Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Light of a Little Tree at Christmas

Christmas Past: The front grounds of our property in December of 2016.

At this time of year, just before Thanksgiving, my husband begins the process of setting up the Christmas lights at our 1850's property, here in Vermont.

A couple of days ago, after he recovered from a recent illness, I saw him fixing up our artificial tree.  It is an outdoor tree that we keep on the front grounds during the winter months.

He will set up the tree in the midst of our large 50 foot trees at the front of the property. This gives it such a charming, old time feeling of Christmas cheer.  Those who see the light of the little tree, as they drive by, are delighted by the warmth and beauty with thoughts of home.

One December, in 2018, we had an incredible storm.  After it was calm, my husband went out and captured a photograph of the scenery.  A picture of this is below:


Photograph by Mr. White: Snowstorm in the evening, December 2018.

To have this little tree is my favorite part of winter.  Once my husband sets it up, it remains outdoors for the entire season because the frigid air, the ice, and the packed snow will stay for months. This makes it nearly impossible for him to take down the lights until spring has arrived. 

I am hoping he will have all the work finished by Thanksgiving. At the end of that day, after the sun has set, my husband will come and find me somewhere in the house. He will take my hand and guide me to the front window of the second floor and he will say, "There is your tree."  And I will see the beautiful lights and I will smile. 


Mrs. White


From the Archives - 

Lessons from my Childhood - Manners Learned at the Finishing School.

Motivation and Cheer to Do the Work - Housekeeping - with a Will.

Old Fashioned Thrift in Hard Times - A New England Winter on a Small Income.

- To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -


For happiness and cheer in the kitchen:

Mrs. White's old fashioned cookbook focuses on serving meals and setting the table in a humble home.

"Serving in the Kitchen: Cookbook with Recipes, Advice, and Encouragement for the Christian Home"

152 pages, paperback


Marsha said...

PRECIOUS Tradtion! Happy THANKSGIVING dear one!

Elizabethd said...

Oh, how perfectly lovely, Mrs White. What a joy to see that pretty little tree!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

That little tree emanates big cheer, Mrs. White. What a special tradition that you celebrate!

Marianne said...

What a lovely tradition and i feel sure the glow of the little tree brings charm and cheer on cold, snowed in days. Have a blessed and thankful Thanksgiving!
From your friend in Alabama

Deanna said...


Kathy Jackson said...

Precious little tree…which creates precious little memories! Thank you for sharing your life with us! said...

So cozy. Hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. White,
Thank you for your lovely story of your husband and the little tree. The view of the little tree amidst the snow-covered giant trees is sweet indeed.

Amelia said...

Oh, that is so very beautiful! I just showed my husband, last year he started a tradition putting up a large Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus in the manger in a stable on the street, it's all lit up for everyone to see. Since we too live in the country it's a treat for folks to see. So now my husband needs to join your husband in putting up his Christmas decoration! : ) It's time! I put up several little trees up today, one 4 ft., a couple of 18 inch ones just lit up coupled with fall leaves and fall things already up. It makes me so happy, it's like a cozy tea or coffee house. I also have our "It's a Wonderful Life" lit up houses up too...I leave those up pretty much year round because it brings such joy. Enjoyed reading how your husband takes your hand and shows you, your tree! A true labor of love. : ) Thank you for sharing the Beauty.

Blessings to you Mrs. White! ~Amelia

Wanda said...

I'm smiling too.