us from this dark world, we will hang on together. God Bless you and all of our Christian families.