Thursday, February 15, 2024

News from Home

The parlour table at Mrs. White's home in Vermont.

We just returned home from a medical trip. This was a long, overnight, journey into the next state. It has been bitterly cold outside. The temperature was 10 degrees and it was windy. It makes one extra tired to be out in such weather. Yet, the view of snow and the quiet of the scenery is lovely.

Often the stress of worrying about health issues can make things more difficult. I am looking forward to peaceful days at home as I rest and recover before I am needed again. We have been given another appointment for some tests which will happen very soon, before the end of this month. This will require another overnight trip. We will make the best of it and do what is necessary.

Just before we left on this journey, one of my grown daughters gave me a little bouquet of white roses.  I was so surprised and very thankful.  They have not lasted very long, but I am enjoying their beauty, at our parlour table, before they completely fade away. The flowers make me smile with a grateful heart.

I recently read a book by Janette Oke. I had never read any of her books before. This one was published by Bethany House with a publication date of 1992. It is called, The Measure of a Heart. It is a lovely Christian story that I enjoyed so much. I wonder why I never even thought of reading her stories?  I hope I can get more.

There are many things going on within our extended family that require prayer and support.  Much of it is health related.  I may have to make a sudden trip to my home state sometime this year. But I must not worry.  I need to go through life at a calm and steady pace, taking my direction from the dear Lord. He will provide me with a quiet heart and a sense of peace as He walks me through the daily work.  I am not alone. I am blessed.  

I have been very busy, in spare moments, doing book projects and making videos. But now I am tired. I don't know when I will do any of that again.  It is as if the Lord has said for me to have a time of rest and build up my strength for what lies ahead.  I am content with that and will find joy in simple living and gentle homemaking.

My heart is at peace. All is well.


Mrs. White

From the Archives -

God's precious care of our lives (and a story about Mrs. Charles Spurgeon) - All of God's Children Have Shoes.

Lessons from my Childhood - Manners Learned at the Finishing School.

Serenity in the Midst of Sadness - The Shabby Garden.



 - To find out more about this blog, or Mrs. White, please visit our About page. -

For happiness and cheer in the kitchen:

Mrs. White's old fashioned cookbook focuses on serving meals and setting the table in a humble home.

"Serving in the Kitchen: Cookbook with Recipes, Advice, and Encouragement for the Christian Home"

152 pages, paperback




Anonymous said...

Praying for you, Mrs. White.
God bless, Kathy in Illinois

Glenda said...

Dear Mrs. White,
I just sat down for a rest break. I am 74 and have several chronic health conditions. When I read your books, I find such comfort in how you work with your health issues.
I am almost finished reading, House Keeping in Hard Times. I ordered it the day it was released. I want to thank you for the books you write and publish. I have all of your books and re-read them frequently. They bring such peace and love for home through every word.
Please rest. I will look forward to your next book, after you have had all the time you need to recuperate, rest and take care of your family. May God bless you abundantly.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

My husband went through a true health scare about three weeks ago, so we are still reeling from that. If it weren't for God's presence and peace through it all, I know we would be in far worse shape at the moment.
Hoping and praying all your medical tests went well, Mrs. White.

Kim H said...

Dear Mrs White and Ladies,
How glad I am every time I see your posts:). I am mainly home with a long term illness, and you cant imagine how your posts, and comments from the ladies, means to me. Learning to temper my own fears and frustration helps my family so much in our current situation. I find that my attitude sets the tone:). Thank you for showing simple photos of your home and the lovely little touches that you focus on. The beauty of the roses or the snow out the window makes me happy, too! I am also enjoying your videos and the new book! Might you consider a book on the topics of your posts regarding illness and how you’ve approached all the adjustments needed. I refer back to these posts when trying to consider how I can make things easier for my family. As I am also the homemaker, my illness has not quenched my desire to make our home light and comfortable:). Thank you as always. Your ministry is much valued! Sending warm thoughts to you:).

Sandi said...

"But I must not worry. I need to go through life at a calm and steady pace, taking my direction from the dear Lord. He will provide me with a quiet heart and a sense of peace as He walks me through the daily work. I am not alone. I am blessed. "

Thank you for this. God bless you.

Sallie Borrink said...

I'm glad you had a good trip and are home again safely. Traveling in the snowy winter can be quite the experience! May the Lord bless you with good rest and peace.


Kim H said...

P.S.- I had overlooked Housekeeping in Hard Times, so thank you for the Kindle version! Was able to look at it right away:).

Deanna said...

God bless you!

Amelia said...

Hello Mrs. White, I can relate to so much of what you wrote here, we too are going through a trial, My mom broke her hip and has dementia on top of it...Many facets going on. God has gone before us though even though days have been difficult, He gives that Peace. It's truly important to take that Rest in Him.

Have a sweet day, you are appreciated. ~Amelia

Lisa from Indiana said...

I have recently been listening to the audiobooks of Janette Oke called "Once Upon a Summer", "The Winds of Autumn", "Winter is Not Forever", and "Spring's Gentle Promise". They are Christian stories and I love them.

Elizabeth A. said...

Mrs. White, I am always encouraged and inspired by your example of humble faith and trust in the Lord’s provision, no matter the circumstances. I will continue to pray for you and your family’s health issues. I so appreciate reading your books and blog posts and also look forward to seeking out Janette Oke’s books. God bless you and your family!

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Right now I'm sending a hug to you and prayer to God for you and your family.
Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

Holly said...

Dear Mrs. White,
I send you my best wishes for health and happiness. I am so enjoying your new book that I purchased by kindle. I would be so pleased to purchase more of your books if they were for kindle. Your writings and topics never fail to uplift and encourage us. You are a kind and good person and I am thinking of you often. Sending hugs and courage to you.Holly