Friday, December 29, 2023

Giveaway Winners and Advice from a Maid

Mrs. White's video about cleaning.


The winners for the homemaking book giveaway have been randomly selected.  There were four winners.  They have already been contacted. Each winner will receive one paperback copy of "Homemaking for Happiness: Wonderful Days at Home."

The winners are:  Mama Z, Jenny, B.Overby, and Belinda.  

Thank you to everyone who entered. It was a blessing to read all the entries about Christmas!

 Advice from a Maid:

I did a video last month about cleaning.  About 40 years ago, before I was married, I worked as a maid.  I share some helpful advice about deep cleaning the house in 2 hours. I hope this helps.

Here is a direct link to that video in case you wanted to watch:

I am still working on improving the quality of the videos and am currently working on the lighting issues.

Suggestions Wanted:

I would like to know if you have any topic requests for future videos?  Some have suggested more videos on saving money, frugal homemaking, and cleaning.  Is there anything specific you would like me to do a video about?  

Thank you for being here! I am grateful for your encouragement!

May this coming New Year be happy and peaceful.


Mrs. White


From the Archives -

Training Children - Nobody Wants to Clean a Messy House.

 Motivation and Cheer to Do the Work - Housekeeping - with a Will

Practical Help for the Homemaker - The House Comes First. 


- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


Learn How To Manage Money on a Small Income, with this helpful book:

- It is an honor to be the bookkeeper for the house! - 

Find detailed instruction and inspiration in budgeting on a small income, along with a method for keeping a handwritten ledger, with lots of thrifty ideas, in Mrs.White's book:

 -An Old Fashioned Budget: Humble Financial Management for the Christian Housewife

 Paperback, 77 pages.




Elizabethd said...

I do enjoy watching your videos, Mrs White. Thank you so much for taking the time to produce them.

Debbie said...

Good morning Mrs. White :)
I'm looking forward to this video. For future topics, I love all the homemaking videos - finance, homemaking, what you do with the grand babies for a day, menu making, etc.

Thank you for sharing your life :)

Blessings for the new year!

Belinda said...

I'm off to watch your new video. I am always open to ideas about frugal living especially with all the inflation we experienced this year in certain areas of our budgets like groceries. I hope you have a wonderful new year and thank you again so much for the contest. :)

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Congratulations to the winners!
I am so very blessed to be able to afford a cleaning woman who comes in once a month for a thorough house cleaning. It makes it so easy to just keep things neat and straight between her visits. I do enjoy all your tips, Mrs. White.

Linda said...

Congratulations to the winners! - Linda

KatieL said...

Mrs. White:

I am a homemaker with significant arthritis who would still like to maintain a clean, tidy home. You have mentioned in the past that you have chronic health problems. I would welcome a video on your tips to be a good homemaker when one’s energy/health is not the best.

Happy New Year!

Jaime Knox said...

I have started a House Account based on your book An Old-Fashioned Budget. This is taking a bit of a mind-switch from keeping a checkbook register to keeping a House Account. I would love to see more videos on the topic of budgeting and keeping accounts.

Billie Jo said...

Hello, Mrs. White! Thank you for the video. I am excited to watch it. I would love to see some videos of a day in your life! Happy and Blessed New Year to you.

Wanda said...

I'm reminded of the scripture of us older women teaching the younger ones how to love their husbands, raise their children and be keepers of the home.

You are the perfect example.

Congratulations to the winners.

Sending blessing for the New Year.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Mrs. White!
I'd love to hear your thoughts on managing internet time/usage and some of the ways you manage that.
God Bless You!

Amelia said...

Your videos are always so very sweet, I appreciate you.

I linked to your blog and quoted a small paragraph from your Homemaking book on my recent entry. Just wanted to let you how well thought of you are! : )

Blessings, ~Amelia

Gabrielle said...

I don't know if it would be possible but I'd love to see some videos on making things beautiful, such as a pretty tablecloth and a wildflower vase, or soft blowing curtains, little things that make the day special and more beautiful. Also, anything about children. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

My NYE resolution was to locate people which speak towards elegance as well as clean my home better. I would say, I have been blessed already in which to service others with encouragement and locating ladies as yourself. God is good. I just signed up for your newsletter. I try to remain anonymous on the web as I have been stalked before and it is no fun. I have never thought locating elegant people would be so much fun and I am so happy to be adding you to my list for the new year!!

Looking forward in learning from you and the comment section!