The BBC created a documentary type program called "The 1940's House." It is about a family who moved into a house from the 1940's -era and had to live like they did during that time. Several years ago, we taped this off of the television. I like to watch it once a year. It really helps me understand what standard- of -living really means, in this spoiled society. I need the wake-up- call every so often!
What I have been thinking about is how the Mother on this program, after she went back to her normal life, began shopping daily for her food. I started doing this myself for two reasons:
1. I have to go out anyway.
2. If I stock up for a week, everyone eats it all in just a few days (teenagers, you know!) So it is better to just get what we need for the day.
It seems special to think about what I want in the morning and then go out to buy those few items. In a biography of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy (the American legend, and Mother of former President J. F. K), she decided her meals in the morning and gave her order to the staff. I love it! Did you know that she also went to church (mass) every single morning of her entire life?
Another thing that I think is precious about the 1940's house is how classy the ladies looked. No matter how poor they were (temporary because of the war), they still looked as nicely as they could. They invented ways of washing their faces (without expensive soaps), and dressed in their best when going out. They even looked darling at home doing housework!
I honestly believe I do not accomplish enough in a day. Watching this show, you see them working so much around the house and garden. I need to work harder here at home as well. I will write more about this (housework) in an upcoming post. I have this wonderful book that I will refer to. It is entertaining.
Mrs. White
A chilly Hodgepodge
8 minutes ago
Sounds like something I wished I could watch. Only without a tv one is stuck. Also, I didn't write down the 20 things I did yesterday. Maybe I'll go do that now before I hear the sounds of mom. Again!!
Tricia, you are hysterical!
Mrs. White
Mrs. White,
I love this post. Wish I could watch it too!!
I just went to Netflix and was able to request the DVD's! ) Should be in the mail soon! ) YAY! I loved the Frontier House show. I still think about it often.
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