Book - One Thousand Gifts - A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp
Publisher - Zondervan
I've seen bloggers sharing their lists of gifts all over the internet. They are writing about what they are thankful for. I have been fascinated by this but didn't know what it was all about. I've seen Ann's blog, A Holy Experience. It is a beautiful place. Her pictures and style of writing is captivating. This is the foundation of her new book, One Thousand Gifts.
In the beginning of the book we read about some of her background - what has caused her so much pain. Her purpose in sharing is to help us understand that she, and all of humanity are broken. We need thankfulness to God in order to heal and become whole. Throughout the book, we read a little of her daily life as if she is thinking while she writes - while she keeps house and cares for the family. We get a sweet glimpse into her poetic heart.
She describes her list. Somehow, in the story, she has begun a list of things she is thankful for. She says:
"That is the beginning and I smile. I can't believe how I smile. I mean, they are just common things and maybe I don't even know they are gifts really until I write them down and that is really what they look like. Gifts He bestows. This writing it down - it is sort of like. . . unwrapping love."
There are two very important things we need to grasp in our culture. 1. We need to understand that we all suffer in this life, and there is none righteous. 2. We need to depend on God for all things.
Ann does a marvelous job explaining this through her poetic words. I do have to say, however, that some of what she says went way over my head. I had to read this very slowly. Her writing seems to haunt and causes one to think for days.
There were also portions that I could not grasp - some seemed to remind me of Catholicism and some of it, particularly in the last chapter, was about an intimate love with God that I could not understand. Overall, however, this is a tremendous book that has captured the attention of many readers. It can transform lives and stop us in our worldly tracks.
One thing I have learned in my own life is how to thank God in the midst of trials. I am not necessarily thanking Him for the actual trials, but for everything. This distracts me from earthly cares and draws me close to Him for comfort and peace. It is similar to suffering physical pain and you forget to breathe. The breathing helps to calm you. My gratitude to God during painful events helps me to endure and to heal. I was reminded of this as I read Ann's book. Our thanksgiving and gratefulness is one of the most important lessons we can ever learn.
The Giveaway
Would you like a chance to win your very own copy of One Thousand Gifts? I have 3 copies to give away. Each of the three winners will receive one copy of Ann's book. To enter, all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me something you are thankful for.
Three random winners we be selected on Thursday, March 31, 2011. (U.S. Entries only.) If I am unable to reach the winners within 48 hours, alternate winners will be selected. Your entry is only valid if you include a way for me to contact you.
This contest is closed. The winners are:
Michelle Smith
Julie Breshears
Pebblekeeper ~ Angie
*Disclosure - I received a copy of this book from the publisher for Review purposes*
To find out more about my commercial breaks, please see my disclosure page.
4 hours ago