Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Evening Hour at Home

Tuscan Farm House

The house is dim and quiet. I am doing some dishes and getting things tidied up for a peaceful night. I am listening to gospel music and enjoying my housework.  The stove is roaring and cozy in the living room. I will sit in a comfortable chair and rest for a bit. Then I will finish some laundry and cleaning projects.

I would like to bake a special treat for the family to enjoy. It will either be a cake or some cookies.  I think a cake will be easier. I have a vanilla cake mix and some vanilla frosting for a nice change of pace. This is a favorite flavor for some of the men in the family.

Our kitchen is very dim. Our overhead light is blown out. We will not bother to replace it any time soon. I am using a small light above my stove for now. The fun part is getting all my heavy cleaning and cooking finished before the sun sets. Otherwise it is too dark in there to accomplish much. My dimly lit kitchen reminds me of the old days. People would work from sun-up to sun-down. Then they would rest and read by lamp-light. It was quieter in those day. When lights are bright, it makes home a little too "noisy" for me.  I like the soft, gentle light on a cold winter night.

As soon as I finish my work,  I will rest content, knowing my labors of the day were well done.

Mrs. White

What happens when I am Not in the Mood to Keep House.

Vintage advice for Housewives from 1894.

The Maid was Here - Me!

Homeschooling - Books - Oxford - Reading Lists - and Swagbucks

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paulawannacracker said...

You're an inspiration Mrs. White. You paint a lovely picture of your home life. I could certainly learn alot from you.

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

I prefer lamps and candlelight for the same reasons. I do not like overhead lights unless I actually need them for something I'm working on.